
Saturday 8 November 2003

I'm a walking premonition!

Really really weird, on friday morning, It starts off bad, revolutions is only 51.4% finished when it should have been done and when I came home from school, it was STILL 51.4% done, turns out the tracker got screwed or something, so I had to redownload the whole bloddy thing again that day. Also, at school, things wern't much better, my business studies teacher really doesn't like me, JUST me, he's a real prick, seems to like constantly picking on me in the class for no fucking reason, I'm seriously concidering dropping that class, shame I didn't think of it earlier or could have moved to the other business studies class, where the teacher actually TEACHES the class instead of just bitching and reading the newspaper every day...
Even dinner sucked, it looked and tasted like crap, althuough it wasn't anyone's fault, it was some new thing my dad was trying, needless to say, he wont be trying it again, even the cats didn't like it, and they're fat bastards that eat everything:\
And a whole bunch of other shit happened to me to make it all worse, but surprisingly, I didn't have the worst day, I think ACK probably did, his gf died and he seems pretty heartbroken, poor guy, although, it did remind me that even though I had a generally shitty day, I've still got Michelle, and boy am I happy about that. Strange tho, it seems that whenever I have a bad day, everyone else has one...odd...
Onto saturday...
Actually was a pretty good day all in all. My dad took me down with him to B&Q (It's a hardware store), he was looking for a Job there and he thought it might be worth me going as well since I'm currently jobless (btw spinkychan, you might just wanna ignore the rest of this) anyway, my dad walks in the front door and spots a member of staff way at the back, he walks up to the girl and says "Hey Philis" and she's like "Oh Hi John, want a Job?" , so he says "Aye, that'd be great, oh and this is my son, he'd like one too" and she's like "Aye, no problem, gimmie your address and I'll have a word" and I'm like standing there completely bemused. That's a thing about my dad, he knows EVERYONE, everywhere you go with him, all these random people know him and start talking to him, while I stand there feeling like a spare dick:\
erm...big large gap of nothing for a while, then I spend 3 hours playing TS with Michelle, which was hella fun, then that leads me here, to the blog.Ok, time for some psychic future telling!
I see....I see....I see a bed....yes, a bed...with..with me in it...yes, there's a bed with me in it, that can only mean one thing, good night!

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