
Saturday 29 November 2003

Where Will You Have Sex? by natterz_
DateApril 17, 2061
Number Of Times572
PlaceOn a tour bus
PersonMatt Skibba
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

I hope to god Matt's a woman....

Thursday 27 November 2003

Thanksgiving is just an excuse to go out, eat loads of food and get pissed...sounds good to me!

Well, the food part does anyway. So lets see here, todays events...
Well, my ICT teacher is officially the dumbest person I know. The topic of discussion was security, y'know, different types (passwords, fingerprint scanners etc.) and he says "Well, in the pentagon, they have different security levels" and then he walked up the the white board and drew a pic of the pentagon. Sorta. He talked about it for like 20mins, and all anyone had to say was "Er..Sir...that's a hexagon...". What a retard.
Another interesting event was when a friend of mine was sitting next to me in chemistry, he started talking shit, and I really wasn't in the mood for it, so after about 5mins, I turned around to him and said "David, picture this, there's a horse, with a massive 12 inch cock pounding hard into your ass.." and continued describing this...event...(in graphic detail too) for a good 5mins. When I was done, he faced forward and said absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. Pwned.
I know, sick, but hey, it shut him up:)
Had I biology test today, piece of piss too, I reckon I did really well on that:D
My brother went home today, I would have went up to the airport with him to say goodbye, but that bitch wouldn't let me go, saying some bullshit about her not having insurance for 5 people (Me, her, my dad, my bro and his gf). My brother actually works for an insurance company, and he was saying that the "4 people" means "4 people as well as the driver" but did she listen? Like fuck she did. Bitch.
But enough about her, I don't care about her. And, despite my brother leaving for another year, I'm actually really happy, and I owe that to Michelle, I just hope she knows how happy she makes me at times:)

Wednesday 26 November 2003

Phew, that was close...*gets exploded*

Well, lets see here, what have I been up to this past few days?
Well, as you all (should) know, my bro is visiting, and I've been spending a fair amount of time with him, which is cool, haven't seen him in ages, and well, this is about as close to being with my family at Christmas as I can get, he leaves tomorrow and I probably wont get to see him again until around this time next year.
Which basically means that on Christmas day, there will be me, my dad and that bitch, and with her there, it may as well not be Christmas since every time I look at her, I just wanna shoot her, I despise her so much, it's not even funny.
I mean, there's times when I really hate my dad, he can be so arrogant at times, but in general, he's a great dad, but when she's around, he's like a totally different person. It's hard to explain, I mean, my dad's personality seems to change when she's around. For instance, when she suggests something like going to some shitty animal shelter (She cares more about animals than humans, she'd sooner donate money to the RSPCA than to some foreign aid thing, where people are starving get food and stuff, I mean, the more I think about that, the more it seems like she's got her priorities a bit screwed up), he's like "Oh that's a great idea, I'd like that" but when she leaves the room, he usually grumbles something like "Fuck sake, why the fuck do I wanna go to some shitty fucking animal shelter, waste of fucking time" but would he ever say that to her? Would he even say something like "No, let's do something else"? Nope, he just agrees and nods and does everything she tells him to, which just pisses me off. Before anyone thinks of saying that that's exactly what I'm like with Michelle (Darkblade, I'm talking to you here), don't bother, cuz it's not, fuck knows how many time's I've told Michelle something that would generally make her pissed at me, but if I feel it needs to be said, I'll say it. Bah, I'm just pissed because the more I think about it, the more I realise how much Christmas is gonna suck cuz of that bitch, it sucked last year, it sucked the ear before that, it's sucked every year since my dad met her, and this year ain't gonna be any different, I'll just do what I always do and try to act excited and happy...
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not in a bad mood, in fact, I'm quite happy right now, I mean, my bro is here, I'm having a great time with him, things between me and Michelle are going great, and to top it all off, I just figured out something to do to my business studies teacher to really piss him off without him knowing who did it, heh heh heh. I'm not a malicious person normally, but he has it coming.
If all goes well, I'll post here the results of my little plan....>:D
Er...I was gonna write about all the stuff I've been up to this past few days, but that little rant kinda threw me off, so er...look forward to it in a later update, i.e. when fuck all happens and I've got nothing else to write about:P

Saturday 22 November 2003

Dammit, there's just too much bestiality around here...

I swear, a certain person, who shall remain nameless, (I'll give you a hint, his name begins with T and ends in "oxin" or just "ox") are worrying me, first he sends me a guide on how to have sex with a dog, then he sends one on how to have sex with a horse, then he asks me this today "Dude, if you had a life and death choise, either you fuck the animal of your choise, or die, which animal would you pick?". I mean, he immediately assumes that I'd rather fuck an animal than die (It's true, but that's not the point). Tell you all what tho, if enough people post in a comment what they'd fuck/get fucked by (even anonymously if fine, mainly cuz I know who is who by the IP;) ), I'll think about posting my answer.
Now, enough of the gross stuff, for reading all that, I guess you deserve to read the rest of this.
About last nights post, don't worry about it, it's all sorted now and everything is hunky-dory once again:)
Michelle and I had a good long chat today about stuff, mainly the future, and It got me thinking a lot, but it wasn't bad or anything, I enjoyed it, and the more I think about it, the more I look forward to it all. I can hardly wait:)
My cool bro is visiting tomorrow, gotta get up early to meet him, he'll only be here for a few days, but it'll be good to see him, him and my dad are the only blood-related family of mine I actually give a shit about. In the past, When my dad was at work, He would take care of me cuz my mum was always drunk, and just used to sit on the sofa screaming and boozing, while my other bro just went out and got himself into shit. If it wasn't for Chris, I doubt I'd be here today, what a shame he's grown up and got himself a life far away, last time I saw him was back in august, he usually only visits once a year, around this time, so I guess I'm glad I got to see him earlier as well.
I got him a kick-ass Birthday/X-mas (His birthday was on the 14th of november, so we figured it'd be best waiting until he came over to get them, and since this is a big gift, It'll count towards his X-mas one as well) Prezzie on Friday too, and I know he'll like it, it's definitely the kinda thing he goes for. He like gadget type things and he likes Dr who, so I got him a remote control talking Dalek.

I got him the silver one, I wanted to get him the black one, but they didn't have it.
Also, according to the guy in the store, the factory in France that makes them burned down 2 weeks ago, and the 2 he had were the last 2 in Belfast, if that's true, then I was pretty lucky.
It's a fairly expensive Gift at £69.99, but I guess I owe it to him, and I don't mind paying for it, but I made a deliberate act of getting my other bro a shitty gift which will cost next to nothing, since he's such a cunt to me at times, oh and cuz he got me fuck all last year and fuck all for my birthday. In fact, on Friday, I lent hi £40, and he said "Cheers Steve, I'll get you a good X-mas gift!"
And without even thinking, I said "Ha! That'll make a change from last year!" which, as soon as I said it, I thought was kinda mean, but my dad just burst out laughing, and as soon as my bro left, he came up to me and said, still laughing, "Steve, that was brilliant, I'm Proud of you, you took the wind out of him!".
Hmm, this is probably the biggest update I've done in a while, but more to come too...
I got some bad news today, apparently, my biological mother is planning a visit tomorrow, since she hasn't seen Chris in like 4 years (He makes a point in "forgetting" to visit her when he visits me and my dad), so I gotta try and deal with that. If you think I hate My dad's gf, you have no idea how much I hate my real mum, I mean, she almost single handedly screwed up my childhood, and I'll never forgive her for that 'till the day she dies, which, if she keeps on drinking like she does, wont be long. I still gotta be nice to her because she's my mum apparently, well, according to my dad. When he says that to me, I always reply with something like "I'll start treating her like a mother when she starts acting like one" but I always end up being nice to her anyway. Fuck.
But I don't care now, I'm just gonna go to bed and dream nice happy thoughts about my future:)

Thursday 20 November 2003

Heh heh heh, I'm so screwed...

Got a chemistry test tomorrow, and do I know anything that's on it? Like hell I do! I am so screwed, heh.
Anyhoo, school was pretty good today. Nothing interesting happened or anything, but my Business studies teacher didn't show up, so it was a double free which really made my day, BS (oooh, the acronym of business studies suits it so well) is my most hated subject, not because it's hard or anything (in fact, it's piss easy), but because of the teacher I get, he's such a cunt, I think I've ranted about him before, so I'll not bother now. If you didn't read my rant on him before, just take my word on it - he's a cunt.
Erm...not much else happened, I guess that was the highlight of my day at school.
We put the Crimbo tree up today, i know it's a bit early, but it's cuz my bro is coming over on Sunday for a few days, so we thought it'd be nice to put it up for him to see.
And Tox is in a bitchy mood, must be the menapause...

This just in,
Police raided Michael Jacksons "Neverland" Ranch last night. They found class A drugs in the kitchen, class B drugs in the living room..............
And class 5C were found in the bedroom!

To the uninformed/semi retarded/blond/Americans out there, that was a joke. If you were ever in school, you would know that the people are divided up into groups, or "classes", and these are usually labelled a, b, c, etc., and the number represents your year. As an example, I am currently in 13S, year 13, group S. NOW do you get the joke?
Now, I'm going to bed to sleeeeeeeep, good night all.

Wednesday 19 November 2003


Crappy day today, not a lot happened.
I would make a bigger entry, but all that talk about sex made me forget about the time, So erm...that's it.

Oh what the heck, one more...

These things are bloddy accurate...
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Moderate
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test

heheheheheh, I'm a heretic, who wants to touch me?

Couple of personality tests....


-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

And well...don't this one just take the biscuit...

The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
Says a lot, don't it?

Tuesday 18 November 2003

I remember now!

Remember the other day I said that there was something else I was gonna post, but couldn't remember about it?
Well, I finally remembered what it was.
Last Saturday, some guy came to the door, now, before I opened the door, I could see he was holding a bunch of leaflets, and since there's some big election here, I immediately knew what he wanted, a vote.
Now, I opened the door, and looked and the leaflets he was holding, they were for the SDLP, the "Social Democratic and Labour Party", but me being the bastard I am, just looked at him and said "SDLP eh? That's the Stoop Down Low Party, isn't it?".
Needless to say, he was not amused.
That was fair enough, until later on my dad was watching the news and I just happened to be passing the TV when I looked and saw the exact same guy, I asked my dad "Who is that" and his reply was "Oh him? He's the leader of the SDLP". So there you have it, I pissed off a fairly important politician, not just any politician either, the LEADER of a fairly important political party, and all from the comfort of my own home, too. I feel so proud:D
Now, onto more recent events...
I got about half an hour's sleep last night, some things have a habit of playing on my mind (check yesterdays post to see why) and so I was pretty tired today, it didn't hit me at first, only at about like 7 or 8pm. And when I'm tired, I have a habit of talking lots of shit, which I did. There was something I wanted to tell Michelle, it was in my head, but I couldn't find the words to describe it, still can't, so I basically made an arse out of myself trying (and failing) to say it.
Oh well, it'll come to me eventually...
Now for a rant..
Darkblade, you posted on my journal last night this:
"Damn....i reckognise that smell....*sniff*....smells like....bullshit.

*looks under matress for some attention*"
Now, it's like this, I'm tired, not had a great day, and well, I'm gonna take it all out on you.
You have a problem with Michelle and me, you made that clear long ago, but here's the thing, I don't give a flying fuck what you think, I've had enough of your shit, you seem to think that that whole thing with Russ was all made up for some reason, yet what have you go to prove this? I've known the guy for months now, problem is, he's blocked me twice for no reason, so I e-mailed him and asked what I had done, a few hours later Michelle comes on and says (in her EXACT words): "just letting u know Russ told me to tell you he is jealous *shrugs* whats he talking bout?" You're just saying that because you hate Michelle, so just fuck off and leave me alone about it.
Now, if I've got the wrong end of the stick here, by all means, lets duke it out on msn or whatever, but in future, if you're not gonna say anything nice, don't bother saying anything at all.

-Kushan the cat, very tired and very pissed, signing out.

Monday 17 November 2003

Things just get complicated

You ever have one of those days when all of a sudden things get really complicated?
Happened to me today, but more on that later, save the best 'till last, so to speak.
Erm...funny incident in Biology today, our teacher was talking about something Biology related, and he then said "So your homework tonight is quite obvious, it's to go out and buy "Bo selecta" series 2 on DVD" for no reason what so ever, then he said that it should be a national holiday so everyone could go out and buy it:\
To the average person, that might not seem too weird, but you don't know my Biology teacher, he's one of those people who strives to be perfect, the kinda guy who makes a fuss about putting the lid on the pritt stick properly "Make sure it CLICKS!" kinda like Monica from friends, apparently, not the kinda guy you would associate with the likes of Bo' selecta. (I'm not sure if they have that show in America and such, if you don't, then you've just wasted your time reading all that:P)
Now, about the complicatedness, actually, no, I'll make you all wait a tad longer, I'm in an evil mood>:D
I was playing a Mod that a friend made yesterday online with him. Now, it's his mod, he made it (It's called RA2:Renegade go look it up) and it was my first time playing it at all, and I STILL managed to win:D
In fact, I didn't just win, I PWNED him:D
Ok, time for the complicatedness. Michelle has this friend of hers, a guy called Russ, they've known each other for years now and as it turns out, he has feelings for Michelle too, which basically put me in one hell of a position, as I wasn't 100% sure on how Michelle felt about him. Do I tell her and risk loosing her forever or do I say nothing and hope he doesn't ever tell her?
Well, the observant ones out there will notice that since I'm posting this, I must have told her about him. I wasn't sure what to do, but then that saying came into my head, you know the one, I'm not sure of its exact wording, but it's something like "If you truly love someone, then let them go, if they come back to you, then they're yours to have forever". I know it's not exactly letting go of her, but it's close enough for me, and well, she's still there, I held up my side of the saying (By telling her, i.e. letting her go in a way), so lets hope the other side of it is true as well :)

Sunday 16 November 2003

There should be a law against eating too much Pizza...

It just occurred to me, I've had Pizza for dinner 4 times this week:\
Now, they were all different types, on Monday it was like an oven based pizza, on Wednesday it was a microwave mini-pizza thing, and on Friday it was a take away Pizza thing. It should be illegal to eat that Much Pizza...
Although, I'm not going to turn into a fat(ter) slob, the days in between I didn't eat anything, 'cept for me Ham and cheese Bap I get at lunch time at school, but that's more of a ritual thing.
Oh, how could I forget to mention the semi-good news! Kathleen, that evil bitch woman I hate, has some sort of an operation due in December to remove some growth or something, I know it sounds evil and nasty, but I'm kinda hoping something goes wrong, I want the bitch to suffer like she's made me suffer over the years. Only problem is it's right before Christmas, and if she like died or whatever, my dad would be in a pretty crappy mood, and I don't want that at Christmas, one thing I'll give that cow, she makes him happy...
There was something else I meant to post, but it's gone now, ah well, it'll probably come to me tomorrow...
Oh and Vladivistock is now referring to himself as "Kushan's boyfriend". I'm scared...

Saturday 15 November 2003

Saturday 8 November 2003

I'm a walking premonition!

Really really weird, on friday morning, It starts off bad, revolutions is only 51.4% finished when it should have been done and when I came home from school, it was STILL 51.4% done, turns out the tracker got screwed or something, so I had to redownload the whole bloddy thing again that day. Also, at school, things wern't much better, my business studies teacher really doesn't like me, JUST me, he's a real prick, seems to like constantly picking on me in the class for no fucking reason, I'm seriously concidering dropping that class, shame I didn't think of it earlier or could have moved to the other business studies class, where the teacher actually TEACHES the class instead of just bitching and reading the newspaper every day...
Even dinner sucked, it looked and tasted like crap, althuough it wasn't anyone's fault, it was some new thing my dad was trying, needless to say, he wont be trying it again, even the cats didn't like it, and they're fat bastards that eat everything:\
And a whole bunch of other shit happened to me to make it all worse, but surprisingly, I didn't have the worst day, I think ACK probably did, his gf died and he seems pretty heartbroken, poor guy, although, it did remind me that even though I had a generally shitty day, I've still got Michelle, and boy am I happy about that. Strange tho, it seems that whenever I have a bad day, everyone else has one...odd...
Onto saturday...
Actually was a pretty good day all in all. My dad took me down with him to B&Q (It's a hardware store), he was looking for a Job there and he thought it might be worth me going as well since I'm currently jobless (btw spinkychan, you might just wanna ignore the rest of this) anyway, my dad walks in the front door and spots a member of staff way at the back, he walks up to the girl and says "Hey Philis" and she's like "Oh Hi John, want a Job?" , so he says "Aye, that'd be great, oh and this is my son, he'd like one too" and she's like "Aye, no problem, gimmie your address and I'll have a word" and I'm like standing there completely bemused. That's a thing about my dad, he knows EVERYONE, everywhere you go with him, all these random people know him and start talking to him, while I stand there feeling like a spare dick:\
erm...big large gap of nothing for a while, then I spend 3 hours playing TS with Michelle, which was hella fun, then that leads me here, to the blog.Ok, time for some psychic future telling!
I see....I see....I see a bed....yes, a bed...with..with me in it...yes, there's a bed with me in it, that can only mean one thing, good night!

Thursday 6 November 2003


Weird, I got almost no sleep last night at all, Kept having bad thoughts (hard to explain, so I wont bother). There's something on my mind, but oddly, I don't know what it is, I can't explain it, it's bothering me whatever it is, but I...just don't know what exactly it IS...only thing I'm sure of is that it involves Michelle in some way, which is even odder, as things are still going great, the only thing I can think of is that maybe I'm afraid of loosing her in some way, that's the only plausible thing that could be doing this to me. Ah well, it'll probably pass in a few days or so.
Really weird thing about me is the less sleep I get, the more Hyper I get as the day goes on. In the morning, I'll be screwed, but by lunch time I'm be hyper as hell, heck, first period after lunch when my name was called in the role, instead of answering with "Here Sir", I shouted out "Ow!" (Like Michael Jackson in Bo selecta...) which game me some odd looks, but what the hey, odd looks for an odd person I guess:\
I happened to be browsing a bit torrent site when I noticed they had just put up Matrix: Revolutions, I must have been one of the first to see it cuz at the time there was NO-ONE leeching and just a single seed, damn that was good timing. Half an hour later, there was 3 seeds and 1000+ people leeching. SOme time after that, it jumped to 6 seeds/4000+ leeching. And I was one of the first, boo-ya....damn, I'm sad, I'm getting trippy over noticing a download before anyone else..hmm, yup, definitely hyper.
Speaking of revolutions, all my friends are all bastards, the whole day today they kept dropping little hints about the film. When I say little, I mean they basically screamed all of the major events into my face, so I already know ow it ends, who lives, who dies, who falls in love with who, etc. etc. Bastards, all of them...
Well, it's late, and I wouldn't have done this update 'cept I was ordered to lol, ah well, off to bed and hopefully revolutions will be done by the morning, if it's not, someone will pay dearly....Me probably...

Wednesday 5 November 2003

Well...that was odd...

I watched "Phonebooth" today, a film my dad rented a while ago, I only watched the first 5mins of it then (I think he rented it on september 26th, and well, I had other things to do back then;) ) and it looked good so I figured I'd watch it, it was pretty good, definitely worth watching if you've got nothing else to do.
I got some great news today, my really cool bro is visiting again at the end of this month, that'll be the second time this year, which is odd, he usually only visits once a year at the most, I've got the feeling something's up, nothing bad, just he's been engaged to his gf for over a year now, nearly 2 in fact, so I reckon maybe they've set a date or something and have decided to come over to tell everyone. Or maybe he just misses us, I duno, either way it'll be good to see him.
On that note, my dad was saying how he plans to take everyone out for a meal when he arrives, he asked me "Last time he was here, did we have T-bone steak or sirloins?" and my reply was "Sirloin, we've never had T-bone" and there was a look of shock on my dads face, then he said "'ve never had a T-bone steak?" and I'm like "Nope, never" so he sits back and thinks for a min and says "Well, we can't have that, next monday I'm gonna go out and get us some nice big Juicy T-bone steaks!" so dad has a steak fetish or something...
Michelle hasn't been on as much lately, which I suppose is a good thing in a way, it always helps to do other things I suppose, but still I miss her at times...
Anyway, I'm going to bed now, school tomorrow, good night.

Tuesday 4 November 2003

Random0rz peoplez0rz

/me has gotta stop with the "0rz" stuff. /me is emoting himself. /me does not know why.
/me will stop emoting himself now. Ahh, there we go.
Now, onto today's events!
Managed to swindle a second day off of school, which is a plus, and to make it better, tomorrow is a holy day or some crap like that, so we get a day off, how cool is that?
Y'see, killing saints DOES have a purpose after all, to get kids off of school:D
In case you didn't realize, I go to a christian school. Yes, me of all people, I'm the kinda guy who doesn't just not believe in God, I'd punch the guy if I ever met him. Heh, bastard.
While downloading a shit load of songs for Grendies today, some guy messaged me through Kazaa, he said "Hi mum", so er, how could I resist replying to that?
Anyhoo, we got talking and eventually, he added me to his msn list thingy, and we talked some more, the guy's german, so he had a bit of a hard time understanding some of the things I was saying. But then, the fact that he's german probably didn't affect that, hell, sometimes I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about lol. He seems a nice guy tho, he made me download this german song, "schandmaul - Herren der Wind". Now, I havn't a clue what the hell they're singing about, but that song is now stuck in my head, go download it from Kazaa and have a listen, see if I'm just nuts or not. Heh, y'know, it's probably not a good idea to talk to random people like that, but what the hell, I never was one for good ideas.
Speaking of downloading, a file that I've had on download in Kazaa for the past 6 months FINALLY finished today, it was only a 200Mb file, but literally no-one on Kazaa seemed to have it, and I couldn't find it anywhere else, but I got it in the end, that's all that matters now...
It was the third and final episode of one of my favorite Anime's of all time, "Cyber city oedo 808", if you like anime, I highly recommend that one (and no, it's not more tentacle pr0n as someone, who shall remain nameless *cough*Michelle*cough*, pointed out).
Erm...apart from that, can't say anything special happened, bought a new kettle, not because we needed one, but cuz this one glows when the water boils... er..yup, that's about it for now.

Sunday 2 November 2003

Letz updatz0rz!

Lets see, today's events....hmm...
Not much really, spent most of the time fiddling with Photoshop CS (Photoshop 8 to those not in the know). It seems practically the same as Photoshop 6, which is what I was using before.
Still, it's nice to have the latest software, especially since I didn't pay for it (Thank you, Bit torrent, thank you):D.
I still feel like crap, in fact, I feel worse, I might try to take tomorrow off, cuz I really don't feel up to it, and it's not like I've missed a day yet...

EDIT: Oh and something humoured me, I was looking at someone's blog when I noticed this fairly large blank area at the top of the page, then at the bottom of it in small text it said "This blank space brought to you by Google".
I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

Saturday 1 November 2003

Hmm...havn't updated this thing in a while...

I gotta get back into the habit of updating this thing every day or I'll end up forgetting about it...or I'll get shouted at...or both...
Anyway, lets see, what all's happened recently...erm...actually, some interesting events did occur.
On friday, I was told that I had a job, and began on saturday, needless to say, I wans't happy, I don't mind the fact that it's that shit job stripping plastic I had before, just it's not nice only being told the day before.
Anyway, so I go anyway, it was the 6:30am - 2:30pm shift. The day wasn't going too bad, until about 12 when I needed to take a dump, so I went to the toilet, however, when I walk out, there's this guy standing there and he shouts at me"How long have you been in there!?" and I'm like "Uhh, about 10mins" (Which is fair enough for a dump, heck twice that is fair enough, some things just can't be rushed) and he shouts back saying "Actually, you've been in there for 15mins, which is too long, so we're sending you home, go sign out NOW!" so erm, there you go, I got sacked on the first day cuz I spent 5mins too long taking a dump:\
Ah well, the Job sucked anyway, and they Pay was even worse, so I'm not bothered about loosing it, it's just WHY I lost it that ticked me off, plus I wasn't feeling too good as it was...
Oh well, no worries, I'm not fussed about losing the Job, so I guess it's all ok in the end.
Oh and Michelle? I love you :)