
Wednesday 26 November 2003

Phew, that was close...*gets exploded*

Well, lets see here, what have I been up to this past few days?
Well, as you all (should) know, my bro is visiting, and I've been spending a fair amount of time with him, which is cool, haven't seen him in ages, and well, this is about as close to being with my family at Christmas as I can get, he leaves tomorrow and I probably wont get to see him again until around this time next year.
Which basically means that on Christmas day, there will be me, my dad and that bitch, and with her there, it may as well not be Christmas since every time I look at her, I just wanna shoot her, I despise her so much, it's not even funny.
I mean, there's times when I really hate my dad, he can be so arrogant at times, but in general, he's a great dad, but when she's around, he's like a totally different person. It's hard to explain, I mean, my dad's personality seems to change when she's around. For instance, when she suggests something like going to some shitty animal shelter (She cares more about animals than humans, she'd sooner donate money to the RSPCA than to some foreign aid thing, where people are starving get food and stuff, I mean, the more I think about that, the more it seems like she's got her priorities a bit screwed up), he's like "Oh that's a great idea, I'd like that" but when she leaves the room, he usually grumbles something like "Fuck sake, why the fuck do I wanna go to some shitty fucking animal shelter, waste of fucking time" but would he ever say that to her? Would he even say something like "No, let's do something else"? Nope, he just agrees and nods and does everything she tells him to, which just pisses me off. Before anyone thinks of saying that that's exactly what I'm like with Michelle (Darkblade, I'm talking to you here), don't bother, cuz it's not, fuck knows how many time's I've told Michelle something that would generally make her pissed at me, but if I feel it needs to be said, I'll say it. Bah, I'm just pissed because the more I think about it, the more I realise how much Christmas is gonna suck cuz of that bitch, it sucked last year, it sucked the ear before that, it's sucked every year since my dad met her, and this year ain't gonna be any different, I'll just do what I always do and try to act excited and happy...
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not in a bad mood, in fact, I'm quite happy right now, I mean, my bro is here, I'm having a great time with him, things between me and Michelle are going great, and to top it all off, I just figured out something to do to my business studies teacher to really piss him off without him knowing who did it, heh heh heh. I'm not a malicious person normally, but he has it coming.
If all goes well, I'll post here the results of my little plan....>:D
Er...I was gonna write about all the stuff I've been up to this past few days, but that little rant kinda threw me off, so er...look forward to it in a later update, i.e. when fuck all happens and I've got nothing else to write about:P

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