
Friday 26 August 2005

If this is wrong, I'm going to KILL nozzy. Well...not that I wasn't going to kill him anyway...

Do you wear black eyeliner?: no
Is most of your clothing black?: no
Do you think about death often?: no
Do you want to die?: I want OTHERS to die...
Are you a social outcast?: Sort of. Not as much as some though.
Are you pale?: Not any more thanks to my Job :(
Do you like Hot Topic?: what? o_0
Do you enjoy Tim Burton's Movies?: Yes
Are you nice?: I'd like to think so, but what has this got to do with goths? o_0 <<<I'm not counting this one.
Are you fond of a fair complexion?: I don't even know what that means....
Total YES: 1

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?:
Do you wear Vans?: I drive around in a van...
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: I do stupid stuff with or without my friends :D
Have you gotten in trouble with the PIGS: No, but the cows are still pissed at me >_>
Do you listen to punk bands: I don't think so o_0
Do you have any piercings?: No way, no and never.
Do you like/wear mohawks?: Not really.
Do you wear Band t-shirts: No
Have you called someone a poser?: What the FUCK has that got to do with skaters? (Answer is yes)
Do you think punk rock is awsome?: No...
Total YES: 0

Do you say the word "like":
All the fucking time, but that's a Northern Irish thing.
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: I don't shop for anything other than junk food, games and components.
Are the A&F models hot?: Not particularly
Do you pop the collar?: NO, no and no. No.
Do the people in Hot topic scare you?: I don't know what that is! Stop asking me about it you evil quiz!
The only nerd you like is Seth Cohen: No.
Do you watch LAGUNA BEACH?: Do I even know what the fuck Laguna Beach is? Like hell I do!
Do you like pop music: Sort of, maybe. No.
Do you want/have a little dog?: Cats are better.
Do you spend your money on expensive clothes: No.
Total YES: 0

Is your hair long?:
Do you own a tye-dye shirt?: No
Do you want peace?: I'm moving away from Northern Irelant partly because of the shit here, so I guess yes.
Do you want to save the animals?: You get 10points for hitting a squirrel, 15 for each additional young one and a bonus of 50 points for getting the whole family.
Do you think the war is unneccesary?: Shit happens.
Is love essential in your life?: Love is a bastard, but...It'd be nice I guess.
Violence is bad: I don't think I own a single game that isn't violent...
Have you smoked pot?: No
Do you go long periods of time without shaving?: Actaully, yes....but I like my facial hair :(
Total YES: 3

Are you from the ghetto?:
Do you own "bling bling"?: My mother bought me some bling for my 18th. I conveniently lost it in a matter of hours.
Do you wear do-rags?: 0_o.....not that I know of...
Do you like hip-hop?: Hell no..
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: Hell if I know, even if he was that doesn't make him a good musician because Rap sucks balls.
Do you believe he's alive?: I didn't even know he was dead....
Do you like afros?: Only on black people.
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: Yes....
Do you like to dance?: I. Don't. Dance..
Do you call someone your homie?: I call someone a homo.....
Total YES: 1.5

Do you cry often?: Nope.
Are you emotional?: Yes, but I usually keep it to myself
Do you like soft music: What the fuck is "soft" music? I'll assume it means chillout and say yes.
Do people not understand you?: I don't think anyone knows the real me
Do you write your own songs?: No.
Is your hair dyed dark?: It's naturally dark, so no.
Do you cut yourself?: I'm not retarded.
Are you lonely?: Isn't everyone?
Is Ohio for lovers?: .............what?
Do you own haggard shoes: I wear boots. Both at work and at home. Boots rule.
Total YES: 2

Do you surf?: I haven't even been to the beach in years.
Do you wear flip flops year-round?: I don't wear them at all.
Is your hair shaggy?: My hair is a living creatuire with it's own mind. No.
Do you wake up at 6 or before every morning?: Not if I can avoid it.
Do you own any pairs of shorts? No.
Are you tan?: A little, but not by choice.
Do you have a lot of patience?: Nope.
Do you want to be at the beach right now?: I want to be as far away from the beach as possible right now.
Do you hate tourists?: The japanese ones are so cute....
Do you have good balance?: Actually yes I do.
Total YES: 1

Do you wear glasses: No, but only because of my weird eye condition
Do you get good grades?: For the little amount of work I do, Yes.
Do you use an inhaler?: Nope
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: Actually yes... <_<
Does your mom pick out your clothes?: My dad often does...
Are you on the computer often?: Often enough to be doing this POS quiz.
Do you ever get picked on?: I used to a hell of a lot, still do a little.
Do you look forward to go to school?: When we actually did stuff, sometimes...
Are you shy around the opposite sex?: Hell yes....well...sort of.....ah hell, I'll just say yes.
Do people laugh at you?: All the fucking time.
Total YES: 8

Well erm....I guess that settles that then o_o

EDIT: Added an LJ cut cuz that was a bit big >_>

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