
Monday 26 January 2004

"Y'know, you get kinda worried when you spend all day with a lesbian"

I remember saying that a while back, sometime in July or August, it was when I spent practically the whole day playing Renegade with Michelle, I'd look up the actual entry, but LJ is being a pain in the ass oh well. God how that screwed with my mind, me being there the whole time and never being able to tell her how I felt, not for one second did I ever think It could get to the stage it's at now. Anyway, point is I kinda did it again, from when I came home from school to when I went Michelle went to bed, all I did was sit there talking to her. While doing the usual of whoring the odd forum and stuff of course. And people kept messaging me "get on renalert, get on renalert, there's a load of really big games going, mooove!" and I just couldn't leave, I was happy just talking to her, about erm....everything really lol. 4 days and 4 months ago was the day she told me how she felt, maybe that's why I've suddenly realized again just how much I love her, cuz I always contemplate the past, when no-one's talking or when I'm in bed, I'm usually thinking about stuff, usually the past, could be anything, what happened 10 years ago or what happened 10mins ago, I duno why I do it, but I do, maybe it's because there's usually something I want to change in my life or another person's, like right now I wish to god there was something I could do for Tox, he's really not having a good year at all, I mean my problems mainly revolve around HER (Who's still ignoring me) but she could be sorted out with a gun and a spade, his problems can't, which sucks cuz I really like the guy...I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid....

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