
Sunday 1 May 2005

Red Bull dun got me fucked up

I've realised that I have a problem. An addiction. One that isn't the Internet.

It's Red Bull.

The effect it gives me some sort of drug. There's a high and a low, a good and a bad. And it also makes me very...odd....

I really noticed it last night when I drank 2 tins of it (see previous post) and then today at work, while sleeping, I had a really messed up dream.
It was...about....some kids, who invented cinema or something...were hiding under these seats, I guess they were the seats in the houses of Parliament or something, in protest of the banning of their creation.
But I wasn't in the dream, it was like I was watching it all as if it was a movie. The guys in the seats gave the people hiding like a month or something to come out, then they decided to go in by force. But when they went in, there were these drawings on the wall..of like...stick figures. And they began moving, telling a story. Something about...some guy...and he found his friend, a turd (That was the word used in the dream) and the little cartoon was meant to be like a representation as to why the cinema thing should be kept.

And that was it...
I usually don't remember my dreams at all and when I do, they're usually focused on whatever is on my mind, like I had a dream that Kay was over visiting my school, except she was all fat and ugly and had chocolate all over her face and in the dream I kept thinking "I know it's Kay, but she's like a totally different person". You can probably see how that fits in with the events of a few weeks ago, so as a dream it "made sense". But that one today....what the fuck....

It's the Red Bull. It makes me all hyper and fun and then I crash and get really depressed, but I need it....I crave it....
Lucky for me, most caffeine substitutes seem to quell the craving, like Coke or coffee (despite the bitter taste) but even so...It's kinda worrying....

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