
Thursday 15 April 2004

Nozzy has 6 anuses?

Well the Job interview went better than expected, in fact, before it even began, it started off well as the guy read over my application form and the first thing he said was "ooo, I build PC's too"
Then he asked a few questions, which for some reason, I hadn't expected, call me stupid, but I honestly didn't prepare for any of these now seemingly obvious questions:

Note: Interviewer Me

"What's the first thing you would do on a site?"
"Check the perimeter, make sure it's secure, make a not of all the entrances and exits to the site"

"mmhmm *slight nod* Very good"
I shit you not, those were my exact words off the top of my head. That's what playing too many games does to you, especially ones like renegade....
"What would you do if you find someone on the site?"
"Confront them, make sure they have a legitimate reason to be there and if not, walk them to the exit"
He nods Again approvingly, seeming slightly....surprised too....
"Ok, and then what would you do if they got a bit angry or confrontational?"
"Phone the Police"
"Excellent answer, you've got it down, mate"

He seemed happy, I was secretly chuffed myself and the more I think back about it, the better my Answers seemed, and yes I am getting big-headed, but fuck I need this Job, I've spent hours looking around for the parts I'll use to build my super duper kickass PC....well actually, when I say I, I mean we, since Michelle has been there the whole time, making suggestions, arguing, changing's not really my PC now, it's ours, or more specifically, hers.....

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