
Sunday 4 April 2004

Todays letter is the letter 6

Today started early. Very early, After going to bed at like 4am, I was abruptly awoken by my brother at around 7:30, he asked me if he could download a small movie clip and watch it and I said ok as long as he was quiet. So, about 10mins later he wakes me up again saying he can't find the movie he downloaded and that he wanted me to play it. Kitty was tired and not in the mood. I told him just to click on the open button in the download dialog box. Few mins later he wakes me up AGAIN, saying that he STILL can't find it and that clicking on open just showed him the folder he downloaded it to and that I was supposed to get up and find it for him. I just told him to download it again and to make sure he clicked open this time. A few mins after that, he got up and stomped out of the room, literally, so he could make as much noise as possible. Then he went down and started slamming doors, all because he couldn't find a fucking file. And he has the cheek to blame and take it out on me ffs!
Oh well, dad had words with him when he came home from work and he has pretty much hasn't spoken to me since. Which is by no means a bad thing :)
I re-installed UT2K3 today after not playing it for about a year. It runs better than before thanks to the extra Ram jfk sent (thanks again dude). I duno, if I can stick the annoying slowdown I get if more than like 4 people are on the screen at any one time, then I might have just found a new thing to keep me occupied :)

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