
Tuesday 13 September 2005

Do you know how I know you're gay? Because you are holding each other ever so gently.

She's almost finished! I did more work on Hiromi today, probably the most important bit too.

This is, as you can guess, the desktop:

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There's still a little bit of work to do, all the minor details and stuff, but I'll work on them a bit at a time. All I really need now is her voice.

What do you all think?

One day to go. Last day
It still hasn't fully hit me that I'm leaving. I'm packed and pretty much ready to go, all that's left is to Put Hiromi away in her carrying bag thing as well as whatever documentation that I'll need.'ll either be the start of something amazing or the death of me. We'll just have to see how it turns out. And of course I'll keep everyone up to date here =).

In case anyone's wondering, the MSN emotions have been really annoying me lately, they just look I've started using = for eyes and stuff to avoid using them =P

Tonight we all go for the steak out, my final meal here, the last Supper so to speak =o
Pretty much all of the Lads will be there if they can make it. One or two wont be there but I wont hold it against them, they all have good reasons for not being there and hey - it's just an excuse to go out again with them all some time in the future. Maybe if I come back here or maybe if they all come over to Liverpool, who knows?
Either way, it's going to be awesome, I'm gonna starve myself until then because Chris has been going on about this Steak for ages. He's put it on a pedestal >_>

One Day!

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