
Wednesday 14 January 2004

Of all the things....

Today was....boring....yeah, it was pretty boring. Not a lot happened, nothing special to there was a fight today in school, a somewhat rare occasion these days, there used to be fights all the time, like once a week, but this was the first fight I've seen in my school in over a year, maybe 2 years. I guess that's a good thing really, but still, it's kinda funny when two little Juniors who know fuck all about fighting start pushing each other around. It's the same thing over and over, they would like grab each other and start pulling each other around, not actually doing any damage, in fact, I don't think even a punch was thrown, the only reason it gathered any interest was because of how stupid the two kids where. Silly bastards. Oh well, makes a break from the usual boringness of school I suppose.
We had a surprise Business studies test today (how fun) and of all the things, the question was on Microsoft, or more specifically, the X-Box. It was a gift, I could rhyme out a million pages of waffle about that, which is all BS really is, (the name of the subject suits) mindless crap, they just give you marks for writing a series of words that are separated by the odd comma and full stop (or "period" as you silly Americans call it). No wonder I got an A in it at Christmas, I mean, if you know one thing about me it's that I talk shit, and lots of it ^_^

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