
Monday 6 June 2005

Update time

Well lets see here.
Thursday at work was rather hard, but at least we finished on time.
Friday was nice and easy. In fact, I was finished at 09:30 (That's AM obviously :P) so that was pretty sweet.
I bought a new router for reasons I'll explain later, but it didn't work so I had to take it back to the shop.

 "We'll have to check it to make sure it's actually faulty" the guy said. "Well go ahead then, just plug it in, the little light doesn't even come on properly"
"No, we'll have to do it later"
"But it takes like 2 seconds...."
"NO IT DOESN'T! You'll have to come back later"
"I don't know, it could be later today but it might take up to a week"

So I did. I left, got home and literally as I get in the phone rings. It's them telling me actually was faulty!
So back into town I went and got it.
But it was worth it!
Now I don't have to use my shitty USB ADSL modem, to most people that means nothing, but to me it means I can install Windows XP x64 and Linux and stuff. And once again to most that means nothing, but to me it means a lot :D

Lets see...the weekend was spent lazying around doing nothing. It was great! :D

And I felt like punching BQFH, but more on that later.
I had a biology exam today, the final one, so I wasn't at work. I was 45mins late for it too. It's only an hour long exam.
Oh well, I don't care any more, I kinda don't want to go to Uni but I don't want to just go to work in some dead-end job, since I'll only really have one chance to go to Uni, I feel I should take it in case I regret not doing it.
It's not so much Uni that's the problem, it's where it is, which I'm sure you all understand why it's a problem. Oh well.
Now onto BQFH.
As I said before, I wasn't at work cuz of an exam. And when my dad got home, I went down to say hello.. He didn't get in until after 17:00 so I asked him why he was late, BQFH was there.
The conversation kinda went like this (Ignore the names and people who I haven't mentioned before, you'll get the idea):

Me My Dad BQFH

"You weren't the only one off today"
"Was there many?"
"Yeah a few, I had to go out with Harry"
"That's why you're so late?"
"Rosanna gave me a big bag of cat food today"
"Yeah, it was a pretty heavy day, and Harry's aunt had a stroke  today too"
"Shit that's not good"
"John, Rosanna gave me a big bag of cat food today"
"Ok Honey. Yeah, I think she's Dan's Grandmother"
"He was off today anyway"
"And he might be off tomorrow too, so it could be another heavy-"

I swear to Christ. I was so close to smacking her in the face, I mean how self centred can you get? Not only does she plainly not give a flying fuck about the fact that someone we work with, a damn nice guy too (Harry gives me and my dad a lift to work every morning) has had a close family member have a stroke, but she also DEMANDED that we pay her attention! Christ on Ice!
On second thoughts, going to Uni can't be THAT bad.....

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