
Monday 29 December 2003


Well, today was the highlight of my life...
First off, everything's going fine, then SHE arrives. Now, I'm upstairs on the computer minding my own business when I hear them (Dad and Bitchqueenfromhell) shouting at each-other. Then they get louder and louder, and I can start to hear bits of what they are saying, "Don't talk to me about them, I have to live with them and that's bad enough!!" he screams at her. He was talking about me and my brother.
He then runs out the back door, and she calls me down to close it (Cuz she's lost the use of her arms or something) and then SHE starts on me, shouting at me about this and that, blaming me for what he said to her, saying it's all my fault that my dad is in such a bad mood (Funny, he was fine before she arrived...or so it seemed). Then she left after about 15mins of her blabbering to me on full volume. Then my dad arrives back, and although I ain't said anything to him, he just turned around and shouted, full on in my face "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"...which made me feel a whole bunch better....
It then gets worse, after about 20mins, he comes up and starts having a go at me too, apparently, my whole lifestyle of sitting on the computer and not bothering anyone isn't good enough for him, and apparently, every argument he's ever had with HER revolves around me....He said he exploded on her because of was all my fault....
*sigh*..."I have to live with them and that's bad enough"....He hates me....she hates brother hates me...all the family I have close by hate me.....
It came so close very very close...and for those of you that still have a problem with Michelle, know this, she's the soul reason why I put up with it. Her, and her alone. Respect that, for right now, it feels like all I've got.

Sunday 28 December 2003

Parents are a bitch....

SO, lets update on the past few days...
Well, that "really weird" thing that happened the other day continues, and well er...I'm not bothered by it. I would actually tell you all what it is, but there's too many shallow minded people out there that would just act like dicks if I told you, so if you wanna know, tough luck, and you can blame society :P
Now, onto other matters. Christmas didn't go too badly I suppose, it could have been worse, at least bitchqueenfromhell didn't annoy me too much. Still, considering the circumstances, this has been a pretty miserable week for me...
At least things seem to be getting better between me and Michelle, but the problem is still there, I just hope it's over with soon so we can get back to normal...ish.
Now, today my dad has decided to be a real pain in the ass, he seems to think that I'm spending too much time on the computer for my own good. Bastard. He's making get off it earlier at night (1am) to do something else. Wtf else DOES he want me to do? I don't see what his problem is, I keep to myself when I'm on here, I don't bother anyone, I just sit here and plod away with the things I do online, it's what I do, I mean ffs, I could be like MOST people my age and go out, get drunk, take drugs and generally get into trouble, but no, I just sit here out of the way like a good little boy, but nooooooooooo, that's not good enough for him ¬_¬
He didn't even give me one good reason as to WHY it's bad, I mean, he just watches TV all day, but do I complain to him about it?. Fucker.
I got a promotion the other day. Not at a Job, but at a site: it's a new network starting soon, I'm now Vice admin there, which is nifty. Go check it out if ya want, but it's not fully up yet.
I'm also one of the guys in charge of its "retro" section, it's a special little project we're doing ;) means I have to play every single SNES and Genesis (Mega Drive) game ever made...*cries*
You might thing that I don't have to, but for our little "project" I need to, so watch this space for more information....
Now, I'm going to bed...

Thursday 25 December 2003

Tuesday 23 December 2003

Time for a liiiitle explanation...

Ok, regarding last nights post, basically, I fucked up, I fucked up big time, I fucked up in a really big way and it nearly cost me everything....nearly.
I'm not gonna tell you how I fucked up because I'm ashamed of it, but I tell you all now, it WONT happen again, and even now I'm paying the price. I feel depressed, badly depressed for what I have done, I haven't felt this bad in many months, this feeling is all too familiar to me and I don't want to feel it again, I've hurt her badly and I'm paying the price for it, the last thing I would ever want to do is hurt her, I felt like shit a few months ago because I THOUGHT I was hurting her, now I KNOW I've hurt her, the only person I truly care about in this world and I feel so bad about it and I'm going to do everything I can to put right the thing I've done, even if it means getting on my knees and begging...I just hope it's enough...

Monday 22 December 2003

I fucked up

You ever have one of those days when something so bad happens you just wanna crawl into a hole and die?

Sunday 21 December 2003

Mental note: Don't stay up late with a large intake of sugar

Ok, so I'm an idiot, yes it's true. I sat up all last night drinking coke from the fridge and getting hyper from the sugar. Which is not a good thing. Oh yea, at the time it's great, doing hyper-related things like telling Aircraftkiller you love him *cough*. But once the sugar wears off (this happened to me at about....8:30/9am) you pay the price....drowsy, tired, sick.... I eventually went to bed at like 11am and woke up at 15:00 (3pm) and still felt like crap, even now I feel like I'm dying. Y'see, some people drink alcohol, get drunk and do stupid things, then pay the price with a hangover, some people take drugs, get high, do stupid things and pay the price with crap like addiction, depression and so on. Whereas others intake lots of sugar, get hyper, do stupid things and pay the price with a sugar crash. It's no fair, you can't win.
Maybe it was the fact that I felt like shit and had a lot less sleep than I needed, but I had a bit of a revelation about myself today. I'm not gonna actually tell you what it is yet, and I might never tell any of you, Michelle's the only one who knows what it is, cuz it was partly her that figured it out. Hmm, to stop you all from begging me what it is, I'll just give you a hint: I'm curious.
Now, I'm gonna let you all ponder the many things that could mean while I go off to my bed to die a little bit more, good night.

Saturday 20 December 2003

"you are the greatest guy ever"

Well, I had my whole day written out here, but then IE had to go and be a bitch and delete it all :\ Fucker.
So anyway, today I got my dad his Christmas prezzie, I wanted to get him a figurine thing of a soldier, but the place I was told that sold them didn't actually sell them, so that Kinda fucked me over, but no matter, I got him a couple of DVDs that I know he'll like instead.
I had to set up the cool mini fridge my cool brother got me today cuz there was no room for it lol, ah well I ain't complaining. It's great, has a cool Green LCD temperature display and everything. When it turned it on, it said it was 18 degrees (I always use Celsius, you pissy Americans:P) in the fridge, but after an hour it was already down to about 10. It says on the box that it only cools down by about 10 degrees, but right now it's actually at 4, so it's doing a great job :D
The rest of my day hasn't really been that exciting, although later on I had a chat with someone (Whose name I wont disclose unless they want to say who they are) with a problem she's been having, and I hope I helped her feel better about it, but just before she left, she said "you are the greatest guy ever" and that made me feel all warm and special, especially since it wasn't Michelle, she's usually the one to say stuff like that to me, maybe they're right tho :P
God I'm gonna go on such an ego trip if people keep telling me how nice and great I am :)

Friday 19 December 2003

Bored, and tired

I really should make a proper update, but I cba, so instead I'll do this big assed question thing. Oh and I updated my site: check it out, it's actually good looking.

First grade teachers name: Miss Nelson
Last sentence you said: "You're an idiot"
Last song you sang: Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann (The kill bill thing, and yes I know whistleing isn't singing, but I don't care:P)
Last song stuck in your head: Powerpill pacman
Last person who you chatted with?: Chris (Silly american friend)
Last movie you saw: Matrix reloaded (That film personally destroyed my will to ever go to the cinema ever again)
Last CD you bought: -Never- (I don't buy such things)

What's in your CD player *renames "CD Player" to "CD-Rom drive"*: Windows XP - Media Centre Edition CD
What's under your bed: Crap that missed the bin that's beside it
What's the weather like: Hell if I know, I don't go out...ever...
What time did you wake up today: 12:43, that's early for me
What's playing on your TV: It's off
How many close friends do you have: Not many
How many enemies do you have: None that I'm worried about (In fact, I don't think I have any, even Vlad has stopped threataning me)

Who do you want to marry: Michelle, obviously
Are you going to college: Indeed
Where do you want to go: Jamaica
What is your career going to be: No sodding idea, something with Computers, that's for sure
Where are you going to live: Hopefully somewhere near a city with an uber internet connection
How many kids do you want: Already got one, no immediate plans for any more
Kids'names: His name is David :)
Where do you want your honeymoon: Hopefully somewhere near a city with an uber internet connection....or a place with a nice beach and a cool Hotel/Villa
What kind of car will you have: I can't drive ever, but if I decided to buy one for the sake of it, it would be an M1A1 Abrahms.
What age are you going to marry: Wouldn't that be telling? :P

Name: Steve Donaghy
Nicknames: Dono, Kushan, Master ;)
Address: <>
College: St Malachy's college
Birthday: 28th of March 1987
Birthplace: Erm...a hospital I think
Horoscope Sign: Aries
Siblings: 2 older brothers, a retard called John Paul and a really cool one called Chris
Parents: Dad - John, Mum1 (Bitch) - Marion, Mum2 (Stepmum to be, Bigger bitch) - Kathleen
Best Friends: ToXiN, Logie (School friend), Ryan aka Kirsty (Another School friend, complete weirdo)
Marital Status: Taken, not looking
Pets: 2 cats, Spot and Tom, Spot being the best damn Cat ever
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue, like the movie I watched the other day ;)
Glasses/Contacts: None (I have an eyesight problem, but they don't help, and if anyone else says "get corrective surgery" I'm gonna rip their skull out, cuz it would actually amke things worse)
Height: 1.76M (Or 5.71Ft to you imperialistic americans :P)
Piercings: None
Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed, but I do some things with my left hand like the way I eat with a knife and fork and I also look, it's batman! *runs away*
What's one thing you would change about yourself?: My extreme Paranoia about relationships
What's your most comfortable piece of clothing?: These weird Fleece things I like to wear *has no fashion sense*
Song to Describe your life: Daft Punk - Digital Love (Doesn't describe my whole life, but it describes a pretty important part in it, well, important to me anyway)
Five words to describe yourself: Crazy, Insane, Intelligent, Abnormal, Different
Background: Er....Born, didn't do much, got internet, Became a legend (And modest too:P)

Best Girl Friend: Wait, "Girl Friend" and "Girlfriend" are 2 different things, right?, so in this case, probably Kay (Spinkychan)
Best Guy Friend: ToXiN, even though he can be a moody cunt:P
Where can you usually be found?: In the computer room, beside the computer
Which friend would you like to be with right now?: Erm....well, since I mainy sit here on the computer, I'm never with any of my friends, so this doesn't reallly apply, but I never feel lonely cuz of it :)
Are you the center of attention?: I don't seek attention, but I seem to become overly popular on forums and such without even trying.
What's your idea of a dream date?: Erm...*shrugs* Don't really have one, as long as it's with the woman I love, it doesn't matter.
Where's the best hangout?: City Hall, but I don't go there much.
Do you like being around people or being alone?: Online, I like being around people, in real life, I prefer to be alone in most cases, or at least to sit at the side of the room and not be noticed.
What's your biggest turn off in the opposite sex?: Personality, couldn't give a shit what someone looks/sounds like.

Have you known the longest?: Martan Denver, but I aint seen the guy in years...
Do you argue the most with?: Chris, american frined, for sure
Do you always get along with?: I try to get along with everyone
Is the most trustworthy?: ToXiN or Chris, most likely ToXiN
Makes you laugh the most?: ToXiN
Has been there through all the hard times?: ToXiN
Always has to have a man/woman?: Chris
Is the most sensitive?: Michelle, but she's become a lot better recently :)
Biggest loser?: Gary (School Friend) Cuz he always tries to be cool, and "hax" and generally talks a lot of shit
Most unique?: ToXiN (Anyone that drinks vodka from a dildo's gotta be unique)
Is the most encouraging?: I'm more encouraging than anyone else I know, most people don't seem to be encouraging at all:\
Is the most blunt?: Gary
Is the shyest?: In real life, Me (Online I'm crazy ^_^)
Is the most outgoing?: Kay
Is the most rebellious?: Gary or Me, most likely me cuz I talk back to teachers at school if they try to mouth off for no reason. I don't stand for people with authority that have it for no good reason (Like just because they're older or something)
Is the horniest?: Michelle
Is the laziest?: Michelle :P
Is the most optimistic?: Ryan (Kirsty)
Is the most conservative?: Chris
Is most likely to become famous?: Famous to what extent? I'm already famous in my own way ;)
Most likely to become rich?: Probably me if things go according to plan
Is most likely to end up in jail?: Gary
Is most likely to have a million kids?: No-one that I know, thankfully.
Is most likely never to have kids?: ToXiN
Will get a boob job?: Probably Fionnuala (girl I know in rl), she's always saying how small her b00bs are...
Will get married first?: Scarily, I reckon it will be me
Will lose their virginity first?: It's a tad late for that...
Always wears a smile?: Guy on my contact ist I hardly know called Steve (not me), he's always really upbeat when he talks to me.
Is the smartest?: I don't wanna say me, but I can't think of anyone else right now, probably Kay
Complains the most?: Chris ot ToXiN
Complains the least?: Me
Is the biggest flirt?: CHRIS CHRIS CHRIS!!!!!
Needs a good man/woman?: ToXiN
Has the best fashion sense?: F...f....fffff....faaa....faaassshhh....ion....? Can't stand it, don't care.
Has the weirdest taste in the opposite sex?: Chris, for undosclosed reasons.
Best form of entertainment?: Michelle ;)
Is a bad influence?: ToXiN and Michelle, both have made me sick, twisted and evil >:D

Colour: Black, or dark blue
Clothes: Casual, baggy pants, fleece tops (Baggy ones to hide my flab) or T-shirts
Animal: Cats
Book: Anything from Terry Pratchet
Food: Pizza
Restaurant: Don't go to any
TV show: Star Trek: The Next Generation, or Family guy
TV star: Patrick Stewart
Movie: Kill Bill at the moment
Movie star: Patrick Stewart (He's both a TV star and a movie star)
Song: Pocorn - Hot butter, man that song pwns
Music Video: Duno, don't really care for them
Car: Ferrari
Hobby: Computers
Sport: Sport is for people who are dumb enough to waste effort
Holiday: Easter
Month: September, cuz of what happened this year in that month :)
Flower: -None- I hate flowers
Vacation: Amywhere away from here
School Subject: ICT cuz it comes natually to me, so it's piss easy, and my ICT teacher is a retard, so it's fun to watch him fuck up
Cartoon/Anime: Family guy, or my favorite anime would be Cyber City OEDO 808
Clothing Brand: None, I hade labels, I specifically search for clothes without brand names or labells on them.
Sports team: Sport is for f00ls!
Game: Most SNES games, or if not, Homeworld or Syndicate Wars. God I'm a retro freak
Radio Station: -None-
Sport to Watch: Formula 1
Soda: Red Bull
Breakfast food: I don't eat breakfast, but Toast pwns all
Sweets: Don't eat much these days, but chocolate is always a winner
Place: Jamaica (Cuz of how they speak)
Shampoo: 0_o
Outrageous Hair color: Luminescent green
Cologne/Perfume: Anything
Nail polish color: -None-
Gum: -None- Don't like the stuff
Family Member: My cat, spot, in not, then my brother, Chris
Fast food place: Burger King
Alcoholic beverage: I don't drink
Dream: The dream I've held close to my heart for months now, of being with her....
Thing to say in a foreign language: pwned (If that counts as a foreign language)
Stuffed Animal: Garfield
Beach: Don't really like them, usually means no Computer/technology nearby
Amusement park: -None- Never really been to any
Lip Gloss flavor: -None- Don't wear it
Shoes: Boots
Thing to do when you're bored:
Smell: Food that's being cooked
Pick-up Line: I've never used one, and I doubt I ever will
Memories: None really, my life's been pretty shitty up 'till now, but it's looking to be a lot better in the near future :)

Have you ever been suspected of committing a crime?: Yes, frequently, but i'm innocent, I swear *hides bodies*
What do you want people to say about you when you die?: I told him not to cut the blue wire...
How long does it take you to get ready to go out?: *picks up coat* ready
What super power would you want?: Jedi mind trick thingy
What would you like to be reincarnated as?: Cat
Do you make fun of your friends?: Constantly :P
Words or phrases you over use: Too many to list
If you were an animal what would you be?: God this son of a bitch likes repeating questions, a Cat ffs!!
Do you enjoy talking to yourself?: I talk to myself constantly, and it's fun, cuz I'm so great
What's your biggest fear?: Losing Michelle
What' your most prized possession?: My computer cuz without it, I'd be alone and depresed again
What's the funniest word you can think of?: Buggery
What songs bring back the most memories?: Heavan - candlelight version
What's the largest organ in the human body?: Well, the largest one in MY body is my not say in case I make the other guys jealous:P
Do you have a bar trick?: Yes, It's called picking up the bar and beating someone over the head with it, then stealing all their money
Who/What are you thankful for?: Michelle
Do you believe in fate?: I'm not sure now, before I didn't, but It's sometimes hard to believe how me and Michelle, 2 people with so much in common personality wise, managed to find eachother....
Do you get along with your parents?: Only my dad and he has his moments
Could a pack of wolves done a better job raising you?: No, My dad's done a great Job, I always try to be a nice guy to everyone, and there needs to be more people like that.
What time do you go to bed?: Whenever is necessary
What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Personality, looks don't matter to me
What was the most difficult thing you had to do?: This POS :P
If you were given one day to live what would you do?: Destroy everyone/thing on my hate list (Yes, i have a list of things I hate on my computer)
What's your most embarrassing moment?: I keep to myself, so I don't really ahve one
What's the Worst feeling in the world?: To feel unloved
If you could meet anyone who ever existed who would it be?: Stephen hawking
Have you ever been in love?: Yes, and I still am very much so :)
What's your best physical feature?: Erm...I'm Irish, that's enough :P
What's your summer job?: I worked in a box factory and a stripper ;)
What is the oddest thing you've inherited from your parents?: Probably my large build, I'm naturally stronger than most people and I don't really work out
What's the biggest lie you've ever told?: "I didn't do it"
What was the meanest thing you ever did as a little kid?: Nothing, I was a good little kid :P
What's the best scam you've ever pulled and gotten away with?: Now wouldn't that be telling ;)
What was the worst punishment your parents inflicted?: None, the worst my dad could do is ban me from the computer, but if he did it, he know's I'd probably go on a rampage and kill something
What have you learned about love?: I've learned that it exists, and that it can be both the best and worst thing ever. If it's a one way thing, it can be the worst thingthat's ever happened to you, if it's a 2 way thing, you've got the best thing anyone could ever have. I've been through both stages, and thankfully, I'm still in the latter :D

Tuesday 16 December 2003

It's tha last day!

Tomorrow is my last exams, and the last day of school before Christmas, so w00t! all round:D
Todays exam, Business Studies, went fairly well I thought, it's a waffle thing, it doesn't really matter what you write for your answers, as long as you write plenty and try not to repeat yourself. In other words, talk shit, and everyone knows I'm the master at that:P
Although, my hand hurts like hell now, I was late (again) and to make up for lost time, I basically went into overdrive and now it feels like my hand is gonna fall off. It's my right hand too, the same one I use for the mouse of the computer....
Also, certain other events didn't help my hand much, but to hell with it, it was fun;)
Tomorrow I have 2 Exams, First off is ICT, which, needless to say, is gonna be a piece of piss, I know more about computers than any of the teachers at my school (admittedly, my cat or a brick wall knows more, but that's not the point).
However, in the afternoon I have Biology, which I reckon is gonna be my worst subject, but no worries, I gotta drop one at the end of the school year anyway, so I'm not particularly fussed about it.
Well, I should go get some sleep, don't wanna be late for ALL my exams...
But before I go, someone try to translate this:


First person to translate it wins a cookie!

Monday 15 December 2003

Don't you just love it when corporate bastards get 2 fingers waved at them?

OK, so I'm sure you've all heard about Kazaa light, right? Well, you also may have heard that Sharman, the creators of Kazaa, have tried to shut them down. If you go to the K-lite site, you get a load of crap about other P2P networks, and Kazaa light isn't anywhere to be seen, right? Wrong!
Y'see, the guys behind Kazaa light are clever little bastards, they basically covered their tracks, and disappeared, so to speak, but are they gone? Like hell they are. They've set up another web site, and this time they're being care full about it. Y'see, Sharman told them not to release any more builds of Kazaa Light, so they're not going to. Instead, they're going to PATCH it, which basically means they're updating it, without releasing a new build. Clever.
It gets better, tho, they've also been told not to touch Kazaa 2.6. So they didn't. But what they did do was release a program called "#KLChat" that just happens to look like a clean (i.e. no ads or spyware) version of Kazaa 2.6 with lots of nice little extras. Sharman has well and truly had 2 fingers waved in their face ^_^
Btw, link to the "new" K-lite site is here:
Anyway, onto my life, I just thought I'd share that info with you all since I love it when people do stuff like that.
I was late for my chemistry exam today, not a great start, but it's not too bad, I think I did really well in it, it seemed easy, and I finished with plenty of time to spare (ok, about 30seconds, but hey, I got it finished, didn't I?). Only being in school for an hour and a half is long as you don't forget your key to get back in when you get I did....which sucked...
I was out of school at about 12:40 (Test started at 11) and home by about 13:20 (Or 1:20Pm to you damn Americans that don't understand "military time" as you all seem to call it) only to realise I couldn't actually get in. No biggie, my dad gets home from work at about 14:15 (2:15Pm), right? Wrong, he decided to go shopping....I didn't get in until about 17:00 (5Pm)....I wanted to kill something...
But, as it turns out, I had a great day today, there's no way I can explain HOW or WHY I had a great day without getting in trouble, not that I would anyway since it's stuff I'd rather keep private, but lets just say that sometimes its more fun telling someone what to do, rather than doing what your told ;)
Business studies Exam tomorrow, I hope it goes ass well as I think today went

Sunday 14 December 2003

Update update update

Well, it's been nearly a week since my last update, so I figured I'd make one.
Continuing on from my last post, my brother is now free....and living here....which sucks....a lot....
Actually, he's been really nice to me, I guess cuz if it wasn't for me, Big Bubba in cell 13J would own his arse.
Some people seem to think that me hating my mother is a bad thing, or that there's something I could ever do to change it. Well, I'll tell you now, it's not gonna happen, since the day I was born, she's be an alcoholic, she still is, I see her maybe 2 or 3 times a year, and even then, that's too much, cuz every time I look at her face, it just reminds me of all the shit she put me through. The anonymous poster said "without her you wouldn't", maybe that's true, if she wasn't around, I would have enjoyed my childhood, maybe I'd be a little more optimistic about the world around me, I duno, all I know is that I hate her as much as I hate Kathleen, that bitch my dad loves, but that's another story. Even if my mum stopped drinking and tried to make up for it, I doubt I'd be able to forgive her, she's already done the damage, plus she'll never stop drinking anyway.
It pisses me off tho, she gets an extra £120 a week from the government because she's classed as "mentally disabled". She's classed as this because she's an alcoholic, so what do they do? They give her MORE cash to spend on booze, cuz that's all she spends her money on, drink. That's also why I don't drink, too many bad memories, too many bad thoughts about what the shit did to her, because I have a few memories of her being sober, and she seemed like such a nice person, but then she would get drunk and turn into a screaming mess. Well, if she wants to be like that, she can, I don't give a fuck about her any more, because if she cared at all for me, should would give the shit up. Well, enough of my rant about her, it doesn't actually bother me any more, I've just learnt to accept it.
Everything else is great right now, things seem to be good with my life, which makes a change, but then it's been pretty good in general for a couple of months now. I think I know why too, but if I mention her name, certain people will bitch and complain as per usual, even tho we're still together after all this time and still just as in love, if not more, which is great and I hope it never changes:)
The only thing that's bothering me now is the X-mas exams that I have next week, but for some reason...I just don't care...I don't understand it, I used to be so attentive at school, that's how I always got fairly good grades without much revision, I just concentrated in class and that was it, but this year I've been really unmotivated to do anything....oh well, school's nearly out for Christmas, only in on Monday for an hour for the Chemistry exam. Wish me luck!

Monday 8 December 2003

Well...aint my brother a tard...

Ha! My brother got arrested at the weekend, it was so funny.
Well, let me backtrack a little, it was Saturday night/Sunday morning, about 3AM, when he arrives at the door, pissed out of his mind, he could barely put a full sentence together, and he started saying something about my mum (real mum, whom I also hate) hit him, then he said "and....and you heard that! you heard that!" then he walked off.
Next day, my dad arrives home and the first thing he tells me is "John Paul's in jail! hahahaa!" Allegedly for hitting my mother. Now, both he and my mum are big alcoholics, it doesn't surprise me that they got into a fight, chances are they got drunk and one thing lead to another, and someone started throwing punches, either way it doesn't matter who started it, he got done for it in the end lol.
It gets weirder too, on Monday, I get a phone call from his solicitor, who basically told me that if I didn't lie to the police, he'd be spending X-mas in prison. Which kinda fucking sucks, I don't like being put in a position like that, but fuck it, it's done now:\
I'll update more tomorrow, ain't got time now, night.

Thursday 4 December 2003, not your b00bs...well, yes, they are interesting, but...

Weird, I actually had a mildly interesting day today 0_o
To start off, in Biology in school, we were doing this experiment that involved cutting up bits of potato and putting them in different concentrations of sugar solution. Simple really. Yet, we still manage to royally screw it up. Royally. :D
Heh, it was quite funny seeing one person after the other doing something incredibly stupid, or seeing my Biology teacher going even more insane. His name is Dr. Robbers, but sine I'm lazy, I'll just refer to him as Doc Bob from now on.
Anyway, to start off, he said that if anyone spilt any of the sugar stuff onto his desks, he'd make them clean t up with a toothbrush. Now, that's not too bad, that's just him trying to sound big, right? Well, he went one step further. He went and got a toothbrush that had ever single bristle, except 1, cut off. And then he proceeded to wander around the room shaking it at people...
When someone made a bit of a cock-up, which was so unbelievably stupid that we all had to laugh at him for like 20mins, Doc Bob just went to his desk, sat down, and cried, or possibly just pretended to cry to hide his laughter, I ain't sure, but he then said that his loon had more sense than anyone else in the room. Loon? wtf? Yeah, that's what I was thinking, until he took out this black doll thing that made a big screaming noise, and started to talk to it....
He's crazy.
ANYHOO, later on today, I was having a nice little chat with everyone when the light flickered. I looked at it and thought "Hmm, the last time I saw the light do that, we had a pow-" and the lights went out, and everything went dark:\
It was a big power cut, literally half the city was in darkness, but it was fixed in like an hour, so that wasn't too bad I guess, still a pain in the ass tho.
Heh heh, about 40mins after the power went out, the bitch phoned saying her power was out as well, so my dad phoned a taxi to go keep her company, because she was oh so scared of the dark. It was funny cuz the lights came back on literally as soon as the taxi arrived, heh heh.
Have you ever seen an air-freshener that has like a jelly stuff in it? Well, I accidentally put my hand in one today, and not knowing what it was, I went to smell my finger, me being the silly bastard that I am, I sniffed a bit too hard and part of the jelly crap went up my nose, which was bad enough, 'cept all I could smell was friggin' pine-cone for a couple of hours!
Oh and all of you, go download this song: Aphex Twin - Powerpill Pacman it's weird, in a good way :S
Lots and lots of other stuff happened today as well, some of it good, some of it not so good, and some of it bloddy fantastic (but I ain't allowed to tell you about that, not that I would anyway, it's private;) ) but I think this is a big enough update for now, hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you didn't...I don't care:P

Tuesday 2 December 2003

Shit, no time for update!

Gotta be super quick
Cut a mouse lead in ICT today, no real reason, just had a strange urge to vandalise school property. Me and another guy worked out that this year we've done about £300 worth of damage so far, and that's just through mice and CD-Rom drives, hehe.
We got Rambo's Phone Number! (Rambo = my business studies teacher).
He always keeps his phone in class, so tomorrow, we're gonna have a field day constantly ringing it, cuz he runs out of the room when it rings, heh heh heh, we're gonna have fun >:D
Spinkychan and Darkblade both had dreams about me last night, not quite sure how to take that, I'll just pretend they were highly erotic dreams for the hell of it, heh heh heh. I r t3h 3v1l. Not enough time for a proper sized update (which is a shame, i don't get to tell you all about the rampant sex I had today! really...), but screw you people, I'm tired, I'm going to bed, good night!

Monday 1 December 2003

T3h upd4t3z0rs iz t3h 1337 544!

Anywayz, Lets see here, what all happened this weekend?
Erm...not much really, just sat back and relaxed, in other words I'm lazy and just could not be arsed doing anything :P.
I couldn't get the song "The stripper" out of my head today, worst part was when I was involuntarily humming it, took me a min or 2 to figure out why I was getting some odd looks...
School was fairly interesting today, started off well, I was late and rushing to get to class and I had to walk past a bunch of juniors and as I was walking past them, one of them said something to me (can't remember what it was, it was just some crappy slagging in order to make him look big in front of his mates) and without even thinking it, I stopped, turned around, walked back and raised my fist as if i was about to punch him (I wasn't really, I'd rather walk away than start a fight, I ain't a violent guy) and the poor kid shit himself, he tried to move back away from me, tripped over a couple of schoolbags and started shouting "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!". That was enough, everyone just started laughing at him, hehe, serves the little bastard right. I very nearly shouted "PWNED!" at him, but then I came to my senses ("This is the real world, Steve")...
Sometime later, my business studies teacher said something odd to me. Now, I thought this guy hated me since he always picks on me, but when he asked me what it was I was reading (He makes us read the business section of the newspaper on Mondays, it's meant to help, but I'll be fucked if it's made a difference) I told him a bit about it, then he said that it would fall under a category that comes up next year, but then he said (This is the scary thing) "I doubt you'll be with us next year, Donaghy, which is a terrible shame because you're a bit of quality compared to the rest of this drab". Weird, I thought he hated me:\
Some time after that, near the end of the day, someone was annoying me, so when they weren't looking, I took out my pocket knife and cut the strap off of his bag, meaning he had to carry it around instead of just hanging it over his shoulder >:D. I have become so...evil...lately, and I think I know who to blame for that...