
Sunday 29 February 2004

"One of molly's friends likes Chris" "sucks to be her"

So lets see here, what happened over this weekend? ......erm...............not a lot, well, not a lot that I'm gonna put here, there was the usual farce of sitting around doing not a lot, then going off to Play more TS with Michelle for like 3 or 4 hours. Man that rules, even if the AI is totally pathetic and easily owned, it's still fun working together against them, especially with someone you're close to.
Anyhoo, my throat is seriously annoying, I duno what's wrong with it, or if it's even my throat that the problem, I seem to be a little short of breath as well, although that could just be cuz my throat has closed over slightly or whatever, I duno, it's nothing serious or anything, just annoying with the odd cough and tingly feeling in throat...
Tomorrow is Monday, Monday means school, school means sleep and plenty of it.

Plan for tomorrow:
Get up
Go to school
Come home
Go on computer
Go to bed

Such an interesting life, huh?
You belong to the world of knowledge-seekers
You belong somewhere out in the world, exploring
and learning and spreading the knowledge that
you find. When you love, that love will join
you in your quest and believe as you do in a
world of spiritual energy that is stronger than
anything humanity could normally even conceive,
although you may be able to. Council those you
encounter, give them your wisdom, and stay true
to yourself.

Where do you belong?(ANIME IMAGES)
brought to you by Quizilla

I love the way these things seem so bloddy right all of the time....

Friday 27 February 2004

You take it, YOU ALL TAKE IT!

Ok, it's nearly 5am, so this is gonna be quick....
Got up, went to school, came home, sat about for a while....
Then I played Tiberian Sun with Michelle for, get this, 5 hours and 15mins straight. And it was just one game too, me and her together (of course) versus 6 AI.
We pwned, we could have easily done it in like an hour, maybe less, but we decided to just play for ages and have fun, which we did.

Me + Michelle = pwnage.
Now, I'm really frickin' tired, so screw you people (ESPECIALLY Michelle ;)) as I'm going to bed.

Thursday 26 February 2004

*dives into room onto the floor, then rolls out of sight*

*pops up behind you*
Sorry about that, still got the damn Solid Snake syndrome for today....
Well, lets see here, I was sick this morning, proper sick too, chunks and everything, but for some reason, I went to school anyway, heh, guess I am crazy.
It snowed a lot last night, we had a good few inches here, so that was fun. May as well say it now before someone else does: "There was a good few inches up Kushan's way".
Anyhoo, onto school. You see, they're rather ruthless bastards in my school, and give them a chance, they'll do anything to piss you off, give them snow, and you'd better be on the lookout. So I was. I fucking felt like Solid snake, sneaking around my school, running, ducking, even hiding around corners to avoid being spotted. There was lots of snow around, as well as lots of Kids, and that means lots of snowballs, and I wasn't gonna get hit with any, not as long as I had the MGS theme in my head, that's for sure....
And I did it, I got through the whole day without being hit once, had a fair few chucked at me, but I managed to dodge them.
Oh, and this is rather interesting, JFK showed me it ages ago, but It's cool and you all deserve to see it: t3h 1337 journal.
Check out any site you want with it,
Now, it's late here and I must be off to do naughty things with the cat, toddles!

P.S. Wtf does "Chipper" mean anyway?
P.P.S. Don't forget to give me hugs! /Me want's t3h hugs!!!!!!!


give Kushan more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own

Wednesday 25 February 2004

"if u lie to me or dont do ur LJ i get to anal fuck you"

Hardly seems fair, does it? But either way, it means 2 things, 1 - Don't get into an argument with a woman, and 2 - Do the bloddy journal.
So here we are.
Now, I wish I knew just WHAT to update this time tho...
Well, lets see, what have I been up to? Erm...well, not a lot, just felt too lazy to do stuff.
Actually, I did do a few interesting things, for a start, I now know how to make trainers for games. Now, I actually knew how to do this before, probably years ago in fact, but it was only last week when I actually made my own one, piss easy to do, too. That led me on to Visual Basic, I knew it was easy to learn and stuff, and well, after my failed attempt to Learn C++ (Too lazy, couldn't be arsed learning it properly, plus Michelle falling in love with me kinda erm...distracted me from it lol) I think it'll be a good way of actually learning a Programming language, even though it's a pretty basic one (Gee, wonder where they got the name from). Seems pretty easy so far, soon enough I should be able to actually make something useful for a change....
It snowed this morning! I mean, it was actual SNOW! W00T! Shame it didn't last long, most of it was gone by around 10am, but meh, with a little luck it will snow again tonight to a good depth and stay for a while :)
I probably would have enjoyed the snow a lot more if my stomach wasn't hurting so much, it's been real bad all day, seems to be getting worse too, duno why, I just keep getting these really bad cramps at random points, oh well, it's probably nothing....
Oh and here, this is some random pic Michelle sent me, enjoy!

Yes, over the past few months, I HAVE been getting a lot more sick minded ^_^

Tuesday 17 February 2004

*Uses flashy thing from men in black*

You saw nothing, you had a brief brain spark, causing nerve endings to flare which generated images that weren't real, nothing happened, move along....

Monday 16 February 2004

I hate life....

I hate everything about me, I wish I was someone else, I wish I wish I wish things could be different, I wish I could have done something, I wish I could turn back time, I wish I could help others again, I wish so much...
But then, wishes don't come true, do they? They just don't happen, no matter how hard you wish for them, it never happens at all...
Except once...
It did for me, I fell in love with a girl, a girl I thought I would never be with, a girl that made me smile just by talking to her, a girl that had problems with guys, a girl that had a son, a girl that was way out of my league....
I wished I could be with her, I wished very very hard, for a long time I felt sick with "love", I didn't want those feelings, I didn't want to feel so strongly toward someone so far away, so unreachable, so...unobtainable...
But I got her...somehow...
One day in September, she confessed she had feelings for me..
I was on a high, I was so happy, my dream had come true, my wish had been answered, I didn't need anything else, only her...
But it became too much, things started going wrong almost from the beginning, people wouldn't accept our relationship, even my closest friends just shot me down from my high and told me all sorts of things I didn't want to hear, things I couldn't stand to hear, as they tried to crush my heart, I could only find comfort in hers, her love filled me with Joy even at the worst of times...
But then the "worst of times" began to occur more frequently, bad things started happening to me in real life, mostly due to that bitchqueenfromhell, but I could always walk away from it all to a land where she would be waiting there for me, where I would soon feel good again, and most of the time I did. But it became evident that I had nothing else to make me feel good, nothing left to cheer me up in my time of need apart from her, I needed her to survive, I depended on her to get me through the days, I couldn't live without her, and even the simplest of things would freak me out and make me worry that something was wrong, I became so paranoid at times and I couldn't stop myself, I would keep asking what was wrong, and it would MAKE something wrong, the fact that I always think there is something wrong...
But there was something own dependency on her was too much, it pushed her away, and now she's gone...
"I need a "break" from relationships" she says...
"I need a break from YOU" she means....
Perfect valentines day gift, huh?
I wish it could be different, I wish I knew and I could have looked for something else to depend on, then maybe we would still be together...maybe...
But why would I need someone else to depend on if she was always going to be there? I didn't think it would ever end, I thought the love between us would be unbreakable, but it was that same love that broke us in the end...
She didn't tell me because she didn't want to upset me, because she didn't want me doing anything stupid, but she also says that we will get back together, but how do I know she's not just saying that to keep me from hurting myself? Truth be told, I dont....and to be honest, I don't think she means it. First she said "I'm sorry for ending us" then she said "maybe we'll get back together some time" then she said "we WILL get back together"....if she's so certain, why split up in the first place, why not just agree to not talk to each other for a while, why split up at all...why not give me a chance to find something else I can depend on...
Why did I push her away so do I get her back...
So many questions, but like wishes, they're never really answered, are they?
I have one final wish to make.......the same wish I made 6 or so months ago...but I don't think anyone's gonna make it happen again.
I'm back to "normal" I suppose...back to being alone.....back to where I don't want to be...back to square one, back to wishing hard for the impossible again....
I wish I wish I wish.....

Thursday 12 February 2004

Never underestimate what you can do with a tree, a painkiller, some soft cheese and a condom....

Hmm, lets see here...interesting events....hmm..........
Erm, school was the usual brand of large amounts of nothingness, although it was kinda funny when a teacher nearly took floored (that means "knocked down" to those of lesser acquaintance) Rambo while fighting over a newspaper, the other teacher started calling him "dear" (Note: Rambo is nicknamed Rambo because he takes no prisoners and generally mouths off to anyone who even remotely annoys him, i.e. me) which really pissed him off, which was funny, arrogant bastard probably hated being undermined in front of us by a friend of his. Well, I assumed he was a friend and they were just pissing about, but you never know in my school.....
I'm still getting stick at school about the whole "Windows 98" thing ffs, everywhere I go, there's always one person shouting out "Donaghy loves windows 98" I mean it's getting out of hand, it was just a small fling, nothing more, I swear....
Oh yea, I ripped the Emperor: Battle for Dune soundtrack and am uploading it to bit torrent right now, I seriously recommend it, it's good stuff, even if you've never played the game or if you hate the game or whatever, the music is bloddy good, you'll like it if you like any of the C&C soundtracks, go get it now, that's an order! - Torrent file

Now, I'm off to think of other things to upload and ways to break the law :)

Wednesday 11 February 2004

Quick update

Grr, I type out a load of stuff and IE decides to be a dirty whore¬_¬
So er....lets see here, last night I was really happy, I felt loved, dude to certain events:)
Now don't get me wrong, i always feel that way, but last night I felt more so, and that was great :D
'Course the next morning, i wake up to find that Michelle has been sick, pretty bad too, so that put a real dampener on my day for sure, but she seems pretty good now, so that's good I suppose...
God I love her...
Oh yea! I got really bored today and decided to piss about with randomness and ended up Hacking a game :S
For real, proper hack, like unlimited ammo and stuff, super damage, projectile Nukes where there shouldn't be and crap like that. Shame it's an old game that died long ago, with what remnants of it are left being just spammed forums with arguments over pointless shit that no-one really cares about...
Oh well, final nail in the coffin for it I suppose....
Hmm, well that's been the highlight of my day, off to bed...

Tuesday 10 February 2004

Poor wallie....

God....yesterday was....bad...just...bad...
Ok, so school wasn't anything majorly special, had a free for Rambo (The BS teacher I hate) but apart from that, nothing special to report.
Then I get home to find that the SQL database for ColdWar fucked up and backups couldn't fix it, so it had to be reset and started from scratch, which was bad craic to say the least. Now, Michelle was pissed enough at that, and you can't really blame her, but to make it worse, some little fucktards started giving her and me a hard time over it and just cuz I said stuff like "It's not our fault the database crashed and was unrepairable, and everyone's in the same boat, we'll just have to live with it" I get responses like "You're just a pussy whipped bitch" I mean wtf? Stuff like that really pisses me off, how can you bring someone's relationship into an argument about a fucking database? I hate people like that.
But that's not the worst of it, at about...18:30 (If I recall correctly) Michelle went to get something to eat, about half an hour later, I get a message saying she's in hospital cuz she punched a wall...that was the last I heard from her until this morning.
Three broken knuckles, god that woman had me worried, I'm just glad it's not worse.
The worst part is not being able to do anything about it, but she's back now and apart from the broken knuckles, she seems fine, if a little down, so I suppose it's not too bad....
Cheer up Michelle, just remember I still love you all my heart, don't get so upset about silly things like MySQL database crashes, or fucktards on forums....

Saturday 7 February 2004

Fuck Mr T, he's a cunt....

Wasn't at school on Friday, cuz of my stupid brother. Y'see, he went out on Thursday night and came back at like 1am, about an hour after I went to bed, but he was out of it, fuck knows what he had inside him, probably a mixture of Booze and god knows how many drugs, but either way he kept fucking around all night, running around the house for no reason doing pointless shit, keeping both me and my dad awake all bloddy night, by like 8am I was fucked, and my dad just took a look at me and said "No way you're gonna last at school like that, may as well get some sleep". He was, needless to say, pissed....
From then, not a lot has happened, me and Michelle have been putting up the Soundtracks to the C&C games on Bit torrent, quite popular stuff too, got a couple of hundred downloads in just a few hours...
The Renalert forum has moved, it's really shit now, they layout blows, the new site design sucks arse, even though everyone told panther to do a better job, he did fuck all about it, but to make it all worse, the forum is just spammed to fuck with "Reborn sucks" and "reborn blows" and reborn this and reborn that, it's really pathetic, it's the main reason why I haven't really posted there much, you'd be reading a thread and someone would use the "bashing reborn" smiley for no reason, but it would then start off a spate of "omfg reborn suks11!1!1! hehehe, lok at t3h kool reborn smilie1! hehehe!11! reborn reborn reborn!1!!1" and you just get fed up with it and ignore the thread....I think I'll just stop going altogether and maybe just pop in once every couple of weeks to see the mod updates...
Oh well, it's 4:15 now, and I should be in bed...should be....

Thursday 5 February 2004

Mr T says "Dun do drugs, dun drink an drive and dun touch Mr T's muthafuckin' Bins!"

Randomness aside, today was for the most part, fairly uneventful.
I did manage to find a pr0n section on google which I'm quite proud of doing, you can find it here: it had midget pr0n and everything! No animal pr0n tho, but beggars can't be choosers I guess...
Erm....I spent a good couple of hours ripping a rare game I have for Michelle, it had some dodgey homebrew protection thingy in it and it took quite a bit of research to figure out how to get around it, but I managed it in the end. Great game tho, called Hostile waters, it fucking rocks, shame no-one really played it and it flopped, even tho the average review score was like 92%....If you ever see it somewhere, buy it, it should only be like 10$ at the most as it's pretty old (2001).
I'm feeling fairly good over all myself, but a couple of people are really down, and Michelle's a bit sick, although I'm sure she'll be fine in a few hours or so, as for the others, I'm not so sure, I just wish there was something I could do for them....

Wednesday 4 February 2004

Mr T says "Ah dun dig no f00 dat uses Mr T's hair gel!"

Well lets see here, someone wrote something really nasty on a wall in school the other day, I mean, it's just sick to be honest, how anyone could write such an awful thing about me I'll never know...
Here's a pic:
Dirty dirty bastards.....
Anyhoo, about an hour or 2 ago, my dad came rushing into the room with this big red box and says "Steve I need your help". What lurked in the box
It was a big red heart, obviously a valentines day thing...for HER....but anyway, it's actually pretty neat, it has this moving needle thing with L.E.D.'s (Or "Red flashy things" to you Americans) on it that writes a message in the air as the needle moves, quite clever really, if a little corny. Basically, my dad didn't have a clue how to work the damn thing, so as usual, he gets me to sort it out. Same with everything really, I think I've set the video at least once a week for the past....erm...10 years or there abouts. Fuck, I totally reprogrammed the Satellite TV box for the hell of it when I was like 7. 'twas worth it cuz I managed to find a whole shit load of German channels that my dad can watch, cuz he speaks a fair amount of the language...
Oh and check this pic of my cat out:


Tuesday 3 February 2004

Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love -- anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like. Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.

Monday 2 February 2004

*gets shunted in door*

Dammit, I'm only up out of bed and I'm TOLD to update, I mean TOLD to, not asked or anything, but TOLD! Told I tells ya!
Anyhoo, lets see here. I'm still...feeling the effects of acting like such a tard last week, so to anyone who I may have pissed off or annoyed or whatever, I'm sorry. All I can really put it down to is stress, I can't really think of anything else that could have caused it apart from that, and I guess I really did get stressed out a lot, cuz even the smallest of things were getting to me, but I promise you all that I'm definitely more relaxed and stuff now, just try to forget the whole thing.
I have a feeling I'll be on a bit of a high for at least a couple of days anyway, due to something which I thought up and put into action all by myself, which also works. The problem is, I can't tell any of you what it is lol, only a select few know about it, but it's goooood, and ToXiN seems to really like it and everything. I am so proud of me for being so cunning^_^
Hmm, i appear to have run out of time to write some more, oh well I'll do that later, all that needs to be said here for now is that I love you, Michelle :)

Sunday 1 February 2004

System has detected a Major error and will now reboot....

==============Powering down==============
=System Offline=
=System Online=
-Welcome to Kushan t3h Irish Kat v1.2-
Ok, So I duno what the fuck went wrong with me, obviously I was stressed out to hell, and I STILL don't know what caused it all, but I'm feeling a hell of a lot better today, which I put down to one of 2 things, either it was that nice long relaxing bath I had, or it was Michelle, or a combination of the two. I duno, and although I'd love to know what the hell caused it all, and more importantly, what fixed it, in case it happens again. Bleh, it's confusing, but then it wouldn't be me if things were "normal", would it?
So, just to clear things up, I'm back, and I'm feeling great again!