
Thursday 4 December 2003, not your b00bs...well, yes, they are interesting, but...

Weird, I actually had a mildly interesting day today 0_o
To start off, in Biology in school, we were doing this experiment that involved cutting up bits of potato and putting them in different concentrations of sugar solution. Simple really. Yet, we still manage to royally screw it up. Royally. :D
Heh, it was quite funny seeing one person after the other doing something incredibly stupid, or seeing my Biology teacher going even more insane. His name is Dr. Robbers, but sine I'm lazy, I'll just refer to him as Doc Bob from now on.
Anyway, to start off, he said that if anyone spilt any of the sugar stuff onto his desks, he'd make them clean t up with a toothbrush. Now, that's not too bad, that's just him trying to sound big, right? Well, he went one step further. He went and got a toothbrush that had ever single bristle, except 1, cut off. And then he proceeded to wander around the room shaking it at people...
When someone made a bit of a cock-up, which was so unbelievably stupid that we all had to laugh at him for like 20mins, Doc Bob just went to his desk, sat down, and cried, or possibly just pretended to cry to hide his laughter, I ain't sure, but he then said that his loon had more sense than anyone else in the room. Loon? wtf? Yeah, that's what I was thinking, until he took out this black doll thing that made a big screaming noise, and started to talk to it....
He's crazy.
ANYHOO, later on today, I was having a nice little chat with everyone when the light flickered. I looked at it and thought "Hmm, the last time I saw the light do that, we had a pow-" and the lights went out, and everything went dark:\
It was a big power cut, literally half the city was in darkness, but it was fixed in like an hour, so that wasn't too bad I guess, still a pain in the ass tho.
Heh heh, about 40mins after the power went out, the bitch phoned saying her power was out as well, so my dad phoned a taxi to go keep her company, because she was oh so scared of the dark. It was funny cuz the lights came back on literally as soon as the taxi arrived, heh heh.
Have you ever seen an air-freshener that has like a jelly stuff in it? Well, I accidentally put my hand in one today, and not knowing what it was, I went to smell my finger, me being the silly bastard that I am, I sniffed a bit too hard and part of the jelly crap went up my nose, which was bad enough, 'cept all I could smell was friggin' pine-cone for a couple of hours!
Oh and all of you, go download this song: Aphex Twin - Powerpill Pacman it's weird, in a good way :S
Lots and lots of other stuff happened today as well, some of it good, some of it not so good, and some of it bloddy fantastic (but I ain't allowed to tell you about that, not that I would anyway, it's private;) ) but I think this is a big enough update for now, hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you didn't...I don't care:P

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