
Monday 11 October 2004

Shit fuck cunt cunt fuck shit

I had one of those know.....where everything pisses you off.....

See, I had to go to a funeral for an old family friend. She was a cool person, always treated me like a grandson even though we're not related at all.
But her family sucks, they always mooched off her and shit like that.
But ANYWAY, day of the funeral and I was there with my dad and BQfH, and all they did was Btich bitch bitch...

"Oh noes, t3h coffin l00ks terrible!"
"The service was a farse!"
"The priest didn't even know her!" (Actually if they'd listened the priest said "I'd known Iris for about 10 years,but I haven't seen her in the last 5"...stupid cunts)
"I bet they all [Her sons] start fighting over her house"

and on and on and on...

Even when we moved from the Funeral place to the Grave yard, we somehow managed to get there before they did (Possibly because it's a Hearse...and doesn't move very quickly) and they started bitching at that

"I don't believe it, they're gone already! Don't they have any respect?!"

Then like 2mins later they arrived...

"Well they took their sweet time, I don't know why they're bothering now"

Jesus fucking Chrsit, I got that ALL...FUCKING...DAY!!!
I'd far rather have my balls nailed to the mast of a sinking ship than listen to those two bitch about everything ¬_¬

Oh and to really piss me off, to really rub it in, THEY FUCKING WENT TO MCDONALDS LATER ON!! RGIHT BESIDE A PERFECTLY GOOD BURGER KING TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Jesus, after ingesting that shite, I felt so dirty I even installed AIM when I went home (If you're gonna sin, you may as well do it right). But luckily I found something much it's not AIm, well not quite, it's more like Trillian, except not shit. It even let me log into MSN when it was acting like a whore earlier (Which also didn't help my mood).


Uber better get here soon, my wall can't take much more¬_¬

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