
Sunday 29 February 2004

"One of molly's friends likes Chris" "sucks to be her"

So lets see here, what happened over this weekend? ......erm...............not a lot, well, not a lot that I'm gonna put here, there was the usual farce of sitting around doing not a lot, then going off to Play more TS with Michelle for like 3 or 4 hours. Man that rules, even if the AI is totally pathetic and easily owned, it's still fun working together against them, especially with someone you're close to.
Anyhoo, my throat is seriously annoying, I duno what's wrong with it, or if it's even my throat that the problem, I seem to be a little short of breath as well, although that could just be cuz my throat has closed over slightly or whatever, I duno, it's nothing serious or anything, just annoying with the odd cough and tingly feeling in throat...
Tomorrow is Monday, Monday means school, school means sleep and plenty of it.

Plan for tomorrow:
Get up
Go to school
Come home
Go on computer
Go to bed

Such an interesting life, huh?

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