
Saturday 1 November 2003

Hmm...havn't updated this thing in a while...

I gotta get back into the habit of updating this thing every day or I'll end up forgetting about it...or I'll get shouted at...or both...
Anyway, lets see, what all's happened recently...erm...actually, some interesting events did occur.
On friday, I was told that I had a job, and began on saturday, needless to say, I wans't happy, I don't mind the fact that it's that shit job stripping plastic I had before, just it's not nice only being told the day before.
Anyway, so I go anyway, it was the 6:30am - 2:30pm shift. The day wasn't going too bad, until about 12 when I needed to take a dump, so I went to the toilet, however, when I walk out, there's this guy standing there and he shouts at me"How long have you been in there!?" and I'm like "Uhh, about 10mins" (Which is fair enough for a dump, heck twice that is fair enough, some things just can't be rushed) and he shouts back saying "Actually, you've been in there for 15mins, which is too long, so we're sending you home, go sign out NOW!" so erm, there you go, I got sacked on the first day cuz I spent 5mins too long taking a dump:\
Ah well, the Job sucked anyway, and they Pay was even worse, so I'm not bothered about loosing it, it's just WHY I lost it that ticked me off, plus I wasn't feeling too good as it was...
Oh well, no worries, I'm not fussed about losing the Job, so I guess it's all ok in the end.
Oh and Michelle? I love you :)

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