
Wednesday 25 February 2004

"if u lie to me or dont do ur LJ i get to anal fuck you"

Hardly seems fair, does it? But either way, it means 2 things, 1 - Don't get into an argument with a woman, and 2 - Do the bloddy journal.
So here we are.
Now, I wish I knew just WHAT to update this time tho...
Well, lets see, what have I been up to? Erm...well, not a lot, just felt too lazy to do stuff.
Actually, I did do a few interesting things, for a start, I now know how to make trainers for games. Now, I actually knew how to do this before, probably years ago in fact, but it was only last week when I actually made my own one, piss easy to do, too. That led me on to Visual Basic, I knew it was easy to learn and stuff, and well, after my failed attempt to Learn C++ (Too lazy, couldn't be arsed learning it properly, plus Michelle falling in love with me kinda erm...distracted me from it lol) I think it'll be a good way of actually learning a Programming language, even though it's a pretty basic one (Gee, wonder where they got the name from). Seems pretty easy so far, soon enough I should be able to actually make something useful for a change....
It snowed this morning! I mean, it was actual SNOW! W00T! Shame it didn't last long, most of it was gone by around 10am, but meh, with a little luck it will snow again tonight to a good depth and stay for a while :)
I probably would have enjoyed the snow a lot more if my stomach wasn't hurting so much, it's been real bad all day, seems to be getting worse too, duno why, I just keep getting these really bad cramps at random points, oh well, it's probably nothing....
Oh and here, this is some random pic Michelle sent me, enjoy!

Yes, over the past few months, I HAVE been getting a lot more sick minded ^_^

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