
Thursday 29 April 2004


*Cracks fingers*
Today went rather well, I'm now lined up to start "working" on Saturday :D
Got a training thing to go to tomorrow after school, but it's only few hours long, duno where the hell it is tho, they have yet to phone with those details, but I'm sure they'll ring tomorrow about it.
The countdown to my New PC Starts now, thus the counter in my msn SN has been changed, it now reads £1500 £1499.99 (Found a penny).
*rubs hands* soon, soooooon.....
The only bad thing about the Job will be the total boredom I'll face, but it's a small price to pay for what may as well be free money :D
The security dudes gave me loads of shit too, uniform, pliers, torch, hard had, stuff like that. The torch is cool tho, 1,000,000 candlelight power, I've been playing with the bastard all day, who ever would have thought that a plastic item with batteries in it could bring someone so much pleasure?

Wednesday 28 April 2004


It's finished! w0000t! No more coursework! YEY!!! YEY I TELLS YA! W00000000000!!!
Ok, now that I've got that out of my system....
Today was actually quite shitty, coursework doesn't just drive us up the wall, it puts the teachers on edge too, and of course they were all bastards about it. Oh well, at least I don't have to think about it any more, I'm just glad I don't do geogeraphy any more, coursework for that was a bloddy nightmare....but that's an older story, back to me...
Hmm....not a lot else happened that's worth commenting on, played some more conquest with Michelle, that was cool.
Tomorrow I have an induction with the security people, which is good as it more or less secures my position with them, meaning work, meaning cash, meaning super huge behemoth of a PC :D
Hmm...probably should have went to bed earlier for it....but meh, you only live twice...

Tuesday 27 April 2004

I r t3h tired Kitty

Spent all day doing coursework...all...friggin'
And I've got more to do tomorrow...still.....bah!
It's nearly all done, just got 2 of the 6 sections left and they're the easiest of them all, but meh, I want to kill the person who came up with the concept of coursework, the absolute bastard that he is....
It's ICT coursework too, and the only thing we learn from it is how to make it as bloated as hell....*thinks about microsoft*.......ok, so maybe that's relevant after all, but it still takes bloddy ages.....
*gets told to go to bed*
Yeeessss mistress....

Monday 26 April 2004

Nozzy's a man?

So was monday.....mondays are generally boring and not very exciting, but you know what happened today?
Er.....sod all, it was like any other monday....
Although it was bloddy hot, summer is definitely nearly on top of us, the heat, the wasps, the heat, it all points to summer.  More comical fun was had when the wasps flew into various rooms, particularly Doc Bob's room since he's afraid of them, and the "Study" hall (where no studying what-so-ever is done) so we get to see all the "hard" people try to flung themselves at them. Always a larf.
I am beginning to think school is designed for true wasters, I mean today here was what I did:
First hour: Biology, sat around watching Doc Bob run out into the corridor as a "bird dressed up as a wasp" (His words, not mine) flew in the window.
Next half hour: Business studies, where I sat around staring at the table, literally the whole time, as Rambo sat at the front of the room reading the newspaper.
Then there was break
Then came an our of IT. An hour that could better be described as a void in time, nothingness consumed this hour and I spent most of it stealing people's coursework for my own evil purposes... er...uses....
Then came lunch
Then came an hour and a half of nothing, no scheduled classes, so off to the study hall where I did even less than in ICT.
Final hour of the day was Chemistry which was the only time we did any real work, and even that was a crappy titration that wasn't really worth doing....
But then, at the end of the day, you get a qualification or 2 and end up going onto a Job where you do even less work and get paid twice as much as your average worker.....gotta love this world....
And god I tend to rabble on, don't I?

Friday 23 April 2004


I literally opened this thing to update it at about 1am. 15mins to 4 and I've just started......and I'm bloddy tired....
lets see here er..........OH OH, I am working next weekend (i.e. in about one week) so hopefully money will start rolling my way..
Erm......................errrrrrrrrr...................ummmm.....................fuck it, I am going to bed.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday 20 April 2004


Notice how all button banging to represent swear words always has the letter "F" in it?
Today the thing to help me pick a University was totally helpless.
Well, it kinda helped, sort of.
All the courses I'd like to do most require A-level Maths, which is a bit of a Pisser because I was led to believe that I didn't need A-level maths for any of the things I wanted to do, or that Advanced Maths GCSE would have sufficed, but was that the case? Like hell it was!
So I'm pissed about that, but what's made it worse is that there's one course I would like to do that don't require maths, but the University that does it is in london, and when I mentioned it my dad was an annoying bastard and kept trying to put me off it, which really didn't help as I don't have a lot of other options, he kept going on about how expensive it is and whenever I confronted him, he just said "Oh you should do what you want to do, don't worry about it" then why the hell were you making such a big deal out of it¬_¬
Oh well, there's always a chance I wouldn't get in anyway, so I still gotta pick other courses, but it's hard to find one that works for me...
Ah well, I just made a really good deal with someone so it all don't matter :D

Monday 19 April 2004

And we have a weiner! er....winner!

The countdown in my msn name has stopped, it's at 3 and staying like that indefinitely, do you know what that means?
Yup, means I got the I'm on the "waiting list" but they need a lot of people, my brother had to work a 24 hour shift a few days back, and he wanted the weekend off, but there was nobody to cover for him, so they need lots of people.
*rubs hands* just a few months.....
school wasn't too bad today, first day back, so half the people didn't show, which means less work :)
I should become a shrink, I had like 3 people on msn at once, all talking to me about their problems and stuff, I try my best to help them, and sometimes I manage to say the right things and make them feel better.. I used to do this a lot more, then things came up *cough* and now I think I should do it again, even if I only make them feel a tiny bit better, it's still an accomplishment :)
Now, tomorrow is school then the careers thing later on, I thought it was during school, but that's a different thing¬_¬
Oh well....

I'm Ross Gellar from Friends!

Take the Friends Quiz here.

created by stomps.
What stupid celebrity are you destined to kill? by daydreamer8852
You killed
With a
OnOctober 25, 2013
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Sunday 18 April 2004

An end to an era....

ok, so it's the end of easter holiday, but meh, same thing.
It was all good I suppose, had a nice relaxing break, oh and the other day, like 10mins after I updated,  an old friend added me to her MSN list, we hadn't spoken in like 5 or 6 months, her account got hacked or something and she only just got my e-mail again., it was good talking to her :)
Tomorrow school starts again, and boy is it gonna be boring as hell, but there's some careers thing on tuesday so I miss school for it, so that's good.
The exams are drawing nearer, I'm scared....

Friday 16 April 2004

Bad Kitty!

Today nothing interesting happened....well, nothing interesting that I could tell you people:P
I noticed that recently several people have been using countdowns in their msn names, similar to the one I had for the countdown to my birthday (Which continued counting down for about 2 and a half weeks AFTER my birthday) so just for the hell of it, I'm gonna see if I can have a countdown for something from now on, at the moment, it's the days left the security dudes have to phone me to tell me if I have the job or not.
I got up at like 9am today, which is really unusual for me on a non school day, but I was told to, so it's not like I had a choice. I wonder what freedom is like, I ain't had it for so long, I don't even remember what it felt like....oh well, the Kinky sex is worth it...oops, let the kitty kat out of the bag there...oops there I go again....silly me......

Thursday 15 April 2004

Nozzy has 6 anuses?

Well the Job interview went better than expected, in fact, before it even began, it started off well as the guy read over my application form and the first thing he said was "ooo, I build PC's too"
Then he asked a few questions, which for some reason, I hadn't expected, call me stupid, but I honestly didn't prepare for any of these now seemingly obvious questions:

Note: Interviewer Me

"What's the first thing you would do on a site?"
"Check the perimeter, make sure it's secure, make a not of all the entrances and exits to the site"

"mmhmm *slight nod* Very good"
I shit you not, those were my exact words off the top of my head. That's what playing too many games does to you, especially ones like renegade....
"What would you do if you find someone on the site?"
"Confront them, make sure they have a legitimate reason to be there and if not, walk them to the exit"
He nods Again approvingly, seeming slightly....surprised too....
"Ok, and then what would you do if they got a bit angry or confrontational?"
"Phone the Police"
"Excellent answer, you've got it down, mate"

He seemed happy, I was secretly chuffed myself and the more I think back about it, the better my Answers seemed, and yes I am getting big-headed, but fuck I need this Job, I've spent hours looking around for the parts I'll use to build my super duper kickass PC....well actually, when I say I, I mean we, since Michelle has been there the whole time, making suggestions, arguing, changing's not really my PC now, it's ours, or more specifically, hers.....

Wednesday 14 April 2004

x. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? The matrix: reloaded, it should ahve been so much more...

x. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? I'd get breast implants, that way I can have all the b00bies I want, when I want :D

x. Do you have a completely irrational fear? Fear? naaah, I'd have to be paranoid of something to fear it, and I'm not paranoid, no sirree, not me, heh heh heh, not paranoid at all *takes out gun* are you looking at me?

x. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment? Perhaps the part where I take out the gun/sword/small bomb

x. Are you a pyromaniac? Depends, there's a few thing's I'd like to do with candles and hot wax, preferably with a hot woman...

x. Do you have too many love interests? I have one, and she's enough.....animals don't count....

x. Do you know anyone famous? I know a guy that was on local TV once

x. Describe your bed: can sleep on it....

x. Spontaneous or plan? I plan to be spontaneous

x. Do you know how to play poker? Yes, you get a stick and a woman and you prod the woman with the stick

x. What do you carry with you at all times? my balls, don't really have much choice

x. What do you miss most about being little? Getting away with everything

x. Are you happy with your given name? Can't complain

x. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? How much is a flight to london?

x. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? pfft

x. Do transient, homeless, or starving people bother you? Bums are the coolest people on the planet

x. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes, but then I realise I'm being bigheaded and that makes me a bastard, but at least I'm a nice bastard

x. Do you spend more time with your boyfriend girlfriend or your friends? Michelle of course.....unless she's sleeping.....lazy sod....

x. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't? Raise the dead

x. What is your ideal marriage location? Don't really care as long as it's with the woman I love

x. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? none

x. Favorite fabric? ermm.......does latex count?

x. Something you love and hate? Love Michelle, hate Farewells

x. What kind of bedding do you use? Stained ones....

x. What's the one language you want to learn? Machine code, the language of the Machine...

x. Have you ever pierced your body parts? Possibly, while fucking around with the knife/sword, but not intentionally

x. Do you have tattoos? Not that I know of...

x. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery any kind if confronted? Look at what I said I would get done, it would be kinda hard to deny it...

x. Do you drive stick? I can not and will not ever drive

x. What's one trait you hate in a person? Thinking someone is worse or "lower" than you

x. What kind of watch(es) do you wear? A digital one...and who the fuck wears more than one watch?

x. Most frivolous purchase? I don't think I've ever bought something that ISN'T frivolous

x. Do you consider yourself materialistic? Kinda, I really wany a new PC as this one pisses me off a lot cuz it's so slow, but apart from that one thing, I really don't want much anything else

x. What do you cook the best? Toast. My toast is perfect. Better than perfect, it's the best one-sided toast you'll ever taste. If you like taost that is toasted on one side that is...

x. Favorite writing instrument? Writing? Screw writing, TYPING is the shit

x. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? I stand out anyway

x. What kind of books do you like to read? Does porn count?

x. If you won the lottery, what would you do? Spend money?

x. What's one thing you're a sore loser at? Duno

x. If you don't like a person, how do you show it? I tell them I don't like them and to fuck off....

x. Do you cry in front of friends? No, I don't cry much...

x. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? That I'm either insane or a total geek

x. What's one thing you like to do alone? *points to porn then points to tissues*

x. Are you a giver or a taker? We take turns;)

x. When's the last time you cried? That information is classified

x. Favorite communication method? MSN, it's better than smelly AIM....

x. How many drinks before you're tipsy? I had one glass of wine when I was 8 and was completely pissed. I don't drink, so I would get drunk really easily.

x. Favorite kind of porn? You really do not want to know, it involves a lot of freaky stuff...

x. Do you ever have to beg? Not really, begging doesn't achieve much...

x. How often do you have sex? *shrugs* depends what you count as sex...

x. Have you ever done any illegal drugs? nope

x. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? Well they tend to get a bit jealous of my

x. What's the most painful experience you've ever had? *shrugs* Probably some blocked out childhood memory of my mum going crazy.....bitch

No, Michelle, I love YOU more

God dammit, I leave for five mins and she gets delusional, thinking she loves me more....
Ok, so I was away for like an hour when I said I'd be right back, and she was tired, but still, she's wrong:P
So why haven't  I updated this thing in like a week? Well, I'm on my easter break thingy and celebrating it by doing....sod all....
I think it's a good way to celebrate the death of someone who probably didn't exist and if he did, he was more likely to spend his time stealing people's toenail clippings and holding them to ransom for a small profit or a date with the local sheep instead of going around healing people and getting royally fucked over by the romans.
So anyway, apart from making double sure that I go to hell by implying that Jesus was a sheep shagger, there's not a lot I can say here.
I have a Job interview thingy tomorrow tho, for security guard, it's the Job my brother has at the moment, and will work out pretty good as it means that I can get a kick-ass computer in the space of about 3 months by working 2 days a week. The downside to this is that it will completely erase my weekend from existence as It will be school 5 days a week, then 2 12 hour shifts at the weekend, with sleeping in between.
I was actually gonna pass it up, I mean I'd love a new computer and stuff, and the Job is easy, but I'd be missing something important, but well, someone convinced me to try anyway :)
Wish me luck tomorrow!

What Irrational Number Are You?
You are φ

Of all the irrational numbers, you are considered to be the most beautiful. Those who know you well have called you by many names, all golden. However, most people don't know you by name and probably won't even recognize you by sight, but they do like to see you. Despite your pretty face, you are by no means shallow. You are involved it many things: finance, biology, architecture, art, music, and much more.

In some ways you and e are a nearly perfect match. The power and intensity of e excites you.

Your lucky number is approximately 1.61803399

Shiny Lemur
Straif's Blog

I'm phi :)
If I get the Job, I hope I don't get.....phired:P
*watches tumble weed role by*
.......................Oh go Phuck yourselves

Sunday 11 April 2004


I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.

Ask me anything you want.

Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Tuesday 6 April 2004

Screw the Subject, I want to have sex with YOUR mother

I am supposed to be in school in hours and I haven't been to sleep, but no worries, I manages to Jib today off since it's the last day before my easter break and we wouldn't be doing anything anyway. I have no classes until 11 on a wednesday normally, plus we get out at 2 today so it's really not worth the effort, besides, that time would be much more productively used sleeping :P
Not a lot happened at school today that was worth remembering, although it was kinda funny in ICT when my ICT teacher's weak mind was taken advantage of, it went something like this.
Note: Pupil Cro (Cro = Mr Crozier, the ICT teacher in question)

"So [Insert  name here], have you got your coursework in today?"
"How long do we get off for easter, sir?"
"Oh errm......all of next week I think"
"Right, sweet"

And then Cro would walk away, completely oblivious to the reason as to why he walked over to the person in the first place.
Now, its half 5 in the morning, I have been up since early and thus am now going to bed,.

Monday 5 April 2004

Today very little happened, school was boring, tachers were miserable for some reason and took it out on us as they tend to do, came home and Played some  Conquest with Michelle, we were gonna play TS, but WOL was down (again) so we couldn't. Oh welll it was fun anyway, even tho we didn't get to finish the game cuz Her Comp Crashed.
2 days of school left before easter, it's about time :D

Sunday 4 April 2004

Todays letter is the letter 6

Today started early. Very early, After going to bed at like 4am, I was abruptly awoken by my brother at around 7:30, he asked me if he could download a small movie clip and watch it and I said ok as long as he was quiet. So, about 10mins later he wakes me up again saying he can't find the movie he downloaded and that he wanted me to play it. Kitty was tired and not in the mood. I told him just to click on the open button in the download dialog box. Few mins later he wakes me up AGAIN, saying that he STILL can't find it and that clicking on open just showed him the folder he downloaded it to and that I was supposed to get up and find it for him. I just told him to download it again and to make sure he clicked open this time. A few mins after that, he got up and stomped out of the room, literally, so he could make as much noise as possible. Then he went down and started slamming doors, all because he couldn't find a fucking file. And he has the cheek to blame and take it out on me ffs!
Oh well, dad had words with him when he came home from work and he has pretty much hasn't spoken to me since. Which is by no means a bad thing :)
I re-installed UT2K3 today after not playing it for about a year. It runs better than before thanks to the extra Ram jfk sent (thanks again dude). I duno, if I can stick the annoying slowdown I get if more than like 4 people are on the screen at any one time, then I might have just found a new thing to keep me occupied :)

Saturday 3 April 2004

You are 59% geek
You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you'll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you're a technical geek, you'll be able to afford it, too. If you're not a technical geek, you're geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. Dating tip: Don't date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You'll constantly try to out-geek the other.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

A spitter is a quitter

Well, today we moved a whole bunch of crap around the house so my brother could have a bed to sleep on, but the side effect of that is that the PC is now in my room, where it bloddy well belongs! :D
It took quite a long time moving it around too, cuz we basically had to redo 3 rooms, plus my PC sits on like a  long thick shelf which needed to be moved.
Now, the thing about this shelf was that thank to the 2 Monitors, it sort of sagged in the middle, and when we moved it to my room, cuz there was less wall to bolt it to, we used 4 less screws than before, but somehow, the fucker is more stable. It's not sagging at all and the same amount of crap is on it! AND WITH FEWER SCREWS!
See, it's things like this that made me drop Physics after GCSE. That and the fact that I was crap at it, but meh.
Also, there was a fairly big event today in the UK, it's called the Grand National  and is basically just a big horse race, but the biggest of the year. Now, I am not a big horse racing fan, in fact, I hate it, so does my dad, but for some reason, he always bets on the Grand National, it's the only thing he ever bets on. That and how long my brother can keep a Job for, but anyhoo. I bet £1 on one of the horses. And it won!  GO ME!
I made £16 out of it :D

Friday 2 April 2004

Your Love Situation by Amberishjewel

Your Love Is...
During Lovemaking You Act...
Like a volcano, hot & steamy
Your Partner Is...
Your master
Your Partner Has Said That You...
Are a good listener
Your Love is Summed Up In A Quote.
"Love is bittersweet"

Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

I hate how thse things are so.......accurate...

are you sexy? by jeska
your name

do YOU think you are?


on a scale from 1-10 you are a
other people say you are
perfect the way you are
your sex appeal will last til
September 22, 2012

Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

See? Can't get more accurate than that :P

Tell Me About Your Sex Life? by electronicoffee


Favorite Postion
you like being taken from behind
Secret Fetish
soft domination [take]
Age of Lost Virginity
Bedroom Talent
you will do almost anything

Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Erm.........well of course, they can't ALWAYS be right

Get to know the REAL you by crash_and_burn
Your Name

You Are A:
Jazz Cat
Your Favorite Band/Song
Coldplay - Yellow
You Like To Read:
Sheet music
You Firmly Believe In:
Free love
Everyone Thinks You Are:
You don't have any friends
You Were Conceived:
Backstage at a Queen concert
You Will Marry:
A nudist

Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!

Uhhhhh...well the first part is close enough, duno about the rest tho....

and who says necrophilia is wrong?

Me and Michelle just finished watching Dawn of the Dead together. Fuck me, it's cool, lotsa  zombie action, plenty of shooting, cool explosions, lots of blood, it's just a fucking good movie, gets the Kitty Paws up.
I ain't updated in a few days, that's why I'm updating now, SOMEONE told me to  do the bloddy journal, so I am:P
Last few days have been rather uneventful, most exciting thing was when a wasp flew into Doc Bob's room on thursday.
Now Doc Bob, not being the most rational person in the world, freaked out at it, he has some phobia of wasps and basically walked out of the room and said "Right, teach yourselves". He would then stand at the doorway attempting to teach us while not taking his eye off the thing. It was a pretty big wasp tho, Bob described it as a "Seagull dressed up as a wasp". He's crazy if you hadn't guessed.
Oh and today was kinda funny, Cro (The dumbarse ICT teacher of mine that once drew a 6-sided pentagon on the board) was talking to me about my ICT coursework. See, he has a pre-easter deadline of next tuesday to hand it in. BUT, he wants me to have mine done for Monday so he can use it as a reference to mark the rest by.  Which is scary, as I don't really put much effort into it, but according to him mine rocks. Fuck, part of it isn't even MINE, I just stole somebody else's and reworded it (Gotta love shit security in schools) lol.
In fact, if I wanted to be REALLY mean, I could literally destroy people's coursework since they have been uploaded to my School's web site and I know how to get past the very poorly made security on everyone's site. Not because I'm 1337, but because there WAS no security put in, that wasn't "important enough" according to Cro.
I reckon he found his Computing degree in a Bin somewhere or something.....
My rather annoying brother has been complaining that he doesn't have a proper bed to sleep on, and the good thing is that to get him a proper bed, the PC needs to be moved somewhere else. Namely my room :D As If I don't spend enough time on it....:P