
Monday 22 March 2004

Work experience

Yeah...."work" experience....
I did less at "work" than I do at home...
Seriously, I did NOTHING until about er..14:00 and then all I had to do was walk around with some cool guy (who told me about a cool way to hide porn) while he replaced some toner and ink cartridges....
And according to him, that was actually a large amount of work for a monday, for any day in fact...
I'm gonna like it in this place.
Although, it does kinda bother me since this one place handles all of the ICT stuff for my City's council, and then some, yet nobody actually DOES anything, I was taken on a tour of the place, through all the departments, and not once did I actually see anyone do much.
What's good tho is they're all like me, all big geek type people, even the old ones.
Heck, one of the older guys was the one showing me around, and he showed me the servers they have, he said they have 93 servers, all doing different things. Then he said they actually had 94 servers, but the extra one didn't exist on paper, it just "backed up" Mp3's....
Heck, they ALL take 2 hour lunches just because they can, since they use "Flextime" which basically says make sure you're there between 10:00 - 12:00  and between 14:00 - 16:00 and you can do whatever the hell you want at any other time. Damn this place is fun.
I wonder if I can get a proper Job out of it at the end since it seems like this place was made for me.....

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