
Tuesday 11 October 2005

Can't sleep, clown'll eat me....

Well it's certainly been an eventful past few days, hasn't it?
Lets see here, Friday and Saturday was certainly very...eventful. I had lots of fun with Carmy :) Later on when she went home, we went to Dee Dee's place to hang around for a bit while watching Cube Zero and stuff. It was a good night, we didn't actually go home until about 4am >_>
Then on Sunday, Vicki and Steve invited me and Dee around to their place for dinner. They cook a mean chicken and rice thing, we ate that while watching dodgeball. Top movie ^_^

On Monday I had a 2 hour lecture that guessed it...completely pointless!
So far in this module, we haven't actually been taught any of the programming language that it centres around (Java, a different module does C++) but for some reason, the lecturer thought it would be fun to give us some code that wouldn't compile and then asked us to find the error, just to see if we could.
Thing is, the Java compiler itself doesn't actually work, so even if the code is 100% correct, it wouldn't compile anyway. But that wasn't the error, there was a different error he wanted us to "fix".
So for two hours we scratched our heads wondering what the hell it could be. I mean none of us knew any Java since it hadn't been taught and despite the fact that I could see what was going on in the code, I wasn't too sure either.
And you know the best bit? YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY FIX THE PROBLEM!
That's right, the lecturer thought it'd be funny to give us code with an error that you can't actually fix (due to a limitation in DOS itself) as a way of getting cheap laughs or something. Cunt.
Oh well, it just makes me feel less guilty whenever I miss a lecture. I'd probably spend more time bitching about it than learning anyway >_>

After her lectures on Tuesday, Carmy came around and we hung out pretty much all day :)
Purely by coincidence, she doesn't have any lectures on Wednesday and neither do I. Quite convenient really. She's fast asleep beside me as I type this :)

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