
Sunday 2 October 2005

We're going to hell just for this much coke....

Right, so I need to recap the past few days.
Friday night was the first meeting of the anime society, I had already met at least half of the members that went before hand (I.E. Steve, Vicki, Dee, Joel, Kev (Who is quite possibly the most camp straight guy I've ever met. Or so he says) and a few others from my CGT class.) but still, loads and loads of people showed up!
It was good fun, we all had a laugh and pretty much spent the whole time giggling and making jokes about the weirdest anime I've seen for some time (Here's an example: "Tiger! Horse!" Yeah, don't worry if you don't understand, we were none the wiser either >_>).
Also, while there we met this crazy girl called Carmel, she is...well..crazy!
Although the really scary thing was how much her and I have in common, we sat up all of last night talking in my room, just the two of us. She's really nice.

And as a brucy bonus!....

She likes to dress up as Aeris. Yes, she's a Final Fantasy fan. Yes, she's a girl gamer. Yes, she's mine and if you come near her, you will have your arms broken. ^_^

Then on Saturday, a whole bunch of us went to the Krazyhouse again, once again a good time was had, although Vicki got hit on the head by a random bottle, which wasn't nice. But she's ok. So is the random guy that threw it, mainly because I didn't see who it was.

And yeah, then we all went back. Carmel stayed in my room cuz she lives a little out of town, we sat up most of the night talking. It was nice.

The next day, Sunday, Vicki, Steve, Carmel and I went to Chinatown and Met Dee Dee when we got there.

Now this is where Chinatown once again wins more points. Remember that little deal on the coke we found before? Well we went to a different place, Hondo's, only to find an even BETTER deal.

Not only were the crates of 24 LESS than £6 each, but if you bought 7, you got 1 free. That's 192 cans of coke/pepsi/fanta etc.

How could you possibly resist something like that? We couldn't! So me, Vicki, Dee and Steve all pitched in. Yeah, good plan. Except getting it all back was a struggle >_>
Oh hell, we managed.

Yeah...that's just mine.....

The guy in the shop was cool, when we trekked it to the counter he said "Party?" and we just looked at him and went ", personal use". He laughed, asked for the money (£41.83) and so I handed him £42. I said to him Keep the change. He said "Thank you" and I replied "Nooooo, thank YOU!". He laughed again and said "don't forget to wipe your mouth after you drink all that" as he threw in a free towel thing ^_^

Chinatown just gets better and better every time we go there :D

Mind you, it probably wasn't the best of Impressions on Carmy when we bought all that, I mean we'd only met her a couple of days ago but ah hell with it, if she is as much like me as I reckon she is, then she's probably got just as much at home >_>

Right, I need to go Job hunting tomorrow, even with super awesome discounts on caffeine, what funds I have wont last for ever.

EDIT: Due to popular request....

Here's what I look like currently with beard:

EDIT2: Just in case anyone's wondering, Vicki is psychobunnie86 and Steve is angelus01. Don't spam them. Much.

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