
Wednesday 22 June 2005

Pissed at the world

Time for a good ol' Rant.

Go ahead. Click that link. Watch the video on that page, but I warn you, if you have a weak stomach then don't click it. Of course by now you've already clicked it, the temptation has gotten you. Bastards.
Most of you probably know I'm pissed at the world I live in. Not just the local world either. There are people all around me who do not deserve to live, who should be taken out and shot.
And that's not just a local thing, there are people everywhere whom I'd like to take a hammer to, a few taps on the head might do them (and the world) some good.
The people in that video are a fine example, I don't even have to explain why they're a bunch of cunts, I mean it's bad enough that they're killing animals for their fur alone, but it's quite another that they beat them, break their legs and cut their skin off WHILE they're still alive, then just toss them onto the back of a truck for a slow, agonising death. And all so some fat-assed bitch with too much money can feel good. Makes me fucking sick too.
Now don't get me wrong, I sure as hell ain't no tree-loving hippie. In fact I don't even like being outside in "nature" and all that, I LIKE snow, I like it when everywhere looks barren and desolated, but I sure as hell wouldn't kill an animal for fun or because I wanted a new coat. Bastards.
And the guys doing the torturing (cuz lets face it, that's what it is) aren't the only bad guys, the people buying them are just as bad, if not worse.
I can justify the killing of say a cow, that's for food. It's survival, without it I would die. And to all those people who are going to scream "why don't you become a vegetarian then?" well that's because "veggies" are stupid. Animal meats contain all sorts of vitamins that we need to function properly, true vegetarians are more likely to get some illnesses due to a lack of these vitamins (I forget the name of the one I have in mind though), as well as that, a lot of medicine we use today are made from animal products, so it's even more justified. And not only that, but at least the animals are killed quickly and with no pain (if done correctly), we've moved on a hell of a lot from a few thousand years ago when they would have been hacked to death. Or at least, I'd like to think so. But when we kill them, nay, torture them to a slow, painful death, just because we want to LOOK good, I have to wonder if we have moved on at all. The human race is barbaric, it's full of savages, shallow people, assholes, the world does not have enough good people in it to justify it's existence!
I wish god,the devil,  haven and hell really did exist at times, at least that way I'd know that all those cunts are going to burn for eternity. But no, they're going to make a lot of money from it, live out the rest of their lives in luxury and die, have a big funeral, teach their children all about being an asshole while their wives go out and buy some fancy fur to make themselves feel good, all the while the animals are getting hunted down and subjected to that.
There is no justice in this world.
And you know, if human skin was in any way as "nice" as fur, then humans would be hunted down all the same, for their skin. Slaves would be worked to death and then cut apart and sold, bit by bit. Yes, slavery still exists today, big suits like Bush and Blair try to act and say that humans have made the world a better place, but all they've done is covered peoples eyes by having a little war every now and then to make them feel good about themselves. Go a little further east from Iraq and you'll still find slavery, you'll find people starving to death while you all munch on your fancy dinners, you'll find people working their fingers down to the bone to make that football they're kicking around on TV probably for less than $1 a day, while the person kicking it is getting paid millions. You'll find children being sold for less than the price of a packet of cigarettes, only to be used to pick the tobacco fields that make the same cigs.
That banana you had the other day? It was probably bought by Fyffe or chiqita or one of the other Banana companies from the farmer for about 0.1p per bunch. If he's lucky.

I could rant on all night about the worlds problems, drugs, murder, rape, child abuse, the list goes on. When asked to think of a crime, even a humanitarian crime, you get an almost endless list in your head immediately. When someone asks you to think of some "miracles" on the same scale, you go blank, even if you're a dedicated believer to whatever religion.

At first, I was only pissed at women around me, they tend to screw me over. I figured that women were all evil and that men were misunderstood or something. Some of them anyway. But it's obvious now that the Human race is the evil thing, all humans, male or female, are inherently evil and they will screw you over if they get the chance, whether it be for money, power or

As I said before, I don't believe in a heaven or Hell. But on thinking about it, maybe they do exist. And this place that we call "home" is Hell.

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