
Wednesday 29 June 2005

Sugar has failed me...

So yeah...lets see here...what have I been up to?
Well the whole weekend I sat around eating pizza, chocolate and drinking coke. The past 2 days have been a similar combination with added working. Fun.
Oh and throw in more women troubles. Fun fun.
Today some friends convinced me to go out. There was a preformal on (for a different school obviously.
I didn't want to go, but I tried my best. I went out trying to be all up for it. My vibe didn't last long, so I resorted to some Red bull. Still didn't help. So more chocolate, that'll pick me up, usually does. Usually.
Heh...I guess there comes a point when whatever it is you use as an anti-depressant just stops working. Some people use alcohol, others use drugs, I use sugar and caffeine...
It just wasn't working, when we finally arrived at the place we were going to, all I wanted to do was go home to be by myself.
I lied to my friends. I told them I forgot my ID, luckily for me the bouncers were checking everyone trying to get in. Including me.
It was in my pocket the whole time. I hope they forgive me.

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