
Saturday 31 December 2005

To all music fans!

Happy new year, everyone! Hope you had a good 2005!

Happy new year!

It's new years eve, so in case I forget to say: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

About an hour ago I got a text message from my brother, it read something like this:


Apparently both the caps lock button on his phone AND the word "please" went missing today.

Now, piss poor manners aside, this seems  like a genuine call for help. However this same person spent £200 on a new TV on boxing day. One that he couldn't fit into his flat. One that he didn't need since he already had a 24" screen in his living room, lets not forget that the aforementioned "Liz" is his fiancé and rather heavily pregnant.

I decided it would be best to not give him the £20. Not just because I feel he needs to learn to manage his money, but mainly because I go back on the 7th and to the best of my knowledge, my brother doesn't have any other form of income due any time soon. The 6th is all too convenient a date, it would be so very easy for him to miss said date and then not have a chance to give me that money because the next day I would be too busy packing and stuff.

So I responded "Sorry, I don't have it". Not quite true, not quite false. While I do have £20 in my wallet, I can't really risk not getting that money back.

His response came quickly:


Seems that Gratitude and Manners are both missing. Maybe the Caps lock key kidnapped them.

Lets hope that this is the last example of the "bad" side to 2005, because quite frankly it was a good year for the most part and I intend on making sure 2006 is even better ^_^

Thursday 29 December 2005

I have a problem...

I  really can't make substantial updates to Livejournal unless it's at a ridiculous time in the morning.

But you all knew that anyway, didn't you?

I suppose I should explain what that was about with me and Carmy. Well, let me say this first, we have fun together. We like each other a lot, we have a lot of similar interests, so much so it's scary at times. It's whenever there's a teeny problem that there is a problem.
It was always little things that would cause arguments between us, never anything really major. It was a minor, silly issue that caused a big argument yesterday, then we both figured that we always argue over little things, so what's the point in trying? Then afterwards we both kind of realised that in the end they WERE just little things, so why get bothered about them?
Obviously there was more to it than that, but that's pretty much the gist of it.

Yes, I know, it's confusing, think of how I feel, being right smack bang in the middle of it! :P

In other news.
I forgot to mention, a few weeks ago I put my Swiss army knife into my Laptop bag for some reason. I can't remember what it was and it probably wasn't all that important since I apparently didn't use it at all and thus it remained in the laptop bag for weeks. Including when I flew from Liverpool to Belfast. Nobody noticed. It passed right through Airport security, with all their fancy little metal detectors and X-ray scans. I found it about a week ago, still in my Laptop bag which I took onto the plane with me. As in ONTO the plane, as hand luggage. It was about half a meter from me the whole time and nothing would have stopped me from opening it up and grabbing the contents inside.
God I love Airport security. Maybe I'll stab someone on the way back just to prove a point.


On second thoughts....

I think I might not be single. Again.

erm....happy new year?

Wednesday 28 December 2005


Kushan is now apparently single.

Well.....happy new year!....Fucksocks....

Sunday 25 December 2005

Damn you, damn the broccoli and damn the Wright Brothers!

Urrrg. I suppose it was inevitable. I've got a hell of a cold right now. Drowsy eyes, blocked nose, a cough that rips a little bit of your throat out as it exits your mouth, the works.
It doesn't help that it's bloody cold here.
The weather forecast shows that it's 30ºF in Belfast and 40ºF in Liverpool. While that may not sound like a big difference, let me put it this way: one is below freezing, one is not. I don't know whether it's the climate or the fact that I was already ill, but I haven't actually stopped shivering since I arrived here. As for the cough, well it's been slowly surfacing over the past couple of days. I have to give my body credit though, it managed to fend off that little shite until Christmas was over. But of course that does leave me wide awake at 4am on Boxing Day with watery eyes that are preventing me from even reading over half of what I've just typed out. Hurrah.
So bloody tired, I need sleep so I can go into town tomorrow (today, whatever) and buy lots of random crap!
Bah humbug!
The past few months have been pretty damn good to me and I had a nice enough Christmas too, so if me spending Boxing day in a moderate amount of pain every time I breathe means that somehow the Universe balances out and someone who's had a worse year than me gets a good day instead, then I guess it's only fair.
Or maybe I'm just talking complete crap because I'm tired and can't sleep, who knows?
I'll be damned if viruses keep me indoors though!


Merry Christmas, one and all!
I got lots of cool shit this year, including lots of monies! Hurrah for gold and silver!

Hope everyone's having a good one!

Saturday 24 December 2005

Christmas eve, baby!

Well it's Christmas Eve, everyone.
I spent the last couple of days in Colraine with a few friends, it was good to see them all again, although I forgot how much they sodding argue >_<
Oh well, it was  a fun couple of days,  even though I feel sorry for Baby Face Barry.
You see, he's the one that Lives in Colraine for university. And he also met someone down there that he's going out with now.
He met her and her friend when they decided to break into his house and trash his kitchen........yyeaaahh...
And Barry Genuinely hates the woman too (in fact we all do, she's a bit annoying to say the least), but of course he'll probably never dump her of his own accord. Typical Barry for you. My cat's got bigger balls and he's been neutered.
None the less, it was a good few days, women or no women.

Now it's Christmas Eve, it's time to put up your feet, relax and think of all the good things that happened this year while forgetting the bad shit. Roll on the one day of the year where you're allowed to gorge on as much food as you can without feeling guilty. Oh and presents too!


Tuesday 20 December 2005

I have arrived

Well I'm back in Belfast. I say Belfast instead of home because already it doesn't feel like home. Liverpool is my home now and I kinda miss it already. Perhaps it's the people there, or maybe it's the fact that I forgot how much I hated Listening to my Dad and Kathleen argue and bitch about trivial things, then tossing in a bunch of her stupid assumptions that just make me want to slap her.
The very second I got into the car at the airport, a car beside us sounded it's horn. Now Kathleen immediately assumes that this person is upset with her for being in the way or something, despite the fact that someone on the OTHER side of the car was waving at the car that sounded the horn. Then she comes off with the fact that it was all down to the fact that she was a woman and that nobody would ever toot their horn at a male driver. Riiiiiight.
God I hate that woman.

On another note, I think it's quite clear that my cat missed me a lot. I know a lot of people think cats (And dogs I suppose) are stupid creatures and they only sit on you for warmth and all that, but Spot didn't leave my lap from the moment I got back. Then we went out to Burger King and when we came back, there was a dead mouse on the floor, right beside the area I always sit to watch TV. I missed that little bugger.

I'm already missing Carmy though, so I guess I'm screwed no matter where I go. One day I'll bring them together. Cat on my lap, Carmy in the Kitchen, it'll be the perfect life. Yeah right, if she thought for a second that I wasn't kidding, I'd  wake up with no testicles one morning >_>

Oh well, 2 and a half weeks of doing sod all except eating and sleeping, may as well make the most of it. And I intend to start by having a nice big kip :D

Saturday 17 December 2005

This town's like a ghost town............

It's kinda odd here. Me and Malachy are some of the last few people left in Marybone. I'm the last person left in my flat and he's the last person left in his, other than that Marybone's practically dead.
Oh well, not long until I go home now. It's funny, I didn't realise that my last lecture was over a week ago or I would have booked earlier flights. So there was me thinking I'd made a mistake and could be home right now, but so far of all the people who went home before, such as Adam, Ste and Dee, not one of them seems happy to be there. Well I mean they're happy alright, but they'd rather be back here, hanging around, dicking about, going to Tesco at 6am and so on.
I suppose it's a good sign that everyone is settling in well enough to actually miss the place.
Well, mostly. I know that Dee, for example, is going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment and whether she sees it or not, being at home is probably the best thing for her at the moment.
I wonder if I should tell them all that they're not missing much >_>
Ah well, Christmas soon and I almost feel proud that the only family member who I forgot to buy a gift for was my Mum ^________________^

I hope Dreamwraith is ok. I said some things on Renevo (A forum he manages and I visit occasionally) that he wasn't too happy to hear. Regardless as to what I said, I just hope he understands that I only meant it in a constructive way, just he takes criticism a little hard some times.
He's a good friend, I just hope he still IS a friend....

Meh, Christmas spirit away!

Thursday 15 December 2005


A WEB hosting outfit wants to legally adopt a child under the name of the company. says that it wants the child to live at the web hosting data centre where he will be provided with food, clothing, shelter and love from the owner and employees.

The plan gets scarier when you read the company's press release about the plan. "He (sic) can learn all there is to learn about his new mother, web hosting. Perhaps even work for the company in the later years and become a Linux guru," the press release says.

Apparently the company has been working on the legal adoption process for six months. The deal being hatched out will involve the kid being "the logo and slogan" of the company when he has become old enough.

The sad thing is, "web hosting" would probably be a better mother than mine was o_o

Tuesday 13 December 2005

pdate update update up

Well, I've been ordered to Update so I guess I should.
Went to the Anime Society Buffet on Saturday. It was good fun and we all had a laugh for the most part, unfortunately later on I found out that Chinese food doesn't like me. I don't know why, either, it didn't wait around long enough to let me know >_<
Other than that, can't say I've been up to much, just dicking around doing the usual sort of shit like going to Tesco at about 6 in the morning to buy bread to beat Malachy with. I'm Just getting ready to go home on Tuesday to see my Dad, friends and most importantly, my Cat ^_^

Oh and I read this recently and couldn't stop lauging:

The music industry is to extend its copyright war by taking legal action against websites offering unlicensed song scores and lyrics.
The Music Publishers' Association (MPA), which represents US sheet music companies, will launch its first campaign against such sites in 2006.

That's right, kids! Some genious from a record company somewhere has decided that sites which post song lyrics should be taken down.
Well shit.
That's possibly the stupidest thing any record company anywhere has ever decided to do. I mean, how many of you out there have heard a song on TV or the radio and went "Oh, that's a good song, I'd like to have that", then went on google and searched the lyrics for the name of it? I've done it hundreds of times by now, just think of the amount of revenue they'll lose from that alone. Twat.s

Oh and you know how so many of you just love to post song lyrics right here on Livejournal? Well kiss goodbye to that, even if you go to a legit site and get them there, you'll by no means be allowed to post them here. Heck, they'll probably demand some form of Digital Rights managment on text files next to prevent you copying those too.
Fucking Americans.

Wednesday 7 December 2005

Team Marybone is back!

This time we pitted bounty against a cheaper alternative.

Comments are welcome!

Tuesday 6 December 2005

I'm just so happy...

It occurred to me last night that I'm a happy guy.
I mean..I'm not saying that something big has made me happy, just all the little things have.
I like my life how it is, I like my friends, I like where I live, all that.
Last night I was having trouble getting to sleep simply because I was so happy.
I have so much fun just in my daily life. For example, a few weeks ago I put a galaxy cake bar thing through Adam and Malachy's letterbox, then went and told Adam over MSN to check his front door.
He went and looked was gone!
Malachy said he never took it, neither did anyone else in their flat. What the hell?
It was a total mystery, where did it go?
Well the other day, I came down to their flat and knocked to get in. No answer. I went to open the letterbox. I finally got in and told Adam to go take a look.
It was there.
For like the past 2 weeks, it's been IN the damn letterbox! They've even had all sorts of letters since then and STILL nobody noticed!

Adam thought it was so funny, he fell on the floor laughing...

How about a time before that? Once again, it was like 4 in the morning and we got told off for making too much noise. What did Adam do?

Why, he started banging a couple of Pans together!

Funny thing was 2 seconds after I took that pic, the handle flew off one of them *laughs*

Remember the Ironing board?

Yeah, you remember that.

Well, one day we decided to go Ironing board surfing down the stairs....



Unfortunately the Ironing board kind of died after....


While Ironing board surfing, we bumped into some Fellow students who just came back from a night out. Looks like the brought a souvenir with them....

More random fun was had one morning at 6am. I was just ready to go to bed, or so I said. Malachy pointed out that I'd probably end up watching home improvement on ABC1. I admitted that he was probably right. I then pointed out that I'd probably end up going to Tesco to buy cheese at 8am when it opened (or so I thought).
So what happened? Well why wait? We left in search for cheese at 6 in the morning!
The shop across the road failed, it was shut. Iceland was open, but not for customers. They lose.

But surprise surprise, Tesco was open!

So yeah....we went and bought Cheese. And Ham. And a couple of big fucking baguettes and made super subs!

Really fucking tasty they were too. The really cool thing is that the total cost for one of them is about £3.50. How much would you pay in Subway for 1 and a half foot of pure pleasure? With butter as a bonus!

Oh and we noticed this while looking for cheese....

That wasn't there before. We reckon we've made Kill it bam famous! WE DID THAT!

And finally......

Here's me....happily taking money 6 in the buy cheese.....

That's only half of the random shit that goes on. So much more happens daily.

I feel kind of bad because some people haven't settled down well here. I know Vicki really misses her mum and Carmy gets down because of her work and stuff, but I'm really happy.
I just wish I could relate the way I see things to other people, it really is possible to be happy at the worst of times just depending on your outlook on life.

And you know what? On looking at those pics, I really want another supersub....I'm going back to tesco.

Sunday 4 December 2005

Free shit!

Stickers For Geeks
Example Link: Stickers For Geeks

As long as this llnk is here, I might get a free sticker. Woo.

*Stoled from........lots of people*

1. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you think?
"Dammit, go get a hair cut"

2. How much cash do you have on you?
About £3.19

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"?

4. Favourite planet?
Arrakis, aka Dune

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
Withheld number

6. What is your favourite ring on your phone?
Short Fanfare Midi (The FF7 Victory music)

7. What clothes are you wearing?
T-shirt and Combats as always.

8.Do you label yourself?
If I had any Labels, I'd write on them "I suck" and stick them to people's back's, so no.

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing right now?
SAS assault boots, so erm....the military?

10. Bright or Dark Room?
The walls are white, but I prefer Dark.

11. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching TV I think.

12. What did your last text message you received say?
"Had a nice time tonight :-)"

13. What's a saying that you say a lot?

14. Who told you they loved you last?
Hmm, probably Carmy after a night of hot, mind >_>

15. Last furry thing you touched?
Um....see above and extrapolate from that <_<

16. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days?

17. How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
Digital for the win!

18. Favourite age you have been so far?
18 For sure.

19. Your worst enemy?
Probably Kay. She sucks at being an enemy.

20. What is your current desktop picture?
2 Characters from Yumeria

21. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Goodnight" I think.

22. If you had to choose between a million pounds or to be able to change a major regret?
If I had a million, I could change most of my regrets anyway and still have plenty left over to blow on caffeine :D

23. Do you like someone?
No, I hate everyone. Especially you.

24. The last song you listened to?
Les Rythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body (Make Me Sweat)

Saturday 3 December 2005


Answer these 5 questions then put them in your LJ:
1. My username is ____ because ____.
2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.

1. My username is Kushan because that's my online name. Comes from one of my favourite games, Homeworld.
2. My journal is titled "Kushan's life" because it's my life....duh....
3. My subtitle is "It's more fun than a stick" because sticks are shit.
4. My friends page is called "People who think Kushan rocks" because I rock. And people know it.
5. My default userpic is my cat because he rocks just as much as me.

And I'd like to say something that's been on my mind for a while now....

I know I said I wasn't ever going to mention Kay or anything like that here again, but you know what? Recent events have changed my mind a little.
Lately she's been pissing me off. She hasn't so much done anything to me directly, just annoyed a few friends of mine and tried manipulating them to dislike me. Not only that, but she's tried to spread some completely preposterous rumours about me too. Ones about me hacking into Ste's email account in order to send Michael emails in his name. I mean what the fuck is that about?
 Well I sent her an email to reason with her and got no response. A few days ago I sent one to Michael and so far have got no response either.

I don't know if she reads this. I don't know if Michael reads this. And personally I don't care.

It's like this. I'm finished.
That is, I'm finished being all nice about this. Since I came to Liverpool I've changed a little. I'm a lot more headstrong, a HELL of a lot more confident, more outgoing, much much more popular and more to the point, I don't take shit from ANYONE. Why just the other day I had a rant at the flat next door for leaving their rubbish in the hall (instead of taking it to the bins outside). The result? No rubbish in the hall.
The point is, I'm not having any more of this. If she keeps up her shit, I WILL retaliate, I WILL write a big LJ entry about how much of a whore she is. I WILL post titbits of information that will show her up for the insidious, deceiving little bitch she is. I WILL tell my friends the TRUTH about her, how she manipulates men, how she spreads vile rumours and lies and just how much she doesn't know about the meaning of trust.
I'll do it. So help me God, I'll make her life a living hell if she encroaches onto mine any more. And I'll laugh. I'll stand high on my mighty horse, my ego swelling, my nefarious laugh being heard for miles, my stomach aching from reviling in her displeasure. Oh I will do it.

That is, if she doesn't stay away from me.

If she does that...well...I guess I wont have any fun, will I?

Thursday 1 December 2005

Do you ever get it when....

You feel like you're constantly trying to get form one side to the other?

Lots more attempts here.

8 and 18 are my favourites ^_^