
Wednesday 13 October 2004


I hate having to defend myself on my own journal, people just don't have the common decency to allow commenting on thier own. Possibly because too many people would tell them they're wrong....

Who is right and who is wrong?

You can all decide who the hell is right in this argument
Toxin is being an immature pirck and has gone way too far, Kushan deserves an apology
Kushan is being stupid, blowing this out of proportion and being a "pussy*
This Poll by Kushan
Click here to view results

Summary of the story:
Toxin and Kushan were having a nice friendly joke, throwing various insults at eachother, nothing new being used as anything mentioned had been mentioned to several others before hand, when Toxin decides to use something that he knows may make Kushan feel shitty, something that he knows Kushan deeply regrets and would rather the world moved along and forgot about it and then doesn't have the common decency to admit that he may have just went too far.
Now of course that's my opinion of it, but don't feel that I'm possibly being biased, by all means go and read toxin's point of view and decide for yourself, then cast your vote on the poll to end this once and for all because I'm already sick of his prancing about it.

I hate to do this, but it must be done..

"No the part about his stupid online-'son' is even mentioned in his journal, of course he goes on to deny this and say it was part of a private conversation and other bullshit, when the pussy has no offences left, the pussy hides."

For a start, I blocked you BEFORE that conversation even happend, so that last remark is void.
Also, I NEVER ONCE SAID IT WASN'T PUBLIC INFORMATION. If you had been PAYING ATTENTION to what I was saying, what I was referring to was the thing with you and the Gay bar, I am almost positive I posted it here once before and you didn't have a problem with it, so thus it was public information and yadda yadda yadda. Stop reading what you WANT to read.

"You see Pussy, you mentioned ONE THING about me that was actually public information, and the rest was had in private conversation between the two of us, conversations which should have stayed between YOU and ME"

Now this is also a misconception, anything I used was made public at some point, either in some random journal entry or on a forum or whatever, or at least was something that you wouldn't give a shit about people knowing, unless you're concerned about your sexuality or something.

"But the Pussy follows no social standards, and in his blindingly stupid rampage of mock offense manages to over look the fact that everything I used to insult him had been made public material, everything except ONE thing that was used relating to me was PRIVATE."

"Should it be the one of us who tried to keep the whole thing on DDR, who did not throw fuel on the fire, and who had privacy and trust tossed in his face, and who only used public information, information made public by the pussy itself, as the basis for 'insults' which were mere statements of fact."

Yes, everything you used to insult the whole DDR me where I posted that in public, pelase, becase I must have hit my head at some point as it's a total blank to me.

EDIT IN AFTER: Also the inflatable sheep called dolly, which is public knowledge tha tHe's taking to a formal.

Once again this is not public information, show me what journal or forum I posted that in.

Oh and I should point out, look at what's at the bottom of this post! THE COMMENT BUTTON!
That means you can ACTUALLY VOICE AN OPINOIN ON THE SUBJECT and not leave me to feel smug because I got the last word, which means I'm right since nobody can reply to tell me otherwise.... :)

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