
Sunday 28 March 2004


today was actually pretty good, SHE begaved herself and it went pretty well :)
All in all, a good birthday was had.
And what did I do on this birthday? Why, what everyone does....learn how to use Flash. of course.
I made this :)
Tell me what you think, cuz flash is really easy to use and I really like working with it.
I'll update more tomorrow, time is running out:P

Saturday 27 March 2004


I....have to say.....I'm....shocked....
See, for those of you that are STILL unaware of it, today is my Birthday :)
I am not 17 years old :D
Kinda scary, getting older and all, but this year has been so different already and this birthday was no exception.
Jfkfhhfj, ToXiN, Grendies, Nozzy, Kresin, Kanis and even RenX got together and made me a kick ass flash thing. Ok, so jfk did most of the work and ToX supplied the pr0n while the rest just left a simple message in it, but still, it was great and really made me feel great :D
Guys, you're all great, and I'm happy to have you all as my friends :)
Same to the rest of you that wished me Happy Birthday, like Sciboy and all the others I can't remember, you're all great!
Seriously, due to the fact that HER birthday is today as well (I shit you not, she really does share the same Birthday as me) I was actually really expecting to have a shit Birthday, like last year and the year before that, but you guys, all of've made it the best Birthday I've ever had...really :)
I really can't put it into words, I wasn't expecting anything quite like that at all, and it means a lot to me....

Thursday 25 March 2004


Today was "a bollocks" as Andy described it.(Andy is the guy in charge of me at "work" Basically, I was going on a proper course thing for the work experience, but 2 extra people showed up so they didn't have space for "the student" which basically meant I spent the morning in the canteen and Andy just told me to go home at about 2 since it was pointless me being there. Although, he's pretty pissed about it, and i can sorta see why since a lot of the things he had planned for me during my week there went to hell and that fucked him over pretty bad , So in short, he's pissed at a few managers and couldn't stop apologizing to me. I didn't mind, I've enjoyed the rest of the week here so far and apparently tomorrow I'm with infrastructure (one of the departments in the place) and they supposedly do interesting stuff. Or so they all say.
Oh and to those of you who don't know, there's a special occasion on Sunday, if you don't know what it is, post a comment. Those of you who DO know, don't give it away, I wanna see how many don't actually know :P

Wednesday 24 March 2004


Today was actually pretty boring, even at "work". See, someone died or didn't come in or something to day, so I basically say in the canteen the whole morning as they had nothing to do for me.
Although, tomorrow, they are taking me on an official proper course thing, Microsoft certified and all, so that'll mean I actually have to DO stuff ¬_¬
Ah well, anyhoo, me go sleepies

Tuesday 23 March 2004

You know, I always thought that buildings full of insane people would be white...

And I haven't once seen a white coat walking about either....
Today was more interesting than yesterday, the more people I meet at the place, the more I seem "normal", it's scary :S
So what did I do? Well, for the morning, I pissed about with this cool map thingy they're building, its really detailed and you can zoom in pretty close.
I even found my house (Ignore the extra green, despite what Nozzy may believe, everything in Ireland isn't green, that's just cuz it's a low quality *.jpeg):

Can anyone guess which house it is?
For the afternoon after my  2 hour lunch I sat around...and talked to some people. They were all cool, first one was Jill, a web design student person, fairly normal, and she taught me a few cool things to do in Photoshop as well as a bit of Flash that will come in handy :D
Next up guy, I can't remember his name, but he programmed for an Oracle Database of some sort. Well, that's what he's meant to do, he actually sits there snooping around ebay most of the time.. After him came this woman, who's name I also can't remember, I think it was carol tho, but anyway, she was crazy. See, most of the people on this floor had 2 monitors since they did a lot of design work in Photoshop and stuff, but she didn't. So what does she do to make up for it? She has a second mouse. Yes, she has 2 Mice plugged in, but they both control the same pointer, which is bloddy confusing. But most of her day consists of playing "Mouse wars" with someone else, where basically there's 2 icons and you just gotta click your one, but the other person has to click the other icon using the second mouse, 2 Icons + 2 Mice + only one cursor = crazy office antics.
I gotta get a Job here.

Monday 22 March 2004

Work experience

Yeah...."work" experience....
I did less at "work" than I do at home...
Seriously, I did NOTHING until about er..14:00 and then all I had to do was walk around with some cool guy (who told me about a cool way to hide porn) while he replaced some toner and ink cartridges....
And according to him, that was actually a large amount of work for a monday, for any day in fact...
I'm gonna like it in this place.
Although, it does kinda bother me since this one place handles all of the ICT stuff for my City's council, and then some, yet nobody actually DOES anything, I was taken on a tour of the place, through all the departments, and not once did I actually see anyone do much.
What's good tho is they're all like me, all big geek type people, even the old ones.
Heck, one of the older guys was the one showing me around, and he showed me the servers they have, he said they have 93 servers, all doing different things. Then he said they actually had 94 servers, but the extra one didn't exist on paper, it just "backed up" Mp3's....
Heck, they ALL take 2 hour lunches just because they can, since they use "Flextime" which basically says make sure you're there between 10:00 - 12:00  and between 14:00 - 16:00 and you can do whatever the hell you want at any other time. Damn this place is fun.
I wonder if I can get a proper Job out of it at the end since it seems like this place was made for me.....

Friday 19 March 2004

Worst case Scenario no. 73: Banning of bog roll

Today was a mixture of emotions I guess, school was boring and not a lot happened, especially since it's our last day for a week and all.
Oh and Doc Bob is being extra nice to us as aparantly this years field trip went a lot better than any other previous year, he even let us drink Coffee in class, which is not like him at all.
Ok, so school was uneventful, how nice.
Then some stuff happened when I got home, it was annoying and shit and boring and blah, but then Me and Michelle played Conquest again, and that was cool, as you can see from our game stats I am getting better, a LOT better, in fact, she only beat me on one tiny field, yet that was still enough for her overall score to be bigger than mine¬_¬
Oh well, it was great fun, the AI is bloody good, smart and aggressive and doesn't hang about, if it sees a system, it goes for it right away.
Good shit.
Now I'm off to bed cuz I am seriously nakkered

P.S. As a side note, while typing this I accidently mis-spelled "Previous" as "Pervious". Shows how I think....

Thursday 18 March 2004

Worst case scenario no. 353: The banning of toast

Today was a pretty good day I'd say. Not a lot happened in school as usual, and friday will be my last day for a week or as as we are out on work experience all next week.
I will be going to my local city council's IT department, some big server warehouse aparantly, so that should be sweet. I doubt it will affect my day as I will be there instead of school, but it could still be fun, I'm looking forward to it.
Me and Michelle played more of that game today, I'm getting a lot better at it, it seems, as you can see from our results here.
We also watched an episode of red dwarf together and that was pretty cool, it's a great show, very funny, but it's all the more fun to watch it with someone :)
Oh yea, I found out that "Deepest Sender" is an anagram of "Depressed teen". Kinda Ironic as at times I get really depressed, but then, we all do. Am I a teen? Yes. Am I depressed? No :D Would I be more depressed if I hadn't have met Michelle? Almost certainly :)
Now, I'm off to bed to dream of pervy things ;)

Wednesday 17 March 2004

No, I do NOT use that plastic sword as a least, not on myself.....

Well, Happy St. paddy's day to y'all!
Also known as "Brag if you're Irish day" *looks around* And I don't see many Irish people around other than me, so  GO ME!!!
So lets see here, what did I do today?
Well, me and Michelle spent the last few days trying to download a game, called Conquest: Frontier wars so we played that for a good bit today. We had the Demo of it and it was fun, but th full game is so much more fun, it's a pretty nifty game, I'll put it on bit torrent tomorrow as it's hard to find. I was gonna do it tonight, but I forgot and by the time I remembered it was too late.
As I said, we played for a good bit today, you can see our results here, you can kinda tell she's played before, huh? lol.
But still, it's a good game, if you like RTS games, you should give it a go, it's no Homeworld but it's still good.
My brother was also being oddly nice to me today, even bought me a Pizza for no reason, so it was all good :D
It wasn't to last tho, later on tonight, the Bitchqueenfromhell gave me a bitching session for no reason, but fuck it, I'm not gonna let her get to me, I had a good day today and she almost ruined it and I'm not gonna let her :)

Tuesday 16 March 2004


Well, the Biology field trip went pretty well, can't say I learned a lot, but heck, that's not the point of field trips.
Actually, I did learn stuff, but it's just crap that nobody cares about, like different types of seaweed and the difference between top shells, periwinkles and dog whelks....
The most interesting event was when we caught a fish. Well, 2 fish actually.
Now, in most places, that might not be anything spectacularly amazing, but don't forget, Belfast, the place where I live, is on almost the same latitude as Moscow, so it's pretty frickin' cold here, not as Cold as moscow obviously cuz of the warm coast and the gulf stream and all that other great stuff, but it's cold enough.
SO, what did we do with this rare and exciting find? Well, we did the obvious thing...we stuck a bunch of crabs in with them to see if they would eat them...
Sadly, no blood was spilled, but the crabs did have a go at each other, so a fun time was had by all...except for the crabs....and the fish, who were shit scared of the crabs...
Oh oh oh! But then guess what I found!
Come on, at a beach, what are you likely to find?
I found, of all things, a sword....
Yes, only I am random enough to find a sword.
It was only a cheap plastic toy thing, but the sheer novelty of finding a sword was still there. And apparently it still hurt when you hit someone with it. Or so they said >:D
All in all, it was a good day and could have been a lot worse than it turned out, plus I really Missed Michelle since it's like the longest I've been away from her since like Christmas or something, but meh, I have the rest of my life to spend with her, and that's plenty :)
Now, I gotta go back to that damn beach tomorrow and then to some crappy forest afterward, so I am going to bed.
/me is t3h tir3d Kitty

Sunday 14 March 2004

Why is it that only men with Balls argue with women?

Because the men without balls had them removed the last time they argued with one of them.....
So, lets overview the past few days...
During the week, I had some very bad days indeed, as you can no doubt tell from my previous posts, in fact, pretty much everything bad that could happen in real life actually DID happen, which sucked a lot...
But despite the fact that during the day I had a bad time, by the time I went to bed, I was feeling much much better, and do you know why?
Yup, because of Michelle. She tried her best to make me feel better, and I gotta hand it to her, she did a great Job :)
And this weekend, nothing bad really happened, but she still made me feel great :D
So those of you that STILL have a problem with us, know 2 things, 1, you're an arsehole, and 2, I don't give a fuck, cuz I love her and that's that :)
What else happened this weekend? Erm...sod all, as usual...
Tomorrow I'm going on a Biology field trip. Now, normally that'd be exciting, but it's to a beach, from 9:30 to 10. That's 9:30AM to 10:30PM. Yes they really are keeping us at a beach for over 12 hours¬_¬
Oh well....
It gets better, we have to go BACK to it on tuesday, but not for as long, so it ain't so bad.
I didn't get the Job I was interviewed for, at least, I don't think I did, I was told that a letter came for me (but they opened it and looked anyway) saying I didn't get it, but when I asked to see the letter, my dad just said he threw it nice of him....
Anyhoo, I gotta get up early tomorrow, so screw you people, I'm going to bed.

Wednesday 10 March 2004

I had a....

If you want a hint as to what happened, look bat to december 30th.

Monday 8 March 2004

My brother is more retarded than your brother

Well, the job interview was today, it went pretty well. My brother also had an interview in the same place shortly after me, mainly coincidence, but I have a feeling he wont be getting the Job, and here's why, this is what I overheard:

Interviewer says: "What can you tell me that will prove to me you're a good time keeper?"
He says: "You phone up any one of those other places I've worked for, you phone them up and they'll tell you I'm a shite time keeper"

Yes.....I seem to attract retarded people....
And I wish I was making this up, I really do, I mean, I'm related to him ffs! That's not good...

I'll know how I did in about a week or 2.
For those of you interested in what the Job is, it's in a DIY store, basically sitting around doing not a lot until a customer comes, then I just show them where the nails are or whatever. And occasionally build the odd display piece, but that's a piece of piss...
So enough about me, I'm sick about talking about me, lets talk about suck, lets get back to talking about me...
Actually, lets not, lets go to bed instead, much fun can be had in bed....

Sunday 7 March 2004

You're mother's face is a tesseract!

Ok, what did I do today? absolutely nothing, that's right, sod all, and proud of it, so :P
Ok, so I'll tell you about what Rambo did the other day, in fact, I'll just tell you it as it happened:
Note: Rambo Us

"Er..lads, if you get a lot of email from someone you don't know, is it safe to read it?"
"Well, pretty much as long as you're just reading it and you have AV"
"Right, what if there's a file with it?"
"Do NOT open it under ANY circumstance"
"Ah what if I have then?"
There was silence at this point
"...well, as long as your anti-virus is up to date, you should be ok"
"Oh thats good, I only updated it about 6 months ago"

Yes, he really IS that retarded...
Ok, I got a job interview tomorrow, how fun,...
Means I get out slightly early from school tho as  i wouldn't get to the place on time if I didn't.
Wish me luck!

Saturday 6 March 2004

"My antivirus is up to date, I updated it only 6 months ago..."

Rambo, what a tard.
I'll explain more on that tomorrow, cba typing it out now.
Lets see here, what did I do this weekend? Erm...not a lot, watched some stargate with Michelle, played some games with Michelle, had a wank with M....yself....
Actually, we played a good bit of TS, it was fun, here's the latest:

I have no idea how she got a bigger score than me, but as you can see I pwned totally, and she was still on top too;)
I have a job interview on monday, I think I'll get the job no problem and I'll do 3 or 4 days a week (weekend and 1 or 2 days after school).
By my estimates, that should give me about £300 a month, so in around 3 or 4 months I should have enough to buy myself a fancy kick ass computer :D :D :D
I think I deserve it too.
Now, since so many of you bitched about the big update before, I'll leave it here. And yes, that's just an excuse cuz I'm tired:P

Thursday 4 March 2004

Do you know what a sesquipedalian. is?

I do!
Have a guess before looking it up, you'll not get it, I swear....
I've fallen more and more in love with FireFox, it just keeps getting better as I use it, and to think my excuse for not using it before was that it's too much of a hassle copying bookmarks over....
Yes, I am silly...
But it's so gooood, and updated nightly too, it's an uber-geeks dream come true!
Heck, right now I'm using one of it's many useful extensions to update this very journal, all I gotta do is go to tools>Deepest Sender and I can update away with ease, and since it's not IE, it doesn't crash all the time or anything! /me is in love....again.
Btw, Aparantly "Deepest Sender" is an anagram of something, anyone know what?
Oh, and lets see here, onto my day. It sucked. a lot.
You see, past few days my brother has been really annoying me. Yesterday, every 5mins, he kept coming into the room and bitching at me about stuff, then started the usual "I want a go, I want a go!!" Fuck, he's like a little kid! (No offense to any little kids out there who likely have more intelligence than he does) So I basically told him that he couldn't because I was busy with stuff, and so he just started arguing more and more and generally pissed me off.
Then came this morning, I woke up at about  7:40 (I leave for school at 8:20) so I went on the computer, as I usually do. 7:50 came, and despite the fact that he was awake from around 7am, he decided he wanted to look something up there and then, while I was in the middle of doing something, so I told him off for being a tard but went and did what he wanted anyway.
At 8:20, I headed for the door, on the way out I asked my dad if he had any spare cash as I had nothing to eat for my lunch, he mentioned something to me about how I must have spent all mine on crap, I said "no, just people keep borrowing money from me and don't give it back" (Which is true, as I'm sure I've ranted about it here before somewhere) and my brother just jumps in and licks up my dads arse going "Well you must have spent it on crap"so I just said "John Paul, get your head out of Dad's ass" and he freaked  out, heh heh, fucker deserves it, he hasn't changed a bit since I can remember, he always used to annoy the fuck out of me when he was living with us before, I even tried running away a couple of times just because of him, thankfully, someone always found me and brought me back. Eventually, that was too much for my dad as JP was always in trouble and getting in shit whereas I was a good little lad, and my dad just cracked one day and kicked JP out, that's why he was living with my mum. Ah, memories. Anyway, he's back again since my mum kicked him out at Christmas (Go look back on it to read all about it) and I really do regret getting him out of Prison, I thought he might have changed over the years, but aparantly not...
God, that little ramble threw me off, back to my day. School wasn't anything special, had a biology test which I was seriously worried about, but it went ok, it helps when the teacher leaves the room and you're sitting about 1m (That's one metre, or about 3 "and a bit" feet to you pissy americans) from one of the smartest people in the class :D
So, I came home, went on the computer, and despite the fact that he's been here all day, JP wanted on as SOON as I sat down. I told him where to go. So me and Michelle went to try a game she sent me (1nsane) and my brother came back, and REALLY got on my back, was the usual a -million-and-one questions thing "What's that?, what's this do?, can I have a go?, why wont you give me a go? why didn't you do this? why didn't you do that?" and so forth and I just kinda snapped at him and let lose. He just got up and walked away, I guess he wasn't expecting it as I never stood up to him when I was younger, but now I don't take shit from him, I PASSED my GCSE's, he didn't, I'm continuing on at school, he's not, I have basic intelligence, he doesn't, I feel I have the right to not let him push me around any more, so I'll be fucked if I just sit back and take it like before, not me, not any more.

Tuesday 2 March 2004

Hmm...well....this is nice...

Hmm, well....this is nice...
Since this Journal is gonna be with me for a while, I figured I'd make updating it easier, so I'm trying out one of the clients, it looks nice
Just for the hell of it I'll say a few random things in different ways, just so I can dest test out the various aspects of this updater thingy.
I have to say it's pretty handy, gonna make this thing a breeze to update...
Anyhoo, onto my day...
I literally slept most of the day away, even at school. First two periods were free (Rambo wasn't in, hurray!) so I slept then, don't even remember getting to the study hall, just sort of remember being in registration then waking up there lol.
Ah well, nothing lost there. had another free later in the day, slept through that. Had tutorial after the free, which we were told to read a book from the library in. Slept instead. Ah it was great.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, on Wednesdays, guess what I get for the first 2 hours of school? That's right nothing, no classes, so you know what I'm gonna do? Yup, sleep. Sleeping rules. Sleeping often comes after sex, so even if the sex sucks (that is, not very good, not involves sucking, as it may or may not) at least you can fall asleep after it.
*yawn* Hmm, I wonder why I've been so tired today...
Oh well, it'll probably pass soon enough.
Played more TS with Michelle, was fun,

Oh and just so you all know, Michelle was on top tonight ;)

Monday 1 March 2004

Ok lets see here...erm....nope, nothing interesting happened today, I basically spend most of the time pissing about with the drawing thing in msn, almost everyone on my contact list got a cock sent to them with the words "you take it" written above it...
I also downloaded FireFox (A browser) it's good stuff, seems a lot better than IE, faster and built in pop up killer and stuff. May as well give it a go.

Oh and my gothic name is "Demonic Angel" according to

I rock so much....

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