
Thursday 7 July 2005


Lois has gone on Holiday.
Lois is the girl I love. Lois is an amazing woman. Lois is not going to Liverpool.

You see everyone, as much as I love this woman, I have to face the fact that I'm pissing off in about 2 months.
Not only that, but Lois has her own plans, she's going to Canada eventually and I can't say I blame her, it sounds like a really nice place.

It wont work, as much as I'd want to be with her for a long time, it jsut wont happen.
But I don't feel...bitter...or angry about it. Just a little sad. But still.
I have no idea what will happen in the future, heck I could win the lottery tomorrow and all of my problems will be solved...well actually that's a lie, I don't buy lottery tickets, but you know what I mean.
But hey...we'll see what happens. Until then, I'm looking slightly differently into the future, definately a lot more positively, which feels good for a change.

I'll miss her for the next 2 weeks, but I'm not going to let it get me down, because I know she'll be back.
And I know that no matter what heppens, she'll always be around somewhere, just that somewhere might be on the other side of the planet lol
But really, she's a reminder that there are good people out there, people I can appreciate, people I can feel close to, people I can love. And that's what matters.

I hope she has fun :)

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