
Thursday 14 July 2005

everyone spam the hell out of this post, I want JFK to be at LEAST 5th Post-count-wise.

Today something odd happened.
While at work, we were heading out as usual to our destination (A place called Ballymena, a place where everyone has a squeaky high annoying voice) when the Driver, Harry, Gets a phone call. He's told to stop, apparently I was wanted somewhere o_o.
So we stop and wait. And another truck pulls up. A guy called Davey (Doot-doot) gets out and tells me to get into the one that pulled out. He took my place on Harry's truck.

And that was it really, for no reason what so ever, they made me swap with someone mid-run, which added about 30mins to our time, there was no reason for it either, Davey could have just as easily been on the run I was moved to and saved everyone a lot of bother. Someone in the office fucked up methinks.

On another note, I went shopping today. Not like I had a choice. Most of my clothes have been destroyed thanks to my Job (People are stupid and leave bottles filled with bleach in the boxes, which inevitably gets all over me as I throw them into the truck) so I had to get some new ones. Woo.
But while I was there, I took a look in Gamestop and seen Guild Wars for only £20. Not a bad deal, it's meant to be £30. And so what the hell, I bought it and you know what, it's bloody good.
No subscription either, bonus! Compared to World of Warcraft, Guild wars looks absolutely stunning.

This is World of Warcraft

This is Guild Wars

And believe me, that pic doesn't do it justice, you have to walk around the place and really admire the beauty of it.

So that was good, I'll be playing that lots I think. Also, since I have NO fashion sense, I had a friend with me and he decided to go to Game to see, since it's just around the corner from Gamestop (For those who don't know, Game is store in the Uk, rival to Gamestop).
So we went in and he decided to buy Tekken 5, he also pointed out that Guild Wars was £15 more expensive.
So while at the counter, with the manager of this store himself serving us, I said in an almost deliberately out-loud voice "You know, Jim, I think Gamestop is a lot better than this place". Jim Fell Silent.
The manager gave me a dirty look and then said "Well if it's so good, then you wouldn't be shopping here then, would you?" and that's when I proclaimed "Well ACTUALLY, I Just bought Guild Wars from there for £15 cheaper".
The manager just grumbled while he served my friend.
Sometimes being a bastard is fun :D
Maybe I'm not that nice a guy after all.....

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