
Thursday 5 May 2005

Security guard be gone!

Well the time is nigh, 3 days left of school...for ever.
I have Friday, Monday and Tuesday and then I'm free. Free!
Of course there's a Mass on Wednesday (Probably gonna skip that) and then a dinner on Thursday night (Free bar...Red bull me up, baby!) and then all that's left is the exams which don't really matter.

I get this feeling that I should miss the place. Note the term "Should".

Also, since it's coming into the summer I'm getting a new Job and finally ditching the security guard one I've had for like a year now.

The new one is kinda sweet, starts off at £5 an hour and then goes up to £7 after a few weeks. I only work weekdays too, from 7:30am to 4:30pm, but the thing is if I happen to finish early (and on most days I will), I get paid the full wage.
The Job involves sitting in a Van handing out boxes to people for the most part, occasionally we might deliver leaflets and once all of the boxes are out, we just collected them every week or so, it's some recycling thing.

In other words, it's a job that requires minimum effort and will net me about £200 a week AND wont interfere with my social life :D
And yes, I actually have a social life now o_0
My how things change in the space of a few months. People, places, moods, they all change. Some for the better, some for the worse.
Ah but I digress. I need to get a good laptop or something, it'd help when it comes to Uni, but I need to save cash. Although according to some of these student support thingymajigs, most of my fees are paid for with NON-repayable grants (I.e. they give me money and don't expect it back) before it's even processed, so hopefully I should be ok. It's kinda hard to think that in less than 4 months I'll be moving to another Country o_o

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