
Thursday 4 March 2004

Do you know what a sesquipedalian. is?

I do!
Have a guess before looking it up, you'll not get it, I swear....
I've fallen more and more in love with FireFox, it just keeps getting better as I use it, and to think my excuse for not using it before was that it's too much of a hassle copying bookmarks over....
Yes, I am silly...
But it's so gooood, and updated nightly too, it's an uber-geeks dream come true!
Heck, right now I'm using one of it's many useful extensions to update this very journal, all I gotta do is go to tools>Deepest Sender and I can update away with ease, and since it's not IE, it doesn't crash all the time or anything! /me is in love....again.
Btw, Aparantly "Deepest Sender" is an anagram of something, anyone know what?
Oh, and lets see here, onto my day. It sucked. a lot.
You see, past few days my brother has been really annoying me. Yesterday, every 5mins, he kept coming into the room and bitching at me about stuff, then started the usual "I want a go, I want a go!!" Fuck, he's like a little kid! (No offense to any little kids out there who likely have more intelligence than he does) So I basically told him that he couldn't because I was busy with stuff, and so he just started arguing more and more and generally pissed me off.
Then came this morning, I woke up at about  7:40 (I leave for school at 8:20) so I went on the computer, as I usually do. 7:50 came, and despite the fact that he was awake from around 7am, he decided he wanted to look something up there and then, while I was in the middle of doing something, so I told him off for being a tard but went and did what he wanted anyway.
At 8:20, I headed for the door, on the way out I asked my dad if he had any spare cash as I had nothing to eat for my lunch, he mentioned something to me about how I must have spent all mine on crap, I said "no, just people keep borrowing money from me and don't give it back" (Which is true, as I'm sure I've ranted about it here before somewhere) and my brother just jumps in and licks up my dads arse going "Well you must have spent it on crap"so I just said "John Paul, get your head out of Dad's ass" and he freaked  out, heh heh, fucker deserves it, he hasn't changed a bit since I can remember, he always used to annoy the fuck out of me when he was living with us before, I even tried running away a couple of times just because of him, thankfully, someone always found me and brought me back. Eventually, that was too much for my dad as JP was always in trouble and getting in shit whereas I was a good little lad, and my dad just cracked one day and kicked JP out, that's why he was living with my mum. Ah, memories. Anyway, he's back again since my mum kicked him out at Christmas (Go look back on it to read all about it) and I really do regret getting him out of Prison, I thought he might have changed over the years, but aparantly not...
God, that little ramble threw me off, back to my day. School wasn't anything special, had a biology test which I was seriously worried about, but it went ok, it helps when the teacher leaves the room and you're sitting about 1m (That's one metre, or about 3 "and a bit" feet to you pissy americans) from one of the smartest people in the class :D
So, I came home, went on the computer, and despite the fact that he's been here all day, JP wanted on as SOON as I sat down. I told him where to go. So me and Michelle went to try a game she sent me (1nsane) and my brother came back, and REALLY got on my back, was the usual a -million-and-one questions thing "What's that?, what's this do?, can I have a go?, why wont you give me a go? why didn't you do this? why didn't you do that?" and so forth and I just kinda snapped at him and let lose. He just got up and walked away, I guess he wasn't expecting it as I never stood up to him when I was younger, but now I don't take shit from him, I PASSED my GCSE's, he didn't, I'm continuing on at school, he's not, I have basic intelligence, he doesn't, I feel I have the right to not let him push me around any more, so I'll be fucked if I just sit back and take it like before, not me, not any more.

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