
Tuesday 4 November 2003

Random0rz peoplez0rz

/me has gotta stop with the "0rz" stuff. /me is emoting himself. /me does not know why.
/me will stop emoting himself now. Ahh, there we go.
Now, onto today's events!
Managed to swindle a second day off of school, which is a plus, and to make it better, tomorrow is a holy day or some crap like that, so we get a day off, how cool is that?
Y'see, killing saints DOES have a purpose after all, to get kids off of school:D
In case you didn't realize, I go to a christian school. Yes, me of all people, I'm the kinda guy who doesn't just not believe in God, I'd punch the guy if I ever met him. Heh, bastard.
While downloading a shit load of songs for Grendies today, some guy messaged me through Kazaa, he said "Hi mum", so er, how could I resist replying to that?
Anyhoo, we got talking and eventually, he added me to his msn list thingy, and we talked some more, the guy's german, so he had a bit of a hard time understanding some of the things I was saying. But then, the fact that he's german probably didn't affect that, hell, sometimes I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about lol. He seems a nice guy tho, he made me download this german song, "schandmaul - Herren der Wind". Now, I havn't a clue what the hell they're singing about, but that song is now stuck in my head, go download it from Kazaa and have a listen, see if I'm just nuts or not. Heh, y'know, it's probably not a good idea to talk to random people like that, but what the hell, I never was one for good ideas.
Speaking of downloading, a file that I've had on download in Kazaa for the past 6 months FINALLY finished today, it was only a 200Mb file, but literally no-one on Kazaa seemed to have it, and I couldn't find it anywhere else, but I got it in the end, that's all that matters now...
It was the third and final episode of one of my favorite Anime's of all time, "Cyber city oedo 808", if you like anime, I highly recommend that one (and no, it's not more tentacle pr0n as someone, who shall remain nameless *cough*Michelle*cough*, pointed out).
Erm...apart from that, can't say anything special happened, bought a new kettle, not because we needed one, but cuz this one glows when the water boils... er..yup, that's about it for now.

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