
Thursday 6 November 2003


Weird, I got almost no sleep last night at all, Kept having bad thoughts (hard to explain, so I wont bother). There's something on my mind, but oddly, I don't know what it is, I can't explain it, it's bothering me whatever it is, but I...just don't know what exactly it IS...only thing I'm sure of is that it involves Michelle in some way, which is even odder, as things are still going great, the only thing I can think of is that maybe I'm afraid of loosing her in some way, that's the only plausible thing that could be doing this to me. Ah well, it'll probably pass in a few days or so.
Really weird thing about me is the less sleep I get, the more Hyper I get as the day goes on. In the morning, I'll be screwed, but by lunch time I'm be hyper as hell, heck, first period after lunch when my name was called in the role, instead of answering with "Here Sir", I shouted out "Ow!" (Like Michael Jackson in Bo selecta...) which game me some odd looks, but what the hey, odd looks for an odd person I guess:\
I happened to be browsing a bit torrent site when I noticed they had just put up Matrix: Revolutions, I must have been one of the first to see it cuz at the time there was NO-ONE leeching and just a single seed, damn that was good timing. Half an hour later, there was 3 seeds and 1000+ people leeching. SOme time after that, it jumped to 6 seeds/4000+ leeching. And I was one of the first, boo-ya....damn, I'm sad, I'm getting trippy over noticing a download before anyone else..hmm, yup, definitely hyper.
Speaking of revolutions, all my friends are all bastards, the whole day today they kept dropping little hints about the film. When I say little, I mean they basically screamed all of the major events into my face, so I already know ow it ends, who lives, who dies, who falls in love with who, etc. etc. Bastards, all of them...
Well, it's late, and I wouldn't have done this update 'cept I was ordered to lol, ah well, off to bed and hopefully revolutions will be done by the morning, if it's not, someone will pay dearly....Me probably...

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