
Wednesday 12 October 2005

Things are still going all right here. Carmy is 7 shades of awesome and I really enjoy being with her.
Money is getting tight, but I think I'll be all right, I just need to badger the work bank lots. I'll do that when I get a chance. Also, I should get about £600 from a bursary too, I just need to badger them as well. I got the number so I'll give it a bell tomorrow or something.
As much as I really like all of the friends I've made here, most of them don't seem to realise that if they have a problem with me - something I've said or done that they don't like - they should actually TELL me!
It pisses me off to no extent when I find out days later that someone was pissed off with me for whatever reason and tried avoiding me, then the very next day calls me up for tech support. I mean what the hell am I supposed to think? Is said person still pissed off at me and just used me for tech support or have they gotten over whatever reason it is that pissed them off in the first place?

Am I the only one that just wants everyone to be open and honest with each other?

Take for example when you go out to a club or whatever and attempt to chat up some unsuspecting individual. Wouldn't it be much easier if they just told you straight that they weren't interested instead of letting you waste all sorts of time and effort on them in vain? At least that way you can pick out the next target and continue on.

Perhaps I'm just too used to internet life where it's easy to just tell someone to fuck off without worrying about what might happen if you bump into them later.


Oh well, tomorrow's another day and I'm sure Uni has yet more surprises in store for me, both good and bad. Maybe my lecture will actually teach me something and not be a total waste of time, effort and money =^_^=

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