
Monday 29 August 2005


Well fucksticks.

Today wasn't the best of days.
It started off pretty good actually, while at work since it's a bank holiday the workload was pretty easy. We'd actually finished the round at about 10am, which is stupidly early.

Of course, then we were told that I was to get dropped off with another van to help them (the van that is ALWAYS in before everyone else and NEVER helps anyone) and the other 2 guys were to go home. Which is bloody unfair, but my driver, an English guy called Douglas (Or Doogie as we call him), instead of just dropping me off and going home, told the supervisor to go fuck himself and instead just did his run again, to pick up all the boxes that people brought out after, because they were too lazy to put them out in the morning.
3 times we did that round and we still finished at 12:15 :D

But that was the end of the good stuff.When I came home, after dicking around for a while, my dad called and said "How about Burger king for dinner?" Sounded good to me.
Now I should point out that there are 2 BK's near where I live, the closest one closes early though so we normally go to the other one.

But someone today decided to go to the early closing one and guess what, IT WAS CLOSED!
BQFH then declared "Lets go to McDonald's!"
My dad and I said no, but she just ignored us and walked over anyway. Now my dad gives in, obviously, and decided to go along with it for her sake, so we're standing in line and the conversation went something like this:

Dad: "Steve, what do you want to eat?"
Kushan: "Nothing"
Dad: "Have a burger"
Kushan: "No, I don't like McDonald's"

Then he just mimed to me "have a burger" and I shook my head. Both him and BQFH KNOW Full well that I hate McDonald's, it's why we haven't been there in like 5 years!
So then my dad storms out of the place, I follow and he says something like "You should have taken a burger, how do you think we would feel stuffing our faces while you sit there with nothing?"
I tell him that I really didn't mind not having anything, I Just don't like McDonald's at all, but he just stormed off back to the car. When walking back, BQFH asked "What's wrong, John?" and my dad just pointed to me and said "THAT!" which wasn't nice.

So then we drove back to the house, they dropped me off and went back to McDonald's. Apparently if you don't like Chemicals, you don't get dinner these days o_0

And then later on something bad also happened which affects my entire stay in Liverpool, but hey, shit happens. I'd explain about that but I'm probably not allowed to or something. Oh well.

And the weird thing is, throughout all of this...I really don't care.

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