
Friday 2 April 2004

and who says necrophilia is wrong?

Me and Michelle just finished watching Dawn of the Dead together. Fuck me, it's cool, lotsa  zombie action, plenty of shooting, cool explosions, lots of blood, it's just a fucking good movie, gets the Kitty Paws up.
I ain't updated in a few days, that's why I'm updating now, SOMEONE told me to  do the bloddy journal, so I am:P
Last few days have been rather uneventful, most exciting thing was when a wasp flew into Doc Bob's room on thursday.
Now Doc Bob, not being the most rational person in the world, freaked out at it, he has some phobia of wasps and basically walked out of the room and said "Right, teach yourselves". He would then stand at the doorway attempting to teach us while not taking his eye off the thing. It was a pretty big wasp tho, Bob described it as a "Seagull dressed up as a wasp". He's crazy if you hadn't guessed.
Oh and today was kinda funny, Cro (The dumbarse ICT teacher of mine that once drew a 6-sided pentagon on the board) was talking to me about my ICT coursework. See, he has a pre-easter deadline of next tuesday to hand it in. BUT, he wants me to have mine done for Monday so he can use it as a reference to mark the rest by.  Which is scary, as I don't really put much effort into it, but according to him mine rocks. Fuck, part of it isn't even MINE, I just stole somebody else's and reworded it (Gotta love shit security in schools) lol.
In fact, if I wanted to be REALLY mean, I could literally destroy people's coursework since they have been uploaded to my School's web site and I know how to get past the very poorly made security on everyone's site. Not because I'm 1337, but because there WAS no security put in, that wasn't "important enough" according to Cro.
I reckon he found his Computing degree in a Bin somewhere or something.....
My rather annoying brother has been complaining that he doesn't have a proper bed to sleep on, and the good thing is that to get him a proper bed, the PC needs to be moved somewhere else. Namely my room :D As If I don't spend enough time on it....:P

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