
Thursday 22 January 2004

Poison would be a good option.....burning....even brutal stabbing has its charms.....

Just a few of the ways I've contemplated killing her.....that...bitch.
So here's the full on what happened today. I come home from school to find my dad standing there cooking a somewhat elaborate meal, duno what it was, didn't really care, cuz that meant only one thing...SHE was coming. For dinner.
Literally 2 or 3mins later she arrives at the door. Joy. Now, you have to remember I'm literally just home from school, standing in my uniform. She walks past, it's the usual standing there while my dad and HER say hello to each other, then came the question, "Would you like a cup of tea, dear?" he asks her, "please" she replies. My dad then says "Steve will make it". Something which I absolutely despise anyone saying, "Oh they'll do it", I mean, I don't mind doing it, all they have to do is ask, it's just not very nice when they say "Oh they'll do it" without them asking, but that's not the point, I don't say it annoys me cuz it's pointless and it's really just me being picky, but anyway. I then look at my dad and say "Bugger off, I'm getting changed" (Out of my uniform of course) I didn't actually mean it, fuck, making a cup of tea is hardly anything special, and I said it on my way over to the kettle. So the tea was made, and set in front of her, "thanks" she replies. i then proceeded to walk up stairs to my room to get changed. A few minutes later, my Dad yells my name and orders me to come down the stairs. Completely bewildered, I ask "Why, what's wrong?" and his reply is "Just get down here, NOW!" so I run down and as I'm walking up to the kitchen, where he was standing, with her voice coming from the adjacent room, I could hear her saying "I don't want an apology, it doesn't make a difference to him!" Of course I'm still completely oblivious to what the hell happened, I walk into the kitchen and see she's "crying" and my dad shouts at me "What did you say when you were asked to make the tea?!!?" Yes....I somehow managed to deeply hurt the bitch by saying "Bugger off, I'm getting changed" in a lighthearted tone...
And now you know the reason for the title. The scary part is it's actually starting to sound like a good idea, the more I think about it, the better it seems. Every single time I've been in trouble for the past 6 years have been linked to her, she actually is the source of about 80% of my problems, she was the person that started off the whole thing at the end of December whereby my family practically admitted to hating me. She is the root of all evil in my life, so much so that it's not even funny...
She's driven me to the edge, it came so close before thanks to her, but now that I think about it, I should have pointed the damn knife at HER instead....bitch.
But not to worry, I've calmed down a little, mainly thanks to this: Read number 7.
Oh and I've got a sore throat as well, but since I don't actually talk in real life much, it's not really bothering me. Cyanide, that could work....

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