
Tuesday 29 June 2004

This is the only kinda of LJ update you're likely to get from me for a while....

In the last 24 hours have you...
1. cried?: Yes
2. bought something?: I was forced to buy clothes today...
3. gotten sick?: I almost felt sick last night
4. sang?: Never
5. eaten?: I had a baguette last night, that was it
6. been kissed?: No....
7. felt stupid?: Very
8. wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't?:That information is classified.
9. met someone new?: Not that I'm likely to meet again
10. moved on?: I wish
11. talk to an ex?: Yes....
12. missed an ex?: .....yes.....
13. talked to someone you have a crush on?: That information is classified.
14. had a serious talk?: Yea
15. missed someone?:See Q 12
16. hugged someone?: Hugging is fun
17. fought with your parents?: Yes
18. dreamed about someone you can't be with?: .....why did I pick THIS questionaire to do?! Yes....

social life:
1. best girl friend: That information is classified.
2. best guy friend: ToXiN or Grendies
3. boyfriend/girlfriend:....dont make me come over there
4. if no, current dating partner: That's it *takes out shotgun*
5. hobbies: Wanking, watching porn, pissing off people I really don't want to piss off...
6. pager: What?
7. are you center of attention or the wallflower?: Are you making up terms to confuse me?
8. what type automobile do you drive?: I am not allowed to drive due to shit eyesight
9. what type automobile do you wish you drove?: See above
10. would you rather be with friends or on a date?: I swear, next time I do one of these, I'm reading the questions first..
11. where is the best hangout?: Hell if I know
12. do you have a job?: I am a security Guard....
14. do you like being around people?: Not particularly


1. who is your role model?: Probably stephen hawking
2. what are some of your pet peeves?: People who bitch about Love then piss it all away (F U Nozzy)
3. have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: .....*sigh*
4. have you ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes yes yes....
5. do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: Not that I know of, my body just seems to pick unreachable people...
6. have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?: Not knowingly or without good reason
7. ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?: Yes, but that soon went away
8. would you rather dump someone or get dumped?: Not like I ever had a choice...
10. do you want someone you don't have right now?: *bangs head on desk*
11. ever liked your best guy/girl friend?: That information is classified.
12. do you want to get married?: I thought I did....
13. do you want kids?: Not unless I know they'll be loved by both parents a lot
14. do you believe in psychics?: No
15. do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?: *Thwacks*
16. what is your favorite part of your physical appearance?: My cock
17. what is your favorite part of your emotional being?: I'm the nicest guy I know, and don't have any quarrels with anyone because of race, colour or creed.
18. are you happy with you?: Do I sound happy?
19. are you happy with your life?: Happiness is a myth to me
20. if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?: Take a wild fucking Guess

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