
Wednesday 16 June 2004

It does everything except rape the family dog...and I'll do that anyway

Lets recap the past few days then.
Last thursday....or was it was A day last week, me had an ICT exam.
Those of you who know me well will know that I totally ROCK at ICT stuff...and it shows!
Exam lasted from 13:30 to 15:00....I was out of there at 14:15....go me!
Of course in saying all that, I aint got the results yet, but still, it's me and ICT....
Can't really remember if anything else of interest happened at the weekend, apart from Work.
Oh yea, watched Hellboy, it's a good movie, one to watch again some time methinks and not many films do that for me.
I'm also now the proud owner of an orange SPV E200, the ultimate in phones. It does everything, plays MP3's, heck, it can even play DivX movies and with a 64Mb SD card (which retail at about $40) you can actually store an entire movie on it. That's right Kids, Kushan's gonna have mobile pr0n at his disposal, just what every Uber Geek wanted for christmas and didn't get!
Among other things, it has a camera, can browse internet (real internet, not that shite WAP stuff, although it can do that too), it has Doom, Duke Nukem 3d and Wolfenstein, Nes and SNES emulators and more! Oh and it can make phone calls too.
So that's pretty sweet.

I also got a hair cut today, and since the phone has a camera, what better way to test it out?  I know, I know, I look like a retard, but at the time I was going "omfg the phone as a wee mirror on the back of it so you can take a good picture of yourself!! that's amazing!1!! :O :O :O"
You'll probably see a lot more random photographs of things on here now:POh yea, Deepest Sender has been upgraded (along with a new version of Firefox . 0.9 :D) so it now suports LJ cuts, so expect to see more of them here as well.

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