
Thursday 14 October 2004

I've had enough

That's it, I've decided, I've had enough. IT's over, I'm going to fuck off now, but before I go let me say a few things

I'm so fucking stressed out you all have no idea, you all seem to tihkn I'm some happy Irihs kitty that doesn't ahve problems, that everything's peechy for, you all expect me to always be happy and never get upset or depressed or whatever, because any time I do, the likes of Toxin DIVE on me and tell me I'm just trying to get everything MY way. How fucking pathetic.

I'm tired of this, I'm sick of always trying to be nice for everyone only to have them go fuckypoo at you for having a fling with their girlfriend, after all I do love her with all my heart and really only went to leeds so I could flirt with her and try to fuck her, so I could break you two apart, because that's JSUT the guy I am. I mean it was nothing to do with the fact that really I'm fucked up in the head and tend to go a little crazy when I'm in unfamilliar surroundings with people I don't really know, I mean if that was the case, then I'd stick to whichever felt most familliar, or if it got really bad go for a nice long walk by myself, but that didn't happen at all....

Oh and I have lots and lots of regrets, yeys for me, I love how I was once so pussy wupped I was ready to accept a kid I'd never even heard or seen before as my own, yeah I get a real kick of having that slapped in my face by a (former) really good friend, it was totally awesome, like 10million hot dogs awesome. w00t.

Yeah, oh then what really made it cool was how that person didn't think for even a SPLIT second that perhaps he'd went too far and should ahve stopped, nooope, he though it would be fun to just keep rubbing it all in, like salt into an open wound. double w00t.

Now why am I being so pissy? is it because of this shit alone? You'd probably like to think that, you'd probably like to remember me as some shallow minded prick who always wants his way, but there' OH so much more to all this.
Like how the BQfH is doing her old shit again, wuppe had a nice bog row today with her and everything. Oh and how about school? that's also fun, having all sorts of teachers coming after me, giving me saturday detensions for shitty things like being 5mins late. Oh and my formal! How could I forget about that! no less than 14 people including myself are going to meet up at a certain house and get 2 limos to the place, when I told my dad this he ASSURED me that he knew a guy that could get us them nice and cheap. Of course he took his sweet fucking time about it and now it's too late to actually book a single limo so there's now 13 very pissed off people wanting to do nast things to me. At least they will when they find out. Triple w00t.

Oh and there's so much more I would love to have got off my chest before, but I can't because the second I do I get shit like this:

[19:38:56] Kushan: Goog: I'm just so fucked off with everything I don't care
[19:39:13] fanic2001@ho: You sound UNBELIEVEABLY like Nozzy.

That was my good friend Toxin there, proving he really doesn't give a fuck about his friends feelings. Awesome.

So to that end, I've had enough of it all. I'm going, this time it's perminant. I ahve no intension of ever coming back to any of this shit, to any of you people.

So please by all means go ahead and post anything you want about me, I wont be reading it. and if you think you can come after me and try to stop me or bring me back - good luck, I wont be even using the same email addy any more, my new computer will be here so soon, so I'm gonna use it as a new beginning kinda thing, start afresh and all that so I don't fuck any more of you over, oh and so you can't do the same to me :)

Oh and to shut toxin up, because I KNOW he'd love to tell me that I'm just seeking some attension, here you go, a nice little gift:

Pass: Dragon

Pass: Dragon

The passwords to my now defucnt emails! I'm sure it wont be long before someone screws with them, now even I can't come back if I want to .

So to everyone I'v ever knew in THIS online life, that includes jfk, toxin, stocky, DB, spinky and all - GOODBYE!

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