
Monday 16 May 2005

So, being a bastard..

Alright, I'll admit it, the previous two posts were very Childish and immature and simply to provoke Sam. So Sue me. He came on here and did the Same to me, but will he ever admit that he was being an ass or that it was just to piss me off? Like hell he will, he'll have some greater purpose which has something to do with me being wrong anyway.

I'll admit one thing, it was kinda fun deliberately being a cunt for once, but I'd rather not make a habit of it. Sam's off my Friend's list, I'm probably off of his so as long as neither of us gets bored and decides to read the other's LJ, that shouldn't happen again.
Oh and FYI, If he DOES try to send me on a guilt trip again, it WILL provoke me and I WILL do something to piss him off more (Like I did by quoting the lovely Miss Kayleigh :) ).

ANYHOO, no need to dwell on this any longer, the whole thing has gone on for too long, been blown way out of proportion and every single person involved needs a good slap, even me. Although the Cat guy hasn't actually succumb to pure immaturity yet as far as I'm aware, fair do's to him.

And while I'm on that subject, even though Kayleigh is well pissed at me (for Quoting her >_> although she'd decided to cut me out by then without telling me so it's no major loss) I'll say one thing, if those 2 really are in love then go them, everyone else could do with leaving them the fuck alone, ESPECIALLY Sam, who's quite simply jealous and upset that he got dumped. Something a lot of people seem to overlook is that Kay was his first gf, so this is the first time he's ever been dumped and he's taking it badly. I hope he gets used to it, because in real life, people will dump you all the time for someone who's older/better looking/taller/richer/etc. than you.

EDIT: FYI - I'm not sucking up to her, I don't give a flying fuck what she thinks of me, I'm just stating my own opinion, if she doesn't like me for who I am that's too bad, and that goes for everyone.


So lets see, what have I been up to in the past few days?
Nothing major to speak about, I put the pictures for Queen up a few days ago and forgot to post them, but here you go:

I didn't bother cutting out the crap ones, once again I was too lazy :P

I ran out of Hard drive space. 200Gb just doesn't cut it these days :/
So me being me, instead of doing the sensible thing and deleting stuff, I bought and installed a 120Gb Hard drive. That should last me like...a week?....

Still can't get over the girl at Javaman (local coffee place), I stood talking to her for like an hour today, she even gave me free coffee. Dammit, if only I had the guts to ask her out :(
Normally I wouldn't have such a problem with it, there's actually about 3 girls who are seemingly after ME that I wouldn't have a problem asking out, it's just that Sarah (Javagirl) is...well...kinda beyond me...
Ah well, there you have it, a little glimpse into the mind of Kushan, been a while since I divulged such information on LJ :P

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