
Saturday 20 December 2003

"you are the greatest guy ever"

Well, I had my whole day written out here, but then IE had to go and be a bitch and delete it all :\ Fucker.
So anyway, today I got my dad his Christmas prezzie, I wanted to get him a figurine thing of a soldier, but the place I was told that sold them didn't actually sell them, so that Kinda fucked me over, but no matter, I got him a couple of DVDs that I know he'll like instead.
I had to set up the cool mini fridge my cool brother got me today cuz there was no room for it lol, ah well I ain't complaining. It's great, has a cool Green LCD temperature display and everything. When it turned it on, it said it was 18 degrees (I always use Celsius, you pissy Americans:P) in the fridge, but after an hour it was already down to about 10. It says on the box that it only cools down by about 10 degrees, but right now it's actually at 4, so it's doing a great job :D
The rest of my day hasn't really been that exciting, although later on I had a chat with someone (Whose name I wont disclose unless they want to say who they are) with a problem she's been having, and I hope I helped her feel better about it, but just before she left, she said "you are the greatest guy ever" and that made me feel all warm and special, especially since it wasn't Michelle, she's usually the one to say stuff like that to me, maybe they're right tho :P
God I'm gonna go on such an ego trip if people keep telling me how nice and great I am :)

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