
Wednesday 30 June 2004

I got a G-mail account!

You WILL spam it, you MUST spam it!!! That 1Gb of space MUST be squandered!

Tuesday 29 June 2004

This is the only kinda of LJ update you're likely to get from me for a while....

In the last 24 hours have you...
1. cried?: Yes
2. bought something?: I was forced to buy clothes today...
3. gotten sick?: I almost felt sick last night
4. sang?: Never
5. eaten?: I had a baguette last night, that was it
6. been kissed?: No....
7. felt stupid?: Very
8. wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't?:That information is classified.
9. met someone new?: Not that I'm likely to meet again
10. moved on?: I wish
11. talk to an ex?: Yes....
12. missed an ex?: .....yes.....
13. talked to someone you have a crush on?: That information is classified.
14. had a serious talk?: Yea
15. missed someone?:See Q 12
16. hugged someone?: Hugging is fun
17. fought with your parents?: Yes
18. dreamed about someone you can't be with?: .....why did I pick THIS questionaire to do?! Yes....

social life:
1. best girl friend: That information is classified.
2. best guy friend: ToXiN or Grendies
3. boyfriend/girlfriend:....dont make me come over there
4. if no, current dating partner: That's it *takes out shotgun*
5. hobbies: Wanking, watching porn, pissing off people I really don't want to piss off...
6. pager: What?
7. are you center of attention or the wallflower?: Are you making up terms to confuse me?
8. what type automobile do you drive?: I am not allowed to drive due to shit eyesight
9. what type automobile do you wish you drove?: See above
10. would you rather be with friends or on a date?: I swear, next time I do one of these, I'm reading the questions first..
11. where is the best hangout?: Hell if I know
12. do you have a job?: I am a security Guard....
14. do you like being around people?: Not particularly


1. who is your role model?: Probably stephen hawking
2. what are some of your pet peeves?: People who bitch about Love then piss it all away (F U Nozzy)
3. have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: .....*sigh*
4. have you ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yes yes yes....
5. do you have a "type" of person you always go after?: Not that I know of, my body just seems to pick unreachable people...
6. have you ever lied to your best friend(s)?: Not knowingly or without good reason
7. ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you?: Yes, but that soon went away
8. would you rather dump someone or get dumped?: Not like I ever had a choice...
10. do you want someone you don't have right now?: *bangs head on desk*
11. ever liked your best guy/girl friend?: That information is classified.
12. do you want to get married?: I thought I did....
13. do you want kids?: Not unless I know they'll be loved by both parents a lot
14. do you believe in psychics?: No
15. do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time?: *Thwacks*
16. what is your favorite part of your physical appearance?: My cock
17. what is your favorite part of your emotional being?: I'm the nicest guy I know, and don't have any quarrels with anyone because of race, colour or creed.
18. are you happy with you?: Do I sound happy?
19. are you happy with your life?: Happiness is a myth to me
20. if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be?: Take a wild fucking Guess

Sunday 20 June 2004


I've been badgered into updating by a couple of people¬_¬
So here's the update:
I'm loving my phone, it totally rules. It's great being on msn while at work (I have different account for that that I'm keeping small for b/w reasons, so comment if you wanna be added), and now that I have a nify keyboard, it's even better!
Here is it open. if you notice the plastic bit in the middle, it's where the phone docks

 But the really neat thing is that it folds up to fit in ya pocket!!
Pretty nifty, eh?

Thursday 17 June 2004

My first friends only post....

[Nozzy] - [Kushan those chocolates were from my mom] - [About 26 days till I visit Molly] says:
ok i think <Classified> is the only person in the world to masturbate in front of a mirror and get off on themself
Kushan loving Slave girl: Nozzy your package has arrived! says:
I do that
[Nozzy] - [Kushan those chocolates were from my mom] - [About 26 days till I visit Molly] says:
Kushan loving Slave girl: Nozzy your package has arrived! says:
I take pictures and everything
Kushan loving Slave girl: Nozzy your package has arrived! says:
wanna see?

He never replied....


Ok, so work today......
Work was slightly different, was in a Car park today, making sure noboy tried to go on the nick in argos when everyone had went home.
Nobod came near the site...
There were some Joyriders, with their fancy underglows and shit but that was it, oh and a guy mooned me....
Michelle found a rather nifty site that has family crests on it, here's mine and Michelle's, try to guess which is which ;)
First person to guess correctly gets a free Bj, not saying from who tho :P

Nozzy sent me a package!

How nice of him to send me a package, I also used it as a good oppertunity to take lots of pictures...............

So, here was the package as it arrived to me

Inside were decidedly Irish-themed polystyrene things

Underneith was some blue paper, but look, what's that red object  there?

It can only be a box of lucky charms!

Next came possibly the most disturbing thing any man has given me......

And then some postcards from New hampshire, where Nozzy lives

Yet more pictures of the place he lives....

And finally, a T-shirt...

FYI, Old Man is a tourist attraction, it's that bit stickout out of the site of the mountain  in the Postcard on the right of the pic up there ^^^^^^^
All in all, a nice litle package., thank you Nozzy.

Wednesday 16 June 2004

It does everything except rape the family dog...and I'll do that anyway

Lets recap the past few days then.
Last thursday....or was it was A day last week, me had an ICT exam.
Those of you who know me well will know that I totally ROCK at ICT stuff...and it shows!
Exam lasted from 13:30 to 15:00....I was out of there at 14:15....go me!
Of course in saying all that, I aint got the results yet, but still, it's me and ICT....
Can't really remember if anything else of interest happened at the weekend, apart from Work.
Oh yea, watched Hellboy, it's a good movie, one to watch again some time methinks and not many films do that for me.
I'm also now the proud owner of an orange SPV E200, the ultimate in phones. It does everything, plays MP3's, heck, it can even play DivX movies and with a 64Mb SD card (which retail at about $40) you can actually store an entire movie on it. That's right Kids, Kushan's gonna have mobile pr0n at his disposal, just what every Uber Geek wanted for christmas and didn't get!
Among other things, it has a camera, can browse internet (real internet, not that shite WAP stuff, although it can do that too), it has Doom, Duke Nukem 3d and Wolfenstein, Nes and SNES emulators and more! Oh and it can make phone calls too.
So that's pretty sweet.

I also got a hair cut today, and since the phone has a camera, what better way to test it out?  I know, I know, I look like a retard, but at the time I was going "omfg the phone as a wee mirror on the back of it so you can take a good picture of yourself!! that's amazing!1!! :O :O :O"
You'll probably see a lot more random photographs of things on here now:POh yea, Deepest Sender has been upgraded (along with a new version of Firefox . 0.9 :D) so it now suports LJ cuts, so expect to see more of them here as well.

Friday 11 June 2004

Oooooooohhhhhh nicola!

Kushan's LJ stalker is xbahamutxzerox!
xbahamutxzerox is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also deluded!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder

It's true too...

Wednesday 9 June 2004

Today I fail!

In....8 hours and 49mins I have a chemistry exam. I am going to fail it. woo.
Oh well, I'm planning on dropping the subject anyway.
A gay guy phoned me today and told me to tell my brother he'll never forgive him for standing him up last saturday...0_o
Oh and I think I made Kay the happiest girl alive today....then Michelle made me the happiest guy ever, but for totally different reason;)
To the uninformed, ZA5 sucks moneys, if you use  Zone Alarm, stick to 4.5.
I'm definately going to Italy now, my name is on the ticket, it's booked,, i'm going! woo hoo!
Only problem is a certain someone has prevented me from.....examining the certain details......sod...
Oh and it looks like I'm gonig to leeds after that.....
My summer is booked out by other people....
Oh well.
I'd better go sleep now, can't be late and fail an exam at the same time:P

Tuesday 8 June 2004

Boredom strikes....and it tastes fluffy!

Hyrule Whore
Name / Username
You will sleep with: Deku Tree (watch out for splinters)
Where: Hyrule castle (make sure the guards don't catch you)
This quiz by Tumors - Taken 984 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

When you get old...
Full Name
You will have had 12 kids named after the disciples
You will Live alone in a huge house with lots of cats
You'll live to be 71
You'll have Absolutely nothing
This cool quiz by pinkmood - Taken 1121 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology

You are on a game show!
What game show?: Family Feud
You wear?: a sweatshirt
They liked having you on the show? TRUE
What you get, besides cash?: stinky socks
You win?: $133,149,113,437,299,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00
How many things/questions do you get right? - 49%
This quiz by Midnight_Sunrise - Taken 516 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Just about enough to buy that super computer I've been eyeing up....

What is Your kinkyness level??
nick name
your kinkyness level is... - 93%
This Quiz by vile_kitten - Taken 1783 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

*points to name of person who created this meme*

Which Mythical Creature are you?
Full Name
You are a hobbit
with the power to control water
and you will use them to help people
because you are a bad person
This quiz by outshot - Taken 1422 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

So helping people makes you a bad person? :S

Which of my catchphrases are you?
Name / Username
You are: Cha, right, F*cktard
This Quiz by Reaper - Taken 1560 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

Me likies!

And finally..........................(yes, I realise the problem with this)

Females For Sale
Body Type
Cup Size
You are worth $2.33
This Quiz by Oz-Man - Taken 763 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Go me....I think....

Sunday 6 June 2004

The reliving another's childhood goes on........

So work again today. Can't say I remember much of it, generator was still on the fritz so I slept the day away. Go me.
Later on during the shift when I had slept as much as I could to pass the time, I decided to take a look at some of the newspapers the builders had left behind.
Now, there was the usual lot, such as the daily star and....the daily guessed it...the daily star....which is like a newspaper made for 8 year olds, or at least that level of intelligence.
However, there was one other one there which caught my eye, namely the "Daily Sport". Now I'm not much of a sporting fan so I left it to last, sorta last resort thing. 5 mins later, having read everything of value in the 3 issues of the daily star, last rest it was....
So I opened the Daily sport, only to be greeted by a woman with a rather large, rather nice pair of b00bs. Next page...more after that...yet more b00bs, with some arses.....and so on and so forth. In fact, of the 40-odd pages in the daily sport, only 3 of them, including the front and back cover, had anything to DO with sport.....
Anyhoo, after last night's new found love for old amiga music, I had to go one step higher and play some actual amiga games. This was the third time I'd tried to emulate the fucker, and as the saying proves, 3rd time lucky, I got it to work! wooooooo!
Damn they bring back nostalgic memories.....of things I'd never played.... 0_o
I think I've been taken over by the spirit of some mid-20 year old guy who recently died and owned an amiga as a kid....
Speaking of kids, and being quite random, I was watching TV the other day to see a bunch of about 4 or 5 kids pretending to be from jackass by jumping over a petrol fueled fire. That is, until one of them spilled petrol on the other as he was jumping through the fire, causing him to instantly be set alight and putting him in hospital with severe burns. I laughed.

Saturday 5 June 2004

It's like reliving somebody else's past....

So, work today.......................
Started at 13:00, got on site only to be greeted by a padlock. A quick phone call revealed that some twat took the keys and left them in the head office some 8 or 9 miles away.....
At about 14:00 the Keys arrived along with a supervisor, just as well, the pavement was doing a number on my arse.
SO, I was on the site, however, there was no power, so no lights, radio or anything. A quick look around and I found the generator, but after pissing about for about 10mins, i couldn't get it to work. Luckily, the supervisor was still around, so he had a go, but to no avail, the fucker just didn't want to start. Oh well. At least it got me off site an hour early when it got dark, and with no loss of pay either :D
After getting home and sitting down to a rather tasty pizza, I discovered a new love. Specifically for old game music-ish things, mainly from the amiga age, which I wasn't much a part of (that's what the title's about, in case you were wondering). I defy you to try some of it, such as this (note: you might need winamp to play it) it's totally great! :D
Oh yea! I got paid a sum of £404 British pounds, go fucking me!! :D:D:D!

Thursday 3 June 2004


Tomorrow, or well, today, is pay day :D
Lets see how much I get for a month of just weekends *rubs hands*
Only problem is there's a staff meeting which will last about an hour, and it aint paid either, that's why they have it on pay day, otherwise nobody would turn up ¬_¬
Ah well, the money is worth it :)
I had to work a couple of extra days during this week, by my estimates, I should get about £220 (about $400) this week alone :D
Oh and to the uninformed, Nozzy is now the worlds No. 1 cunt and we all (me, Db, jfk, toxin and quite a few others) hate him now. Nozzy, if you're reading this, you suck!
Working more this weekend, exams most of next week, the summer has arrived, but somehow things just don't seem much more relaxed...
And my feet are killing me, last site I was on had nasty little things called "clock points" which basically made sure you walked around the site every now and then and are now the bane of my life. Not because I gotta get up, they only take like 10mins to do, but because of the 9 points, only 4 of them work as they should and you gotta stand there, sometimes in the pissing rain, for like 20mins with the little machine trying to get the fucker to work. A good beating works wonders.