
Friday 19 December 2003

Bored, and tired

I really should make a proper update, but I cba, so instead I'll do this big assed question thing. Oh and I updated my site: check it out, it's actually good looking.

First grade teachers name: Miss Nelson
Last sentence you said: "You're an idiot"
Last song you sang: Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann (The kill bill thing, and yes I know whistleing isn't singing, but I don't care:P)
Last song stuck in your head: Powerpill pacman
Last person who you chatted with?: Chris (Silly american friend)
Last movie you saw: Matrix reloaded (That film personally destroyed my will to ever go to the cinema ever again)
Last CD you bought: -Never- (I don't buy such things)

What's in your CD player *renames "CD Player" to "CD-Rom drive"*: Windows XP - Media Centre Edition CD
What's under your bed: Crap that missed the bin that's beside it
What's the weather like: Hell if I know, I don't go out...ever...
What time did you wake up today: 12:43, that's early for me
What's playing on your TV: It's off
How many close friends do you have: Not many
How many enemies do you have: None that I'm worried about (In fact, I don't think I have any, even Vlad has stopped threataning me)

Who do you want to marry: Michelle, obviously
Are you going to college: Indeed
Where do you want to go: Jamaica
What is your career going to be: No sodding idea, something with Computers, that's for sure
Where are you going to live: Hopefully somewhere near a city with an uber internet connection
How many kids do you want: Already got one, no immediate plans for any more
Kids'names: His name is David :)
Where do you want your honeymoon: Hopefully somewhere near a city with an uber internet connection....or a place with a nice beach and a cool Hotel/Villa
What kind of car will you have: I can't drive ever, but if I decided to buy one for the sake of it, it would be an M1A1 Abrahms.
What age are you going to marry: Wouldn't that be telling? :P

Name: Steve Donaghy
Nicknames: Dono, Kushan, Master ;)
Address: <>
College: St Malachy's college
Birthday: 28th of March 1987
Birthplace: Erm...a hospital I think
Horoscope Sign: Aries
Siblings: 2 older brothers, a retard called John Paul and a really cool one called Chris
Parents: Dad - John, Mum1 (Bitch) - Marion, Mum2 (Stepmum to be, Bigger bitch) - Kathleen
Best Friends: ToXiN, Logie (School friend), Ryan aka Kirsty (Another School friend, complete weirdo)
Marital Status: Taken, not looking
Pets: 2 cats, Spot and Tom, Spot being the best damn Cat ever
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue, like the movie I watched the other day ;)
Glasses/Contacts: None (I have an eyesight problem, but they don't help, and if anyone else says "get corrective surgery" I'm gonna rip their skull out, cuz it would actually amke things worse)
Height: 1.76M (Or 5.71Ft to you imperialistic americans :P)
Piercings: None
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed, but I do some things with my left hand like the way I eat with a knife and fork and I also look, it's batman! *runs away*
What's one thing you would change about yourself?: My extreme Paranoia about relationships
What's your most comfortable piece of clothing?: These weird Fleece things I like to wear *has no fashion sense*
Song to Describe your life: Daft Punk - Digital Love (Doesn't describe my whole life, but it describes a pretty important part in it, well, important to me anyway)
Five words to describe yourself: Crazy, Insane, Intelligent, Abnormal, Different
Background: Er....Born, didn't do much, got internet, Became a legend (And modest too:P)

Best Girl Friend: Wait, "Girl Friend" and "Girlfriend" are 2 different things, right?, so in this case, probably Kay (Spinkychan)
Best Guy Friend: ToXiN, even though he can be a moody cunt:P
Where can you usually be found?: In the computer room, beside the computer
Which friend would you like to be with right now?: Erm....well, since I mainy sit here on the computer, I'm never with any of my friends, so this doesn't reallly apply, but I never feel lonely cuz of it :)
Are you the center of attention?: I don't seek attention, but I seem to become overly popular on forums and such without even trying.
What's your idea of a dream date?: Erm...*shrugs* Don't really have one, as long as it's with the woman I love, it doesn't matter.
Where's the best hangout?: City Hall, but I don't go there much.
Do you like being around people or being alone?: Online, I like being around people, in real life, I prefer to be alone in most cases, or at least to sit at the side of the room and not be noticed.
What's your biggest turn off in the opposite sex?: Personality, couldn't give a shit what someone looks/sounds like.

Have you known the longest?: Martan Denver, but I aint seen the guy in years...
Do you argue the most with?: Chris, american frined, for sure
Do you always get along with?: I try to get along with everyone
Is the most trustworthy?: ToXiN or Chris, most likely ToXiN
Makes you laugh the most?: ToXiN
Has been there through all the hard times?: ToXiN
Always has to have a man/woman?: Chris
Is the most sensitive?: Michelle, but she's become a lot better recently :)
Biggest loser?: Gary (School Friend) Cuz he always tries to be cool, and "hax" and generally talks a lot of shit
Most unique?: ToXiN (Anyone that drinks vodka from a dildo's gotta be unique)
Is the most encouraging?: I'm more encouraging than anyone else I know, most people don't seem to be encouraging at all:\
Is the most blunt?: Gary
Is the shyest?: In real life, Me (Online I'm crazy ^_^)
Is the most outgoing?: Kay
Is the most rebellious?: Gary or Me, most likely me cuz I talk back to teachers at school if they try to mouth off for no reason. I don't stand for people with authority that have it for no good reason (Like just because they're older or something)
Is the horniest?: Michelle
Is the laziest?: Michelle :P
Is the most optimistic?: Ryan (Kirsty)
Is the most conservative?: Chris
Is most likely to become famous?: Famous to what extent? I'm already famous in my own way ;)
Most likely to become rich?: Probably me if things go according to plan
Is most likely to end up in jail?: Gary
Is most likely to have a million kids?: No-one that I know, thankfully.
Is most likely never to have kids?: ToXiN
Will get a boob job?: Probably Fionnuala (girl I know in rl), she's always saying how small her b00bs are...
Will get married first?: Scarily, I reckon it will be me
Will lose their virginity first?: It's a tad late for that...
Always wears a smile?: Guy on my contact ist I hardly know called Steve (not me), he's always really upbeat when he talks to me.
Is the smartest?: I don't wanna say me, but I can't think of anyone else right now, probably Kay
Complains the most?: Chris ot ToXiN
Complains the least?: Me
Is the biggest flirt?: CHRIS CHRIS CHRIS!!!!!
Needs a good man/woman?: ToXiN
Has the best fashion sense?: F...f....fffff....faaa....faaassshhh....ion....? Can't stand it, don't care.
Has the weirdest taste in the opposite sex?: Chris, for undosclosed reasons.
Best form of entertainment?: Michelle ;)
Is a bad influence?: ToXiN and Michelle, both have made me sick, twisted and evil >:D

Colour: Black, or dark blue
Clothes: Casual, baggy pants, fleece tops (Baggy ones to hide my flab) or T-shirts
Animal: Cats
Book: Anything from Terry Pratchet
Food: Pizza
Restaurant: Don't go to any
TV show: Star Trek: The Next Generation, or Family guy
TV star: Patrick Stewart
Movie: Kill Bill at the moment
Movie star: Patrick Stewart (He's both a TV star and a movie star)
Song: Pocorn - Hot butter, man that song pwns
Music Video: Duno, don't really care for them
Car: Ferrari
Hobby: Computers
Sport: Sport is for people who are dumb enough to waste effort
Holiday: Easter
Month: September, cuz of what happened this year in that month :)
Flower: -None- I hate flowers
Vacation: Amywhere away from here
School Subject: ICT cuz it comes natually to me, so it's piss easy, and my ICT teacher is a retard, so it's fun to watch him fuck up
Cartoon/Anime: Family guy, or my favorite anime would be Cyber City OEDO 808
Clothing Brand: None, I hade labels, I specifically search for clothes without brand names or labells on them.
Sports team: Sport is for f00ls!
Game: Most SNES games, or if not, Homeworld or Syndicate Wars. God I'm a retro freak
Radio Station: -None-
Sport to Watch: Formula 1
Soda: Red Bull
Breakfast food: I don't eat breakfast, but Toast pwns all
Sweets: Don't eat much these days, but chocolate is always a winner
Place: Jamaica (Cuz of how they speak)
Shampoo: 0_o
Outrageous Hair color: Luminescent green
Cologne/Perfume: Anything
Nail polish color: -None-
Gum: -None- Don't like the stuff
Family Member: My cat, spot, in not, then my brother, Chris
Fast food place: Burger King
Alcoholic beverage: I don't drink
Dream: The dream I've held close to my heart for months now, of being with her....
Thing to say in a foreign language: pwned (If that counts as a foreign language)
Stuffed Animal: Garfield
Beach: Don't really like them, usually means no Computer/technology nearby
Amusement park: -None- Never really been to any
Lip Gloss flavor: -None- Don't wear it
Shoes: Boots
Thing to do when you're bored:
Smell: Food that's being cooked
Pick-up Line: I've never used one, and I doubt I ever will
Memories: None really, my life's been pretty shitty up 'till now, but it's looking to be a lot better in the near future :)

Have you ever been suspected of committing a crime?: Yes, frequently, but i'm innocent, I swear *hides bodies*
What do you want people to say about you when you die?: I told him not to cut the blue wire...
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: *picks up coat* ready
What super power would you want?: Jedi mind trick thingy
What would you like to be reincarnated as?: Cat
Do you make fun of your friends?: Constantly :P
Words or phrases you over use: Too many to list
If you were an animal what would you be?: God this son of a bitch likes repeating questions, a Cat ffs!!
Do you enjoy talking to yourself?: I talk to myself constantly, and it's fun, cuz I'm so great
What's your biggest fear?: Losing Michelle
What' your most prized possession?: My computer cuz without it, I'd be alone and depresed again
What's the funniest word you can think of?: Buggery
What songs bring back the most memories?: Heavan - candlelight version
What's the largest organ in the human body?: Well, the largest one in MY body is my not say in case I make the other guys jealous:P
Do you have a bar trick?: Yes, It's called picking up the bar and beating someone over the head with it, then stealing all their money
Who/What are you thankful for?: Michelle
Do you believe in fate?: I'm not sure now, before I didn't, but It's sometimes hard to believe how me and Michelle, 2 people with so much in common personality wise, managed to find eachother....
Do you get along with your parents?: Only my dad and he has his moments
Could a pack of wolves done a better job raising you?: No, My dad's done a great Job, I always try to be a nice guy to everyone, and there needs to be more people like that.
What time do you go to bed?: Whenever is necessary
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Personality, looks don't matter to me
What was the most difficult thing you had to do?: This POS :P
If you were given one day to live what would you do?: Destroy everyone/thing on my hate list (Yes, i have a list of things I hate on my computer)
What's your most embarrassing moment?: I keep to myself, so I don't really ahve one
What's the Worst feeling in the world?: To feel unloved
If you could meet anyone who ever existed who would it be?: Stephen hawking
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, and I still am very much so :)
What's your best physical feature?: Erm...I'm Irish, that's enough :P
What's your summer job?: I worked in a box factory and a stripper ;)
What is the oddest thing you've inherited from your parents?: Probably my large build, I'm naturally stronger than most people and I don't really work out
What's the biggest lie you've ever told?: "I didn't do it"
What was the meanest thing you ever did as a little kid?: Nothing, I was a good little kid :P
What's the best scam you've ever pulled and gotten away with?: Now wouldn't that be telling ;)
What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted?: None, the worst my dad could do is ban me from the computer, but if he did it, he know's I'd probably go on a rampage and kill something
What have you learned about love?: I've learned that it exists, and that it can be both the best and worst thing ever. If it's a one way thing, it can be the worst thingthat's ever happened to you, if it's a 2 way thing, you've got the best thing anyone could ever have. I've been through both stages, and thankfully, I'm still in the latter :D

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