
Thursday 30 June 2005

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It's just so cool ^_^


I spend all of today working then right after work went to help BQFH move back to her old house. And now I'm finally back. But guess what, I'm happy! I spent the whole day being depressed and not saying a single word and now I'm happy, and it's all because of one thing:


Wednesday 29 June 2005

Sugar has failed me...

So yeah...lets see here...what have I been up to?
Well the whole weekend I sat around eating pizza, chocolate and drinking coke. The past 2 days have been a similar combination with added working. Fun.
Oh and throw in more women troubles. Fun fun.
Today some friends convinced me to go out. There was a preformal on (for a different school obviously.
I didn't want to go, but I tried my best. I went out trying to be all up for it. My vibe didn't last long, so I resorted to some Red bull. Still didn't help. So more chocolate, that'll pick me up, usually does. Usually.
Heh...I guess there comes a point when whatever it is you use as an anti-depressant just stops working. Some people use alcohol, others use drugs, I use sugar and caffeine...
It just wasn't working, when we finally arrived at the place we were going to, all I wanted to do was go home to be by myself.
I lied to my friends. I told them I forgot my ID, luckily for me the bouncers were checking everyone trying to get in. Including me.
It was in my pocket the whole time. I hope they forgive me.

Tuesday 28 June 2005


Love and Sex With Your Friends by dannygrl0129
Favorite Color
Love of your life:_thedan_
Best sex of your life:spinkychan
Will make you come 1000 times:noloveleftforme
Will break your heart:7of12
Best Kisser:aircraftkiller
Best cuddler:outlawstarwind
You secretly dream of:shokora_neko
But this person dreams of you:wintersmalice
Will handcuff you and screw you silly:electricxcherry
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Frankly, i'm not surprised at half of those answers...

Saturday 25 June 2005

A writer she says...
That two-faced fucking whore!
And I'm not talking about Sarah

Oh somebody will pay dearly for everything, mark my words.

Friday 24 June 2005

Stocky is coming to Ireland.
I'm going to meet him in about a weeks time.
2 years ago at around this time I was just falling in love with Michelle.
Around This same time last year I was falling in love with Kay.

This is certainly a twist on the ol' cycle....

Thursday 23 June 2005


I'm going to try to go out tonight. To a particular place.
Sarah will be there. I want to buy her a drink. I sat talking to her for an hour today, she even gave me the coffee for free...
Gah...this could go so many ways.

Wish me luck.

I'm an idiot.

Wednesday 22 June 2005

Pissed at the world

Time for a good ol' Rant.

Go ahead. Click that link. Watch the video on that page, but I warn you, if you have a weak stomach then don't click it. Of course by now you've already clicked it, the temptation has gotten you. Bastards.
Most of you probably know I'm pissed at the world I live in. Not just the local world either. There are people all around me who do not deserve to live, who should be taken out and shot.
And that's not just a local thing, there are people everywhere whom I'd like to take a hammer to, a few taps on the head might do them (and the world) some good.
The people in that video are a fine example, I don't even have to explain why they're a bunch of cunts, I mean it's bad enough that they're killing animals for their fur alone, but it's quite another that they beat them, break their legs and cut their skin off WHILE they're still alive, then just toss them onto the back of a truck for a slow, agonising death. And all so some fat-assed bitch with too much money can feel good. Makes me fucking sick too.
Now don't get me wrong, I sure as hell ain't no tree-loving hippie. In fact I don't even like being outside in "nature" and all that, I LIKE snow, I like it when everywhere looks barren and desolated, but I sure as hell wouldn't kill an animal for fun or because I wanted a new coat. Bastards.
And the guys doing the torturing (cuz lets face it, that's what it is) aren't the only bad guys, the people buying them are just as bad, if not worse.
I can justify the killing of say a cow, that's for food. It's survival, without it I would die. And to all those people who are going to scream "why don't you become a vegetarian then?" well that's because "veggies" are stupid. Animal meats contain all sorts of vitamins that we need to function properly, true vegetarians are more likely to get some illnesses due to a lack of these vitamins (I forget the name of the one I have in mind though), as well as that, a lot of medicine we use today are made from animal products, so it's even more justified. And not only that, but at least the animals are killed quickly and with no pain (if done correctly), we've moved on a hell of a lot from a few thousand years ago when they would have been hacked to death. Or at least, I'd like to think so. But when we kill them, nay, torture them to a slow, painful death, just because we want to LOOK good, I have to wonder if we have moved on at all. The human race is barbaric, it's full of savages, shallow people, assholes, the world does not have enough good people in it to justify it's existence!
I wish god,the devil,  haven and hell really did exist at times, at least that way I'd know that all those cunts are going to burn for eternity. But no, they're going to make a lot of money from it, live out the rest of their lives in luxury and die, have a big funeral, teach their children all about being an asshole while their wives go out and buy some fancy fur to make themselves feel good, all the while the animals are getting hunted down and subjected to that.
There is no justice in this world.
And you know, if human skin was in any way as "nice" as fur, then humans would be hunted down all the same, for their skin. Slaves would be worked to death and then cut apart and sold, bit by bit. Yes, slavery still exists today, big suits like Bush and Blair try to act and say that humans have made the world a better place, but all they've done is covered peoples eyes by having a little war every now and then to make them feel good about themselves. Go a little further east from Iraq and you'll still find slavery, you'll find people starving to death while you all munch on your fancy dinners, you'll find people working their fingers down to the bone to make that football they're kicking around on TV probably for less than $1 a day, while the person kicking it is getting paid millions. You'll find children being sold for less than the price of a packet of cigarettes, only to be used to pick the tobacco fields that make the same cigs.
That banana you had the other day? It was probably bought by Fyffe or chiqita or one of the other Banana companies from the farmer for about 0.1p per bunch. If he's lucky.

I could rant on all night about the worlds problems, drugs, murder, rape, child abuse, the list goes on. When asked to think of a crime, even a humanitarian crime, you get an almost endless list in your head immediately. When someone asks you to think of some "miracles" on the same scale, you go blank, even if you're a dedicated believer to whatever religion.

At first, I was only pissed at women around me, they tend to screw me over. I figured that women were all evil and that men were misunderstood or something. Some of them anyway. But it's obvious now that the Human race is the evil thing, all humans, male or female, are inherently evil and they will screw you over if they get the chance, whether it be for money, power or

As I said before, I don't believe in a heaven or Hell. But on thinking about it, maybe they do exist. And this place that we call "home" is Hell.

Tuesday 21 June 2005

An ACTUAL Update! :o

So lets see here. Time to update a little on Kushan.

Been working a lot still, I've noticed that this place has only gotten harder and harder. I'm not gonna quit or anything, it's just that the amount of stuff we've had to shift has been increasing almost daily.
I can tell because of the amount of bags we use. On my first day, I needed to pick up 4 bags when offloading the van, the next day it was 5. Skip forward a few days, it jumped up to around 11 per run, then 15 and finally today it was 25.

Also, the bastardly whore that is the government is taking a lot of my money :(
I'm getting taxed a lot, I need to go to the tax office to explain to them that I want more money or something. I'm sure they'll understand ^_^

Speaking of money, I've decided to finally get a new Graphics card to replace this shitty ATI 9800 that I have. Thanks to this card, I now hate ATI passionately, it's forever causing problems in games, crashing, overheating, you name it. And the drivers suck! Even just installing them is a hassle, especially on XP x64.
Oh well, Nvidia for the win.

Which brings me to my next point.....

There's all sorts of different variants of cards out there, usually the number tells you how powerful it's going to be. The low end Nvidia cards are the 6200 series of cards. The high end is the 6800 series, with the 6600 being in between. Makes sense.

But it goes further than that, within each group, there are even more variants, such as the 6800GT and the 6800Ultra.
The 6800GT is clocked at 350MHz/500MHz (for GPU/Memory), the 6800ULtra is clocked at 400MHz/550MHz

But take a look at this.
This is the 6800GT:

And this is the 6800Ultra:

Notice anything? They look rather bloody similar, don't they?
They are nearly identical in fact, until you look at the price. Indeed, the Ultra is £60 more expensive than the GT, but the only real difference is the clock speeds, which you can increase yourself with a simple application. Even the Heatsink and Fan are the same.
So I could pay £260 for a 6800Ultra or I could pay £200 for a 6800GT and overclock it to the speeds of an ultra at no additional cost, in fact I can clock it even faster than that! So by knowing just a tiny simple bit of information, I save myself £60 AND get a faster Graphics card!
I love being tech savvy ^_^

In other news, today while at work, some random guy gave me a full bottle of expensive wine o_0
Makes it a bit of a shame that I don't drink, but whoever gets it in the end will probably appreciate it more than I ever could.

San andreas still rules, if you haven't played it (even if you didn't like other GTA games), I suggest you do. Only downside is that it's put my C++ learning on hold, but I've learned a good bit of the basics already so even if I don't learn any more, I'll be happy enough come september as it'll let me ease into things. Besides, I'm awesome, I'll cope even if nobody there who was or still is in some way a friend and not a twisted psychopath wants to help.

Sunday 19 June 2005

I'm gonna regret this....

Girls Aloud - Love Machine
McFly - Obviously
Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten

I've Named 3 songs I have on my computer that I'm "ashamed" to like. Now you do the same and post this on your Journal.

*puts on flame retardant suit* >_<
Get GTA: San Andreas.

That is all.

Saturday 18 June 2005

A is for Apple

I'm tired.
Of everything.
You scored as Love Machine Cat. Look out! The love machine is on the loose. You might want to take off a night of permiscuity and go get your junk checked out. Nothing sadder than a cat with herpes.

Couch Potato Cat


Pissed at the World Cat


Love Machine Cat


Nerd Cat


Derranged Cat


Ninja Cat


Drunk Cat


Which Absurd Cat are you?
created with

Thursday 16 June 2005


I should be in an exam right this second....
To hell with it.

Wednesday 15 June 2005


For the past 3 days I've been working in the pissing wet rain and now I think I've caught a cold.
Also, Monday and Tuesday were late we finished on time. For a change.
This Job does nothing to help my stress, but at least money is building up for September.
And as another note, it does help keep you fit, apart from feeling ill I'm the best I've been ever (physically wise), ironic since I'm the worst I've been mentally in a long time. Damn the world.
And no, this isn't some post seeking attention, anyone of you that knows me at all knows I've felt shitty for a while now, if it's not Kay fucking with my head, it's Liverpool and what might happen there, if it's not that, it's the fact that I hate my Job, if it's not that it's the fact that all of my real life friends have seemingly just abandoned me, if it's not that, it's BQFH, if it's not her, it's the people around me. Maybe I'm just hard to please, but really I think the world is just a shitty place to live.

Monday 13 June 2005

Sunday 12 June 2005

Oh Chaela!

That person is my hero. For some reason, I think Chaela will get a kick out of this >_>

EDIT: And while we're at it:

Stupid religious types.

Saturday 11 June 2005

~You Stuff~
001. What is your name: Kushan
002. Spell your name backwards: nahsuk
003. Date of birth: 28/03/87
004. Male or female: Male
005. Astrological sign: Aries
006. Nicknames: Kushan....duh
007. Occupation: Student/Recycler
008. Height: Just under 6Ft
009. Weight: No idea
010. Hair color: Brown
011. Eye color: Blue
012. Where were you born: Belfast
013. Where do you reside now: Belfast
016. E-mail address:
017. What does your email stand for: The Kat...
018. What is your livejournal name: Kushan (Notice a pattern here?)
019. What does your journal name stand for: ........................fuck off.
020. Pets: My 2 Cats
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: Can't remember
022. Piercings: None
023. Tattoo's: None
024. Shoe size: 11
025. Righty or lefty: I use my right hand
026. Wearing: Boxers....that's it.
027. Hearing: Lord_Kane
028. Feeling: Hot. In the bad way.
029. Eating/drinking: Leftover Coke....

~Which One of Your Friends is the...~
030. Craziest: Ryan
031. Loudest: Ryan/
032. Nicest: Ryan
033. Most popular: G
034. Life of the party: G
035. Jock: o_0
036. Prep: 0_o
037. Rebel: All of us....
038. Cutest: 0__________o
039. Best friend of the same sex: Don't have one
040. Best friend of the opposite sex: Fionnuala
041. Quietest: Kev
042. Rudest: G
043. Most shy: Kev or Sean
044. Ditzyest: Ryan
045. Smartest: Kev
046. Weirdest: Pick one o_0
047. Has the best hair: Ryan, he's the only one that cares
048. Best personality: G
049. Most talented: 0_o Depends, Ryan is talented at taking cock, Barry is talanted at wanking at odd times during the day, Sean is talented at making innuendos etc.
050. Most ghetto: No idea.
051. Most spoiled: Ryan maybe....
052. Drama queen: RYAN!
053. Pain in the butt: Ryan's gay...that could mean he HAS a pain in the butt.....
054. Funniest: Barry or G
055. Best advice given: I'm usually the one giving advice
056. Most popular with the teachers: o_0 Barry was pretty popular with Cro....(Inside story)
057. Most likely to join a cult: idea...
058. Have you lost touch with a good friend recently: Yup, lots
059. Person you've been friends with the longest: No idea.
060. Cucumberella: wtf?

~Girls/Love/Kissing/and Other Stuff~
061. Have you ever been in love: Oh yes.
062. How many people have you told "I love you": 2
063. How many people have you been in love with: 1
064. How many people have you kissed: err.....a lot...
065. Have you ever kissed someone that you were in love with: Yup.
066. How many people have you dated: Too many, all of them bitches.
067. What do you look for in a guy/girl: Good typing skills and intelligence. Also a little pervertedness.
068. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: In real life, how they talk, online it's how they type.
069. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for: The ones that aren't bitches.
070. Do you have a bf/gf: Nope and I don't intend on getting one for a while.
071. If so where did you meet them: N/A
072. What do you like most about your bf/gf: N/A
073. Do you have a crush right now: Yup
074. If so who is it: Sarah from Javaman....
075. Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope.
076. Do you remember your first love: All too well.
077. Who is the first person you kissed: Kay
078. Do you believe in fate: If it exists, it's a cruel bastard.
079. Do you believe in soul mates: Nope.
080. If so do you believe you'll ever find yours: N/A

~Family Stuff~
104. How many siblings do you have: 2
105. What are your parents names: Marion and John.
106. What are your siblings names: Chris and John Paul.
107. How many siblings does your mother have: Have no idea, a lot.
108. How many siblings does your father have: None
109. Where are your parents from: Ireland...duh...
110. Is your family close: Not really.
111. Does your family get together for holidays: Once last year, that was it.
112. Do you have a drunk uncle: Nope. Used to though.
113. Any medical problems run through your family: Not that I know of.
114. Does someone in your family wear a toupee: Nope
115. Do you have any nieces or nephews: Kinda.
116. Are your parents divorced: Yup
117. Do you have step parents: Kinda....
118. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family: Nah.
119. If so for what: ---
120. Did some of your family come to America from another country: I'm not IN america. Stupid survey.

~Music Stuff~
121. What song do you swear was written about you or your life: I don't think there's one in particular out there that defines me.
122. What's the most embarrassing CD you own: I do not buy music.
123. What's the best CD you own: I do not buy music.
124. What song do you absolutely hate: Anything by Avril
125. Do you sing in the shower: I. Don't Sing.
126. What song reminds you of that special someone: Go fuck yourself.

~I Name an Artist and You Give a Song ~
127. Pink:
128. Aerosmith:
129. Madonna:
130. Korn:
131. Backstreet Boys:
132. The Beatles:
133. Sublime:
134. J.Lo:
135. Nsync:
136. Limp Bizkit:
137. Britney Spears:
138. Creed:
139. Enrique Iglesias:
140. Good Charlotte:
141. Christina:
143. New Found Glory:
144. Kelly Clarkson:
145. Kelly Osbourne:
146. Mandy Moore:
147: Eve:
148. Aaliyah:
149. Nelly:
150. Alicia Keys:
151. Incubus:

I don't care enough about music to bother filling this bit in.

152. Color: Black, maybe green
153. Food: Pizza obviously
154. Song: At this moment in time it's CAKE - Comfort eagle
155. Show: Family guy or american dad
156. School: o_0
157. Band/singer: Queen
158. Animal: Cats
159. Outfit: o_0
160. Radio station: Don't listen to it.
161. Movie: Hmm...Sin City's pretty good.
162. Pair of shoes: I'm not a woman.
163. Cartoon: Family guy/American Dad
164. Actor: Patrick Stewart
165. Actress: No idea.
166. Potato chip: Crisps, f00. Cheese and Onion.
167. Drink: Red Bull.
168. Alcoholic drink: I don't Drink.
169. Holiday: Hmm...No holiday really makes me think happy thoughts at the moment.
170. Perfume/cologne: ....
171. Pizza topping: Pepperoni
172. Jello flavor: Haven't eaten it in ages.
173. Lunch meat: Err....Ham
174. Board game: Hmm...Monopoly
175. Video game: Hostile Waters
176. Website:
177. Book: Dune
178. Computer game: Video Games ARE computer games. Twat.
179. Number: 2^25964951-1
180. Cereal: Cheerios
181. Comedian: Billy Connely
182. Dessert: Chocolate Fudge Cake
183. Disney character: Disney is Evil.
184. Clothing store: I. AM. NOT. A. GIRL.
185. Pasttime: o_0
186. Teacher: 0_o
187. Childhood toy: Errrm.....I dunno.
188. Carnival game/ride: Anything big and scary.
189. Candy bar: Galaxy Caramel
190. Magazine: I don't buy any
191. Salad dressing: I don't eat salad
192. Thing to do on the weekend: Have a wank?
193. Hot drink: Coffee
194. Season: Winter
195. Sport to watch: Formula 1
196. Person to talk to online: idea.

~This or That~
219. Coke/Pepsi: Coke
220. Doughnuts/bagels: Doughnuts
221. Day/night: Night
222. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: Wicked witch of the Brothel.
223. Heaven/hell: Whichever has the least n00bs.
224. Computer/TV: Computer
225. Coffee/tea: Coffee
226. Hamburgers/hotdogs: Hot Dogs
227. Rap/rock: Rock
228. Britney/Christina: Christina, Britney is a whore.
229. Swiss cheese/American cheese: If by "American cheese" you mean PROCESSED cheese, then I'll take swiss cheese.
230. Real World/Road Rules: o_0
231. Backstreet Boys/Nsync: Whichever is closest to the edge of the cliff.
232. Silver/gold: Silver.
233. Nikes/Adidas: Neither
234. McDonalds/Burger King: Burker King, McD sucks.
235. Sweet/sour: Sweet
236. Punk/emo: Punk I guess
237. Hot/cold: Cold
238. Winter/summer: Winter
239. Spring/fallAutumn: Autumn
240. Operas/plays: Opera
241. Read/watch TV: TV
242. CD's/tapes: CD
243. DVD's/vhs: DVD
244. Old/new: New
245. Shorts/skirts: Depends who's wearing them and how short they are
246. Pink/red: Red
247. Coloured pictures/black and white photos: Colour
248. Meat/vegetables: Meat and two veg :D
249. Mexican food/chinese food: Chinese
250. Commercials/infomercials: Either.
251. Scary movies/comedies: Comedies, scary movies jsut aren't...scary...
252. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: Bikinis let you see more >_>
253. Sandals/tennis shoes: Neither
254. Dogs/cats: Cats obviously
255. Unicorns/fairies: Fairies....I don't know!
256. Water/land: Land
257. Sugar/spice: Sugar
258. Black/white: Black
259. Ribbons/bows: What kind of a fucking survey is this?
260. Chicken/beef: Chicken
261. Coloured christmas lights/regular white christmas lights: Coloured
262. Cars/trucks: Trucks
263. Austin Powers/James Bond: Bond, Austin Powers sucks.
264. Popcorn/pretzels: Popcorn
265. Hip/hop: I refuse to answer on the grounds that that is a retarded question.
266. Passionate kiss/peck: If you're gonna do it, do it right.
267. WWE wrestling/real wrestling: Neither
268. Back rub/foot massage: Back Rub
269. Picture frames/photo albums: Photobucket
270. Pens/pencils: Pens

My student loan thing came through today. I think I'm getting nearly 5 Grand o_o

Thursday 9 June 2005


If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?

(Now post this in your journal and see my reaction.)

Your Deadly Sins

Envy: 60%

Sloth: 60%

Wrath: 40%

Gluttony: 0%

Greed: 0%

Lust: 0%

Pride: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 23%

You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths.

How Sinful Are You?

Well I'm boring, so what....

Wednesday 8 June 2005

*sigh* The future beckons....

Work was at least ok today, hardly anyone put boxes out. I guess people really don't care about Recycling once the "ooo, something new to do" effect wears off. Finished at about 15:00.
And I came home to find that the University I'm going to sent out my accommodation form thing. All I gotta do is send them off a cheque for £200 and then I'm sorted....
And that's when it sort of started hitting. I'm going away.....
To an unfamiliar place. A place where I don't know anyone except a bunch of people who hate me. A place where I'm going to have to work hard to learn, work hard to earn money to eat, work hard to ignore her.
Things just aren't going to be easy and it bothers me.
I'm not scared....I'm just having second thoughts. But what can I do? I can't not go, this is like the only proper chance I'll get to go to University. I'm just having second thoughts.
If I don't go, I'll be a nobody, just an average Joe trying to survive in a world run by rich people who don't give a toss.
As much as I don't care for money, I don't want to be.....normal.
I want to be different, I want to do something memorable, something people will look back on and say "Yup, Steve Donaghy was a good guy"...
Or maybe, I just don't want people to think I'm a bad person...
The heat is killing me. It's so hot here, I can't concentrate properly, different thoughts race through my head faster than I can analyse, one second I'm thinking about Uni, the next I'm thinking about some girl, could be her, could be someone else, it doesn't matter, I just....keep jumping from one thing to another and evidently forget whatever it was that I was doing at the time.
Heh....I don't think I've talked to anyone properly in a while now, I'm just keeping myself to myself for the most of it.
3 Months........

With reference to the dream I had last night....


On another note....

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