
Monday 30 May 2005

So my new Job...

I kinda forgot to mention that, didn't I?

Well I started last Monday and it was a really bad start. It rained. Lots (And I mean LOTS) and it was a long run, so we didn't finish early. Then I had an exam on Tuesday  On Wednesday it rained more, the run itself wasn't too bad though.
Thursday another exam (IT, probably did well in it).
Friday was good enough, rained a little, but it was mostly overcast all day, a little cool but nice to work in and we finished at around 2.
Today on the other hand.....
Today it didn't rain. Instead it was nice and sunny...not a bad start.
Then i found out the run we were doing was a new one. And it was BIG.
The problem with new runs is that people are stupid and tend to put all sorts of crap into the little recycling boxes that we don't recycle, which slows you down a lot. And did I mention that we had a huge run to do? I think I did, but I'll just mention it again.
So the plan was we would start at one end of this big area and another crew would start at the other end and meet us in the middle.
We get about 3/4 of the way around only to find that the other crew has only STARTED (this is at about 15:00 (3pm), we are meant to finish at 16:30 (4:30Pm)
So that's a bastard for a start, we run into them shortly after and they tell us to do this one main road and to go on and that they'll finish off this estate area.
So we do our road and we're leaving, heading back to base to unload the van, this is at 17:30 (5:30Pm), already late. And as we're about half way back, we get a phone call. The other crew phoned the supervisor and told them that we didn't do any work and then fucked off to leave them to do it all. So we had to turn back and help them finish it, meaning we didn't get back to base until about 18:20 (Go fuck yourself, I'm not converting the time AGAIN for you stupid Americans :P) and we STILL had to unload the bastard.
I got home at about 20:00..............
And that's not the worst of it! The worst part is that my arms have SUNBURN! My job destroyed my pale complexion :(
How am I supposed to look like a geek now?

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