
Monday 5 September 2005

Stealing shit wins

Right, so let me recap the past few days.

Yesterday I woke up with a munchies attack. So I went down to the shop to grab some junk food, but I had a change of heart, I went over to the bread section instead to look at the cakes and buns and stuff.
Nothing really looked tempting until I seen some Caramel squares. I haven't had a chocolate caramel square in years. But I still wasn't convinced, however I looked closer and on the packet it said "Steve's cakes".
Clearly, god intended for me to have them and who am I to argue?

ThenLaterOnIFoundOutAboutTheEAStickerOnMyDoorButTheLessSaidAboutThatTheBetter. >_>

Today I awoke to find a letter from the University. The letter looked very familiar. So did the form that was in it. In fact, I had already gotten a letter JUST like it and some forms JUST like it some months ago. Quite why they wanted me to fill in the same forms twice, I guess I'll never know. But I did.
I then went into town to post it and meet a friend. I once again tried in vain to get a new phone :(

However, all was not lost. Said friend invited me down to the place he worked later on. He explained why too.

This is what happened. I popped into the place he works, a department store of sorts. I then picked up 2 brand new, top of the charts, PC games and a bottle of coke and went to the checkout. I handed him a £20 note. He gave me £19.05 change (the cost of a bottle of coke in this place was 95p) and I walked out with the coke and the 2 games.

One of the games was Battlefield 2. The way I see it, I get to play it AND EA loses money at the same time. BONUS!

9 Days

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