
Monday 31 October 2005

Friday 28 October 2005

Kushan's LJ, now with extra randomness!

Well lets see here. Past couple of days I was near Leeds (some 2 or so Hours away from Liverpool via train) with Steve, visiting his family. It was fun and his mum is an awesome cook.

Check out this rather cool illusion. Look at the dots. They're all pink, right? Now stare at the black + in the middle. The rotating dot turns green! How cool is that?

And now back to my LJ post.

Just before we got back, we went to visit Steve's Aunt, who had like a million billion kids running around the place.
I. Hate. Kids.
After we were there for about 20mins, I started sneezing. For the rest of the day, my nose was runny and blocked up. I am allergic to kids.
But I made an assault rifle out of Lego while I was there, so hopefully they'll grow into proper psychopaths because the world needs more of them. Or at least England does, I'm just not used to the almost complete lack of gun crime here. Belfast knows where it's at though.

I dedicate this flaccid penis to toxin.

On the way back from Steve's ghetto, the train stopped. Randomly. It had stopped for about 5mins and I was like "Uhh...Ste....why has the train stopped?" But of course asking Ste a question like that was a bit daft, he's as clueless as me most of the time and that's when we're SUPPOSED to know what the hell is going on.
So anyway, we're sitting there waiting to see what's wrong and there were these people in front of us, a mum and a dad with a very young kid, probably no more than a year or so old. Anyway, the kid was crying, because all kids are annoying bastards, and the mum turned and said "Take him away from me! Go let him cry somewhere else away from me!". Me and Ste just looked at each other and started giggling.
To make things even more amusing, about 5mins later that same Mum grabbed the baby (which the dad was still holding and of course the baby was still crying) and said "Give 'em to me!". The dad said no. She started shouting at him "Give him to me! YOU'RE JUST EMBARRASSING YOURSELF! LOOK, JUST GIVE HIM TO ME!" and they both started fighting over the baby o_0
Ste and I had this image of a baby's arm being ripped off or something >_>
Anyhoo, little baby sonofabitch eventually shut up and the train set off about an hour later. The problem was that the train ahead of us had "failed" (Railway speak for broken down. I think), so as I said that put us an hour behind.

Eat my piss

This particular train goes through several stops on the way from Leeds to Liverpool. But this time, when the train stopped at Manchester (About half way there) the driver announced "Those of you going to Liverpool....get off the train now 'cuz we're going back" (Actual word-for-word quote).
So we were stranded there for about an hour before the next train came along, which was also delayed. We were expecting to be back before 21:00, we didn't get back until about 23:00. Damn trains.

More random pointless crap:
Remember that song "popcorn" I got so obsessed with a while back? Turns out there's been remixes of it. Check them ALL out here:
I particularly like the Russian one.

Well I think I shall get some sleep now. My dad arrives tomorrow ( and he's bringing Uber with him. Huzzah!

Tuesday 25 October 2005

Interesting the things you find at 4 in the morning...

This post I dedicate to Ste:

I'm here if you need me, man.

Sunday 23 October 2005


This morning, at 09:00 on the dot, the fire alarm went off. We spent the next hour standing outside freezing our bits off. There was an actual fire. My stuff is ok, Carmy's still alive, that's all that matters.

Since I didn't actually go to sleep until about 06:00, I'm going to just collapse now, until then....


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Many, many more pictures available at the JMU Anime Society Photobucket account, available here:

Yes, we like paper hats.

Good night.

Saturday 22 October 2005

Carmy got hold of my laptop for FIVE SECONDS.....

EDIT: Don't worry, I'm not THAT obsessed.....


Wednesday 19 October 2005

Rap is shit.

Well I can't sleep and although I'm still quite happy with my life at the moment, especially the Carmy side of it, I think I'm going to have a nice good rant at something that pisses me off:


Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a generic "ogm rap suxxx!!!" rant, I'm going to be specific this time and bitch about a certain kind of rapper.
I.E. The kind that blow themselves WAY out of proportion and try to make themselves look like...some sort of...humane...ghandi like figure who wants to be righteous and speak out against evil in the world!
Now I know what you're thinking, Steve's had too Much Red Bull and is currently hallucinating or something, but bare with me (Is it Bare or bare when you say "bare with me"?.
Lets take 2Pac for example. Yes I'm aware he's dead, I'm also aware that he's STILL releasing shit. And I mean shit! But the way he raps, he thinks he's fucking Lenin or something.
Here's some example lyrics, from one of his newer ones. I've highlighted the bits of interest in case you don't want to actually read them (and lets face it, nobody reads lyrics people post up anyway):

[Chorus - Elton John:]
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

What the hell? He's pretty much saying "I AM THE NEW RELIGION, COME LISTEN TO ME PREACH!!!" How fucking up your own arse can you get? And what is the last line meant to mean? That he's the only "gangsta rappa" out there that DOESN'T support guns, drive-by shootings and such? Yeah, bollocks mate.

Everyone's ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange
And for me it's reversed, we left them a world that's cursed, and it hurts
cause any day they'll push the button
and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin
Don't them let me get teary, the world looks dreary

Fucking hell, it's like he woke up one day and went "oh shit, we're going to blow ourselves up! I must write a song about it to show the world how doomed we are! I MUST CONVERT THESE POOR PEOPLE FROM THE EVIL OF THEIR WAYS!!!"
I mean for fuck's sake, it's not like he's the first person to realise that we're definitely going to blow ourselves up. Twat. And of course, he knows better, doesn't he? Oh yeah and he shall convey this epiphany through rap!

it aint about black or white, cuz we're human
I hope we see the light before its ruined

See what I mean? Maybe I'm wrong though, maybe it's just this ONE song. I picked a random other song by 2Pac (And yes, I'm calling them songs for lack of a better word). I picked one called "Violent" which is from a completely different album and everything, apparently. Here's the opening verse:

They claim that I'm violent, just cause I refuse to be silent
These hypocrites are havin fits, cause I'm not buyin it
Defyin it, envious because I will rebel against
any oppressor
, and this is known as self defense

The same "I'm high and mighty" shit appears here too. I went looking for another random song to post more lyrics to see if there was a pattern. One caught my eye. "Black Jesus" (Concidering that Jesus came from the middle-east, there's a good chance that he was black anyway, or at least very well tanned). Yes, this man really does think he's the new Jesus. Although this one appears to have more than one "rappa" in it, here's his verse:

Searching for Black Jesus
Oh yeah, sportin jewels and s**t, yaknahmean?
(Black Jesus; you can be Christian
Baptist, Jehovah Witness)
Straight tatted up, no doubt, no doubt
(Islamic, won't matter to me
I'm a thug; thugs, we praise Black Jesus, all day)
Young Kadafi in this bi**h, set it off ni**a..

Yes, I do believe his last line was simply "what?". But I wonder what he was referring to? Could he be asking what he was looking for Jesus for? Could it be he was asking what Jesus had to say? Or could it just be what he thought when he read his own lyrics? It doesn't make sense to me either, 2Pac.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting the late 2Pac here, he's not the only cunt that does this. Eminem does it too and he does it even worse than Mr Pac here.

Lets check out a few lines from "Like Toy Soldiers", shall we?

I'm supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure
Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders
I am never supposed to show it, my crew ain't supposed to know it
Even if it means goin' toe to toe with a Benzino it don't matter
I'd never drag them in battles that I can't handle unless I absolutely have to
I'm supposed to set an example

Right, I'll completely ignore the fact that half of this verse doesn't even rhyme and concentrate on the bits I've highlighted. He's got the whole world on his shoulders? What? Since when the fuck did he have to carry the world? Does that mean we can blame Eminem for the whole war in Iraq thing? Was it him that put Kim Jong-il into power in North Korea or is he just the person that has to deal with him? Yes, indeed, the rest of the verse would make more sense that way I suppose, should Kim be a little too good at Kung Fu, Eminem will only call in his "crew" when he's nearly defeated or something.
And setting an example? For who? You're a fucking rapper you cock, the only example you set is what NOT to do. I.e. Don't do drugs, Don't pretend to be black, Don't hate Gay people and for the love of Christ,  whatever the fuck you do, do NOT become a fucking Rapper..
Some more lyrics I think:

There's a certain line you just don't cross and he crossed it
I heard him say Hailie's name on a song and I just lost it
It was crazy, this shit way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shit
And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it
I spent too much energy on it, honestly I'm exhausted
And I'm so caught in it I almost feel I'm the one who caused it
This ain't what I'm in hip-hop for, it's not why I got in it

I'm sorry, I know it's slightly off my original topic, but I can't help but point out that he just repeats himself in the last line twice just because he couldn't think of a long enough thing to say that rhymed. Prick.
But back on topic slightly, I can't pretend to know the fully story behind this, but I don't think I'd be far wrong in assuming that he heard some other rapper say something about his Girlfriend being shit in bed or something, so he had to go out on an almighty crusade and slay him. Then write a song about it. Then go on about how stupid an idea it actually was. I think we've all seen an epic of some sort where the main hero starts to doubt themselves, Frodo does it all the time in Lord of the rings, the whingey cunt, but Eminem reckons he's that hero. It gets worse too.

That was never my object for someone to get killed
Why would I wanna destroy something I helped build

What the fuck? Dude you rap about people killing other people all the fucking time, what did you expect? And when the fuck did YOU help build up the "rapping" industry? It's been around for longer than you have and it'll probably still be here when you're gone. Unfortunately.

It wasn't my intentions, my intentions was good

I think your intentions should be to give your children the education you clearly never had.

There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme
And wouldn't have to worry about one of your people dyin'
But now it's elevated cuz once you put someone's kids in it
The shit gets escalated, it ain't just words no more is it?
It's a different ball game, callin' names and you ain't just rappin'

Yes, Eminem, the Rapping industry has ESCALATED beyond simple music, it's now so fierce that if you do a bad rap, you'll get yo ass capped!
Oh Eminem, you're our leader, you will guide us through the hardships of Rap! You will protect us! You will only call us when Kim Jong-il kicks the living shit out of you!
Do you think someone should point out to Mr em here that Rapping originated from the ghetto, you know, where drive-by's were daily and people got killed for just walking into the wrong territory, let alone singing about how someone's girlfriend cant give head for shit?
But then again, he isn't actually Black, as much as he'd like to believe it, so chances are he doesn't actually know about that. Twat.

Other rappers do it too, they make themselves out to be Jesus Reincarnate, that they're going to save the world or lead people away from sin or some bullshit like that.
How about you all just fuck off.

In fact, to protest against these cunts, I'm going to listen to the Rasmus. Not becuase one of their songs has any relevence and not because I like them (I don't, I don't think anyone does really), but because even they can make better music than these two dicks  can. And that's saying something.

Sunday 16 October 2005

A day in the life of Kushan

Well I said I'd sort of Document my day so I did. And I did it on friday.
SO here we go...

I wake up at about 8am. Which is way too early for me. Lecture doesn't start until 9, so I go back to sleep for another 45mins.
8:45 and I start to get dressed, however Mog is raring to go already:


I've just got my pants on and I hear a knock at the door. Who could it be?

Why, it's none other than....


Fire escape man!

We eventually get to our lecture, it's on web development. To give you an example as to how....advanced...this course is, we have to use Front Page. We're not allowed to use dreamweaver or anything else. If any of you have ever used Front page, you'll know how completely useless it actually is.

But before the lecture even begins, Tony tries to steal my moogle:

The bastard wont get away with him.

That cute little blue bunny belongs to this man:

His name is Tom. He's also a communist and is quite Cool

Tony brough his own mascot, who got a rather friendly with Mog:

So then the lecture started. Did we listen about all the exciting things Front Page can do, like insert clipart, frames and the all important forms? Did we also take notes for future reference? Like hell we did. In fact we had a much better use for all that spare paper we had lying around:

That's right! We made paper hats for our mascots! Credit goes to Fire Escape man for making Mog's hat.

I know what you're thinking, The bunny hasn't got a hat! Well don't worry, we wouldn't leave him out:

Yes, even the scary looking snowman got a hat. We're so awesome.

And of course, Tony had to take pictures:

Oh and in case you were wondering:

Some of us got hats too! =^_^=

I think we had a hat overload though....

Yes, Mog really is wearing 3 hats at once.

After web development came Computer system architecture with the legendary Tom Berry. No, that IS his real name. And yes, we do call him Tonberry.
He's also a complete cunt, famous for declaring out loud that he will never do anything to help any one of us.
He also doesn't like having his photograph taken.

But we had a plan....or should I say a bet....

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Cameras at the ready! Closest to me is Paul, another rather cool guy. I think he's organising a quake fest after lectures on monday.
Ok, so here's the plan: Take a picture of Tonberry.
Paul had a go. He got the back of him though, not good enough.
So then I took my chance....

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SUCCESS! I got the bastard! Immediately after I took this and hid the camera, he looked up and shouted "DELETE THAT PICTURE RIGHT NOW!!" and ranted at the poor guy with the camera phone in the picture above. Mwahaaa, I am good. And that cunt didn't realise. Kushan for t3h win!

And well, after that I forgot to take pictures. I'll bring my camera next friday though and do the same with the anime society metting :)

After my lecture, I met up with Carmy and we hung around together all day until later when we went to the Anime Society metting and watched Trinity Blood. Good shit, I must say. Did I mention that I'm now an admin of said society?
Anyhoo, after that we all went out to the Pub. There was me, Vicki, Steve, Dee Dee, some other guy who I can't remember his name (nice dude though), Ben (The leader of the Society) and of course, my dearst Carmy :D
It was good fun. When we got back to my place, Carmy and I ended up watching Shrek 2 together. You can't beat that movie with a stick. Puss! Image hosted by

Then on saturday, it was pretty much just me and Carmy hanging around all day. We did a little wandering around Liverpool with Ste and Vicki and then went back to my palce to, once again, hang out together. We were going to go to Dee Dee's for a bit, but Carmy had hurt her ankle, so we couldn't go :(
Speaking of, Dee is somewhere in wales right now as part of some research thing. Hope she's having fun.
This was the first weekend Carmy was able to stay both friday night and saturday night, I hope she's able to more often :D

Then on sunday me and Carmy pretty much stayed in bed all day until she had to go home.
Even though I didn't really do all that much, it's probably been one of the best weekends I've had since I got here.
I hope things stay like this for a long time, I'm really happy and content in my life and have been for a while now, it's a really good feeling :)

Thursday 13 October 2005

The clown died, but I still can't sleep...

Well today was...once again...Personal development.
The most....completely pointless and useless class I've ever been to in my life.
And today was no exception.

How did we develop, personally? Well lets see here, first we debated on weather or not flies would escape from a Jar before bees did.
Oh and then we came up with as many uses for a ping pong ball as possible. Favourites included miniature death stars, nipple guards, currency and my personal favourite, a new God.
Personal development is made up of a bunch of different groups, it's not just for Computer Games Tech people like myself. There's also multimedia, software engineers and Mathematical people there too.
So there was a competition to see who could get the most right answers in a bunch of riddles and questions they had. CGT won. We got like 5 points, Multimedia had 2. Computer Science had 1 and Maths had a big fat 0.
That was the highlight of my day.
We've all agreed to bring mascots with us now, CGT will be the official kick ass team of the Uni.

And tomorrow I think I'll take my camera around and document my day. Nicola should like that :D

Until then, here's a pic of me and the missus:

Now onward to bed!

Wednesday 12 October 2005

Things are still going all right here. Carmy is 7 shades of awesome and I really enjoy being with her.
Money is getting tight, but I think I'll be all right, I just need to badger the work bank lots. I'll do that when I get a chance. Also, I should get about £600 from a bursary too, I just need to badger them as well. I got the number so I'll give it a bell tomorrow or something.
As much as I really like all of the friends I've made here, most of them don't seem to realise that if they have a problem with me - something I've said or done that they don't like - they should actually TELL me!
It pisses me off to no extent when I find out days later that someone was pissed off with me for whatever reason and tried avoiding me, then the very next day calls me up for tech support. I mean what the hell am I supposed to think? Is said person still pissed off at me and just used me for tech support or have they gotten over whatever reason it is that pissed them off in the first place?

Am I the only one that just wants everyone to be open and honest with each other?

Take for example when you go out to a club or whatever and attempt to chat up some unsuspecting individual. Wouldn't it be much easier if they just told you straight that they weren't interested instead of letting you waste all sorts of time and effort on them in vain? At least that way you can pick out the next target and continue on.

Perhaps I'm just too used to internet life where it's easy to just tell someone to fuck off without worrying about what might happen if you bump into them later.


Oh well, tomorrow's another day and I'm sure Uni has yet more surprises in store for me, both good and bad. Maybe my lecture will actually teach me something and not be a total waste of time, effort and money =^_^=

Tuesday 11 October 2005

Can't sleep, clown'll eat me....

Well it's certainly been an eventful past few days, hasn't it?
Lets see here, Friday and Saturday was certainly very...eventful. I had lots of fun with Carmy :) Later on when she went home, we went to Dee Dee's place to hang around for a bit while watching Cube Zero and stuff. It was a good night, we didn't actually go home until about 4am >_>
Then on Sunday, Vicki and Steve invited me and Dee around to their place for dinner. They cook a mean chicken and rice thing, we ate that while watching dodgeball. Top movie ^_^

On Monday I had a 2 hour lecture that guessed it...completely pointless!
So far in this module, we haven't actually been taught any of the programming language that it centres around (Java, a different module does C++) but for some reason, the lecturer thought it would be fun to give us some code that wouldn't compile and then asked us to find the error, just to see if we could.
Thing is, the Java compiler itself doesn't actually work, so even if the code is 100% correct, it wouldn't compile anyway. But that wasn't the error, there was a different error he wanted us to "fix".
So for two hours we scratched our heads wondering what the hell it could be. I mean none of us knew any Java since it hadn't been taught and despite the fact that I could see what was going on in the code, I wasn't too sure either.
And you know the best bit? YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY FIX THE PROBLEM!
That's right, the lecturer thought it'd be funny to give us code with an error that you can't actually fix (due to a limitation in DOS itself) as a way of getting cheap laughs or something. Cunt.
Oh well, it just makes me feel less guilty whenever I miss a lecture. I'd probably spend more time bitching about it than learning anyway >_>

After her lectures on Tuesday, Carmy came around and we hung out pretty much all day :)
Purely by coincidence, she doesn't have any lectures on Wednesday and neither do I. Quite convenient really. She's fast asleep beside me as I type this :)

Tuesday 4 October 2005

I'm too Arrogant for my own good >_<

So I actually went to my lecture today! YEY! And you know something? It was a waste of time for the most part >_<
The first part of it was interesting, a little history of the Computer gaming industry. Although when I say little, I MEAN little, since all sorts of important events and stuff were left out, but oh well. Just means if there's an Essay question thing, I can put in plenty of extra stuff.
The second part of the lecture was a bit on C++, which I already knew about. In fact, the guy left out a load of important points (Like how you're supposed to name variables and stuff) which will just mean that most of the people on my course are going to be able to program, but poorly. Great.
Mind you, when we went to the computer suite to do this little practice thing, I did the one I missed last week AND the one we had this week (with some improvements on the code itself and stuff) before anyone around me had even got half way through.
I'm not saying I'm some Uber 1337 coder or something, but it seems that little bit of work I did during the summer really paid off. And that this course I'm on sucks lol.
But I don't care, I'll have a degree at the end of it and the skills to do all sorts of cool, good Jobs while having the best time of my life here so it's all good :)

Monday 3 October 2005

"This Ironing board is the best thing that's ever happened to me"

So yeah, I didn't do much today. Just washed my clothes really, turns out though that on the original timetable we got it says we have Mondays off. But actually, it was changed at some point and nobody told me, so I missed like a 30min lecture today. Rats. But it's ok, it wasn't anything important, tomorrow I will definitely be going because I've had such a good time for the past few days and I really feel like I've landed on my feet here ^_^
Oh yeah, Carmel and I are officially going out now (it was sort of unofficial before or something o_0) so all I can say to that is squeeee! :D

At like 1am, just as I was getting ready to go to bed, the fire alarm went off. Turns out that someone just burnt some sausages or something stupid, but I did bump into 2 people from my course (which is how I found out that I was actually supposed to be in today).
The two guys are called Malachy and Adam. Adam was pissed as a fart at the time, so when we went back inside and found a broken Ironing board, he immediately claimed it as it's own and hauled it around with him. He's planning on taking it to our lecture tomorrow.

On the left is Malachy, on the right is Adam and in the middle is the almighty broken Ironing board.

We must have spent a good hour using it as a surfing board going down the stairs >_>

Anywho the reason I'm up this late is because we dicked around so much. I'm gonna regret it tomorrow but what the fuck, it was a typical Student moment and it was fun ^_^

Oh and Dee has joined the ranks of LJers as greyshe_wolf :)

Sunday 2 October 2005

We're going to hell just for this much coke....

Right, so I need to recap the past few days.
Friday night was the first meeting of the anime society, I had already met at least half of the members that went before hand (I.E. Steve, Vicki, Dee, Joel, Kev (Who is quite possibly the most camp straight guy I've ever met. Or so he says) and a few others from my CGT class.) but still, loads and loads of people showed up!
It was good fun, we all had a laugh and pretty much spent the whole time giggling and making jokes about the weirdest anime I've seen for some time (Here's an example: "Tiger! Horse!" Yeah, don't worry if you don't understand, we were none the wiser either >_>).
Also, while there we met this crazy girl called Carmel, she is...well..crazy!
Although the really scary thing was how much her and I have in common, we sat up all of last night talking in my room, just the two of us. She's really nice.

And as a brucy bonus!....

She likes to dress up as Aeris. Yes, she's a Final Fantasy fan. Yes, she's a girl gamer. Yes, she's mine and if you come near her, you will have your arms broken. ^_^

Then on Saturday, a whole bunch of us went to the Krazyhouse again, once again a good time was had, although Vicki got hit on the head by a random bottle, which wasn't nice. But she's ok. So is the random guy that threw it, mainly because I didn't see who it was.

And yeah, then we all went back. Carmel stayed in my room cuz she lives a little out of town, we sat up most of the night talking. It was nice.

The next day, Sunday, Vicki, Steve, Carmel and I went to Chinatown and Met Dee Dee when we got there.

Now this is where Chinatown once again wins more points. Remember that little deal on the coke we found before? Well we went to a different place, Hondo's, only to find an even BETTER deal.

Not only were the crates of 24 LESS than £6 each, but if you bought 7, you got 1 free. That's 192 cans of coke/pepsi/fanta etc.

How could you possibly resist something like that? We couldn't! So me, Vicki, Dee and Steve all pitched in. Yeah, good plan. Except getting it all back was a struggle >_>
Oh hell, we managed.

Yeah...that's just mine.....

The guy in the shop was cool, when we trekked it to the counter he said "Party?" and we just looked at him and went ", personal use". He laughed, asked for the money (£41.83) and so I handed him £42. I said to him Keep the change. He said "Thank you" and I replied "Nooooo, thank YOU!". He laughed again and said "don't forget to wipe your mouth after you drink all that" as he threw in a free towel thing ^_^

Chinatown just gets better and better every time we go there :D

Mind you, it probably wasn't the best of Impressions on Carmy when we bought all that, I mean we'd only met her a couple of days ago but ah hell with it, if she is as much like me as I reckon she is, then she's probably got just as much at home >_>

Right, I need to go Job hunting tomorrow, even with super awesome discounts on caffeine, what funds I have wont last for ever.

EDIT: Due to popular request....

Here's what I look like currently with beard:

EDIT2: Just in case anyone's wondering, Vicki is psychobunnie86 and Steve is angelus01. Don't spam them. Much.