
Tuesday 6 September 2005

Stupid le banc.

Ok, so I went to the bank about 4 or 5 months ago to try and get a debit card. I went to a branch that was close to my school.
They told me that I had to go to the branch where I opened my account, which is near my home.
They also told me that I needed the following things:

1 Piece of photographic ID (I.E. Passport)
1 Bank statement from them

and most importantly....

2 Pieces of proof of address

Proof of address, eh? Now what could that include? Well anything really, such as a phone bill, electric bill electoral register form, you know stuff like that. Oh and THEIR OWN STATEMENT doesn't count. But another bank's would o_0

Erm...but I live with my dad, I don't pay any bills and I sure as hell don't vote....erm...oh and I only have the one account with the one bank.

I know! How about a letter from my university or UCAS?

Nope, that wont do.

Shit, looks like I wasn't going to be getting a debit card any time soon.

So a few months go by and then when around town yesterday, I happened to walk into the SAME branch because a friend needed to go in and I see a little leaflet saying "Open a student account today and get all these benefits" and on the list was...a debit card!
I read more closely. To OPEN the account, all you needed to bring was photographic ID and a letter from UCAS or a university, THAT'S IT!

So basically, my bank doesn't trust it's own customers. Or does it?

I then went to the bank today to see if I could convince them to give me a student account along with debit card. I went to the one near my house too, where I opened my account.

Lovely little girl behind the counter, I asked her if I could get my current account transferred into a student account. She took my account number and checked it. It was already a student account, it had been switched over automatically or something.
I then explained to her that I didn't have the debit card. She handed me a really small form, basically asked me for my account number and address, that was it. I handed the form back to her and that was that. I never once showed my ID, a bank statement or even a UCAS letter. I'll get my debit card in about a week.

Why the fuck couldn't they have done that 5 months ago?

Stupid bank.

8 days

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