
Saturday 22 November 2003

Dammit, there's just too much bestiality around here...

I swear, a certain person, who shall remain nameless, (I'll give you a hint, his name begins with T and ends in "oxin" or just "ox") are worrying me, first he sends me a guide on how to have sex with a dog, then he sends one on how to have sex with a horse, then he asks me this today "Dude, if you had a life and death choise, either you fuck the animal of your choise, or die, which animal would you pick?". I mean, he immediately assumes that I'd rather fuck an animal than die (It's true, but that's not the point). Tell you all what tho, if enough people post in a comment what they'd fuck/get fucked by (even anonymously if fine, mainly cuz I know who is who by the IP;) ), I'll think about posting my answer.
Now, enough of the gross stuff, for reading all that, I guess you deserve to read the rest of this.
About last nights post, don't worry about it, it's all sorted now and everything is hunky-dory once again:)
Michelle and I had a good long chat today about stuff, mainly the future, and It got me thinking a lot, but it wasn't bad or anything, I enjoyed it, and the more I think about it, the more I look forward to it all. I can hardly wait:)
My cool bro is visiting tomorrow, gotta get up early to meet him, he'll only be here for a few days, but it'll be good to see him, him and my dad are the only blood-related family of mine I actually give a shit about. In the past, When my dad was at work, He would take care of me cuz my mum was always drunk, and just used to sit on the sofa screaming and boozing, while my other bro just went out and got himself into shit. If it wasn't for Chris, I doubt I'd be here today, what a shame he's grown up and got himself a life far away, last time I saw him was back in august, he usually only visits once a year, around this time, so I guess I'm glad I got to see him earlier as well.
I got him a kick-ass Birthday/X-mas (His birthday was on the 14th of november, so we figured it'd be best waiting until he came over to get them, and since this is a big gift, It'll count towards his X-mas one as well) Prezzie on Friday too, and I know he'll like it, it's definitely the kinda thing he goes for. He like gadget type things and he likes Dr who, so I got him a remote control talking Dalek.

I got him the silver one, I wanted to get him the black one, but they didn't have it.
Also, according to the guy in the store, the factory in France that makes them burned down 2 weeks ago, and the 2 he had were the last 2 in Belfast, if that's true, then I was pretty lucky.
It's a fairly expensive Gift at £69.99, but I guess I owe it to him, and I don't mind paying for it, but I made a deliberate act of getting my other bro a shitty gift which will cost next to nothing, since he's such a cunt to me at times, oh and cuz he got me fuck all last year and fuck all for my birthday. In fact, on Friday, I lent hi £40, and he said "Cheers Steve, I'll get you a good X-mas gift!"
And without even thinking, I said "Ha! That'll make a change from last year!" which, as soon as I said it, I thought was kinda mean, but my dad just burst out laughing, and as soon as my bro left, he came up to me and said, still laughing, "Steve, that was brilliant, I'm Proud of you, you took the wind out of him!".
Hmm, this is probably the biggest update I've done in a while, but more to come too...
I got some bad news today, apparently, my biological mother is planning a visit tomorrow, since she hasn't seen Chris in like 4 years (He makes a point in "forgetting" to visit her when he visits me and my dad), so I gotta try and deal with that. If you think I hate My dad's gf, you have no idea how much I hate my real mum, I mean, she almost single handedly screwed up my childhood, and I'll never forgive her for that 'till the day she dies, which, if she keeps on drinking like she does, wont be long. I still gotta be nice to her because she's my mum apparently, well, according to my dad. When he says that to me, I always reply with something like "I'll start treating her like a mother when she starts acting like one" but I always end up being nice to her anyway. Fuck.
But I don't care now, I'm just gonna go to bed and dream nice happy thoughts about my future:)

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